Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thank You for reading my Blog Here on Blogger. At least for  time Creation's Porch has moved back to facebook. Please come grab a cup of Coffee and sit a spell with Us there. My fb account is under Thomas Capuson... Blessings & Love. Tomtom Capuson

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Trucks Whine

Four Deer Chew on Low Pecan Leaves; One Startles me as she Looks from around the Cherokee Rose Bush saying Good Morning. Steam rises from my Coffee cup & my Breath. Poor-Wills Pray. Big Rig Trucks Whine on Hwy-84. Camel Crickets Play Cellos and House Crickets Violins. Train Whistle SOUNDS at Jakin Cross roads. A few Green Tree Frogs Brave the 62* to PRAISE Our CREATOR! In the High Distance A Large Jet, perhaps FedEx, hums blinking across the dark Sky. Sparkling Stars sprinkle Grace upon Us. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Beetle Stomps

 Shadows shift and the Sun drinks from Butter Cups and Dries Dewy Grass. A Pileated Woodpecker laughs as He flaps up higher in the Big Oak Tree. Blades bend & sway over as A Hercules Beetle Stomps through the Grass. Blue Jays whine like old rusty swing chain. Red Clay Peanut Haze HUGS my chest and Cotton Fuzz itch my eyes. Swainson's Thrush Pick Raisins from the  Grape Branches.m Army ants march "hup two, hup two". Cooper's Hawk Glide to the Northeast on the Wind Current Floating with the Fluffy Clouds. Grass Flickers jump. Prothonotary  Warblers Resting in Pecan Limbs Sing "How Great Thou Art" to Our LORD! 

Camel Crickets Strum

 Cows moo. A Meteor Streaks Brightly across the dark. A Saw Whet Owl in the Oak Tree Toot toot toots Her Prayers. Camel Crickets strum; Field Crickets fiddle. Grass Frogs and Gray Tree Frogs PRAISE the LORD! Pecan Leaves twirl into the Grass. Moths Spin under the porch bulb. A meandering  'Possum struggles over the Monkey Grass. Hoary Bats Swoop in CLOSE to the porch.  The Stars are so near this Morning. A Breeze Kisses.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Squirrels Swish

The Half peek-a-boos between the Fluffy Whale shaped Clouds swimming Northeast. Brown-Headed Cowbirds on the Walnut Branches and a few Brown Thrashers on the Red Bud in the Stone Circle Glorify the LORD with Glee! Red Clay Peanut Haze hangs HEAVY in the Air. Chattering Grackles Gather in the Oaks over Joey's House. Orange Meadow-Hawks Zip above the English Dogwood and pump house. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Green Lush Clover and Pink Flowers. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies Flutter about the Pink Cammy Bush full of Buds. Another Flock of Migrating Tiny Green and Pink Hummingbirds feed at the Althea Bush on the Purple Flowers. Gray Squirrels Swish Their Bushy tails Chattering Grace and Gathering Acorns. Brewer's Blackbirds squeak like Screen Doors up in the Pecan Tree. Cows moo. Cardinals Give Thanks in the Grape Vines Picking Raisins. A Large White Oak Snake Sunbathes along the drive way. Roosters Crow. Grass Hoppers flick and Grass Flickers hop.

I taste the Peanut Dust

Train Whistle Blows at Jakin Cross roads. A Great Horned Owl Whoots. Peepers & Gray Tree Frogs Praise the LORD as Crickets Fiddle. Chilly Dewy Grass Sends Goose Bumps up my back. I taste the Peanut Dust Lingering in the Morning Air. A Billion Stars dot-to-dot GOD's Smile. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

King Fishers Laugh

 Yellow-Shafted Flickers Drum on the Pecan Tree. A Gentle Breeze whispers Tickling my ears. Cat Bird meows in the English Dog Wood Tree. Booboo Kitty sit near answering. Two King Fishers Laughs at Jokes out by the Duck Pond. A Long Stem Red Canaan Lily Stretches toward the Bright Glowing White spot burning through Low Gray Clouds. Tree Swallows Sweep the Magnolia Trees. Red Clay Peanut Haze rises to the South East mixing with Cotton Fuzz. Rock Doves on the power pole Chant Mid-Morning Prayers with Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines. Purple Finches Peck Raisins off Grape Twigs on the far end. A Cricket Tree Frog on a Box Bush Branch Give Thanks for a Yummy Buggy Breakfast. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Tiny White Petaled Wildflowers. Wilting Pink Crepe Myrtles twirl into the Grass. A Shiny Long Sleek Black Racer slithers off a Crepe Myrtle Bush Trunk Fork out of an Old Skin and slips over the driveway vanishing into the tall Wire Grass. Tiny Pink & Green Hummingbirds QUICKLY feed at the Orange Honey Suckle twisted on the Weeping Willow. Low dark Gray Clouds slide South. Cattle Egrets chase the Cows across to the South end of the Pasture. Crop duster sprays Cotton near by. A Box Turtle S L OW L Y meanders under the Pink Cammy Bush full of maturing Buds. Chattering Grackles SWARM Up Out of the Oak Tops Streaming out of sight past Joey's. A Large Green Stink Bug clings to the porch post. Rufus Hummingbirds Tend to the Hot Pink Phlox and the Four O'clocks.       

