Thursday, July 4, 2013

Vultures open Their Wings

Cardinals Frolic in The Hand's Oak Trees. Frogs & Toads Sing of LOVE. A Male Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Zips about the Phloxes. Cows moo. Mockingbirds flash & flare playing chase Magnoliad Tree to Magnolia Tree. Limbs Hang Low as Drops still Drip from Pine Sprigs & Leaves. Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & Ground Doves in the Pecan Tree Chant Prayer. Squirrels Climb down from the Nest. More Cattle Egrets Fly in, landing in the Field with the Cows. A Skeeter Sucks on my Right Calf. In the Half dead Tree in the Field Two Turkey Vultures Open Thier Wings to shake Them out. A Black Racer sorta Swims across the driveway. Chimney Swifts Pop out of the Fire Place to sweep the Magnolia Tops. Rabbits chew on Low Grape Leaves. Ruby-Crowned Kinglets dive into small Tight Swarms of Gnats. More dark Clouds Shift in from the South. Song Sparrows & Carolina Wrens Sing Joyfully to Their KING. A Cuckoo Yells "AMEN"!


  1. Let all creation praise Him! And, may we survive all this rain. :)
    Blessings, Thomas!

  2. WOOO WHOOOO! AMEN! We Need a Boat. :P