Friday, October 11, 2013

Flowers Shake Lose

Tufted Titmice in the Big Pine Tree & Purple Finches on Crepe Myrtle Limbs PRAISE Our GOD! The Few Wilting Crepe Myrtle Flowers shake lose twirling into the Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce about the Green Clover and Pink Blooms. Steam RISES off the Foggy Field. Roosters Crow. The Sun Rays sip on Blue Ivy, Orange Honey Suckle Straws, and Butter Cups. Ground Doves Under the Grape Vines and Turtle Doves perched on barbed wire Chant Prayer with the Mourning Doves on Magnolia Branches. Empty Magnolia Seed Pods Plop in the Dirt. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs from High in an Oak Tree. Gray Squirrels Chatter Grace over Acorns. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Deer Graze in the Clearing by the family Grave Yard. Rufous Hummingbirds Hover at the Four O'clocks. A Cool Fall Breeze Kisses.

Join the Prayer Chants

Red Clay Peanut Dust lingers in the Air. Meadow Larks in the China Berry Tree and Song Sparrows on Cammy Bush Branches PRAISE Our  CREATOR! Dewy Grass sends CHILLS up my back; hairs on my neck STAND UP! Poor-Wills Sing Bedtime Prayers. Pink Loops 'Round the Horizon. Cattle Egret Heads bob up & down in the Thick Foggy Blanket. A Hog Sphinx Moth Zips about the Four O'clocks and Another tends to the Phlox. Tractors pulling Peanut Plows Chug & Clank down Our road. Morning Doves in the Magnolia trees and Ground doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Deer graze along the Woods Edge. Cotton Dust rises in the North. Rock Doves on the smoke house tin roof join the Prayer chants. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Walnuts Roll

Field Crickets Slide Their Bows across Cellos and Violins. Red Hazy Peanut Dust merges with the Purple Haze in the far Field as the Fog spreads. Mourning Doves Pray with the Saw Whet Owls. Pink wraps around the Horizon's Rim. A Majestic Buck Boldly steps from the Misty Blanket. Dawn Blue Pushes the Indigo West. Roosters Crow. Walnuts roll down the metal roof. The last few Stars Fade. Lil'Brown Bats Flutter on to the Nest. Train Whistle blows at Jakin Cross roads. Meadow Larks on Peach Branches and Mockingbirds in the Pecan Tree Sing Praises to Our LORD! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Make a Joyful Noise

Joey's Rooster Crows. The Aroma of Pumpkin Hazelnut Fills my Soul. The Rainy Pitter Patter on the Ol'Tin roof of the smoke house keeps time with the Yellow-Shafted Flicker drumming in the Pecan Tree. Wet mooing  Cows Graze by the Fallen Tree out back. Crows caw in the Walnut Tree. The Hot Pink Four O'clocks Bounce as Drops SLAP Them. Mockingbirds flash and flare chasing each other. The Cool soaked Grass paints my feet. Cardinals on the Grape Branches Sing Grace picking  Raisins. Rabbits chew on Grape Leaves.  Below the Vines Ground Doves Chant Prayers with the Turtle Doves on the barbed wire. A Beautiful Black & Yellow Garden Spider enjoys a Bug Roll-up on Her Woven Tapestry in the Corner of the porch over hang. The Carolina Wrens cuddle in Their Nest in the Other Corner. Barking Tree Frogs and Chorus Frogs Make a Joyful Noise with the Fowler's Toads. Grackle Chatter in the China Berry Tree. Brilliant Orange and Bright Red Canaan Lilies Bloom  by the Red Camillia Bush. A Grouping of Cattle Egrets Glide Gracefully banking back to landing the Field. Mike's Donkey brays in the distance. Purple Finches on Crepe Myrtle Limbs and Song Sparrows gathered in the Oak Trees Praise the LORD!    

Rain Splashes

Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter. Drops keep Heaven's Beat on the Metal Roof. The Carolina Wrens Snuggle, Warm in Their Nest. Pine Barrens Tree Frogs and Fowler's Toads Sing Praises to the LORD! Oak Toads and Cricket Frogs add Harmony. Rain Splashes on an Armadillo's Shell as She Tanks over the Monkey Grass. Honey Suckle and Ivy Aromas Tickle my Soul. Rain down. Rain Down. RAIN DOWN. REIGN DOWN on me! Open the Flood Gates of Heaven!   

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Clouds loop

Tree Swallows Sweep across the Sky. Fog Lingers in the Field. Roosters Crow. The Sun sips Dew from Butter Cups And White Bell Blooms. A Flock of Ruby-Throat  Hummingbirds ZIP about the Four O'clocks by the Air Conditioner and the Blue Ivy in the Rose Bush.  Deer Graze beyond the Barn. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines.  A Sparkling Dewy Spider Web hangs from the Big Pine Tree. Tufted Titmice Sing Grace picking Pine Nuts above. Purple tainted Gray Clouds loop from the Gulf high in the Northeast. Buffed Bellied Hummingbirds Hover at the last few Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Brown Thrashers  and Cardinals GLORIFY Our Creator on the Grape Vines.  

Stars Shimmer

Cool Dewy Grass Paints my feet. Camel Crickets Fiddle & Field Crickets Strum. Walnuts roll across the metal roof. Stars Shimmer and Glow, Sparkling in the dark Morning Sky. Pine Barrens Tree Frogs and Peepers PRAISE the LORD!  Pecan Leaves Twirl to the Grass. A Brilliant Black and Yellow Garden Spider Weaves a Tapestry. Poor-Wills Pray.  Cows moo.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Barn Owl Shakes on the Pecan Branch Snorting and rattling. A Plush Thick Carpet of Fog unrolls across the Field. Roosters Crow. Deer step from the Wood's Edge to Graze. Mourning Doves down the Tree Line and Ground Doves under the Grape Vines and Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Seminole Bats Chatter Thanks a Top the Turning Leaves of the Sweet Plump Bronze Grape Arbor. Tree Swallows Dip just above the Fog Lying on the Front Field;Coupling Love bugs Struggling to ascend make an Easy Breakfast. Pink Wraps 'round the Horizon as the Last Star Fades. A Grouping of Cattle Egrets veer off the Low flapping Formation and Vanish into the Foggy Ground Carpet Cutting just under Cow Bellies. Gray Tree Frogs Sing Grace as they Slime the Living Room Windows. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Purple Haze mixes afar with Red Peanut Dust and Cotton Fuzz. Meadow Larks on the Red Bud Tree and Purple Finches on Peach Limbs REJOICE in the New Day! The Aroma of the Bacon baking in the Oven seeps from Our Creaky Drafty House.  

Barn Owl Snorts

 A Warm Breeze Caresses from the South. I Taste Salt in the Air from the Gulf and Peanut Dust as well. Cows moo. Crickets Strum and Fiddle. Magnolia Seed Pods plop. Joey's Rooster crows. Peepers & Pine Woods Tree Frogs Praise the LORD! Gray Tree Frogs add Harmony. A Million Stars Sparkle in the dark Morning Sky. A Long Cherokee Rose Branch waves in the Breeze. Moths spin under the porch bulb. Barn Owl Snorts & Hisses in the Pecan Tree. A Walnut Rolls down the Metal Roof. Poor-Wills Pray.  

Friday, October 4, 2013


Dewy Grass paints my feet. Meadow Larks and Mockingbirds Praise the LORD! Gray Tree Frogs on the Deck Join in. Cows moo. A Few Scattered Clouds pass. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo. Two Does stroll across the back Yard. Walnuts roll down the metal roof. Bright Stars Sparkle in the Indigo Sky.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Draped in a Foggy Wrap

Song Sparrows on Peach Branches and Indigo Buntings in The Little Pine Tree Sing GLORIOUSLY to Our CREATOR! Powder Puff Pink & Lavender streak across Approaching Clouds in the Southeast. Saw Whet Owls Toot, TOOT, T O O T Prayers with the Chanting Mourning Doves & Ground Doves. Purple Hazy Fog OOZES in under the barbed wire. Lil'Brown Bats Sweep the Magnolias. Empty Seed Pods plop. Stars fade. Anhingas Flap Gracefully on toward the Chatahoochee River. A Cow Pushes against the barbed wire for Tender Cedar Sprigs Draped in a FOGGY Wrap. Cedar Waxwings Give Thanks with a Chattery Lisp in the Big Pine Tree. Deer VANISH in the Purple Haze. A Garden Spider waits on Her Breakfast to be delivered. Pink Wraps around the Horizon's Rim. Mockingbirds on Pecan Limbs and Cardinals on the Grape Vines select the next Hymn. 

Crickets Play Bangos

A Great Horn Owl Whoots near Joey's House; His Rooster Responds. The Peepers and the Grass Frogs must have found Their Long-Johns; They are PRAISING from the Damp CHILLY Grass. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from Out Back. Cows moo. Field Crickets in the Flower Bed Strum Guitars and a few House Crickets play Bangos. A Billion Stars fill the Cloudless dark Morning Sky as Purple seeps into the Eastern Horizon. Poor-Wills Pray.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cedars Stretch

A Great Horn Owl Whoots. Pink paints the Western Sky line, with shades of Orange dashing passing Gray Clouds. Cicadas Praise The LORD Sirening Loud & long. A Hog Sphinx Moth tends to the Blue Ivy Blooms. A Poor-Will Dips down, banking back around and lands in the Walnut Tree in the back Field. Deer step into the Brush. The Poor-Will Prays with Ground Doves. The NIGHT WATCH MAN Lights the Stars One by One all at once. Cows moo. Evening Bats sweep the tree Tops. Crickets slide Their Legs on Cellos & Violins. The Cedars Stretch Their Branches to Heaven. Peepers and Gray Tree Frogs Sing Psalm 148.     

Walk like Egyptians

Red Peanut Haze fills the Air. Mockingbirds in the Pecan Tree and Song Sparrows on Crepe Myrtle Branches Praise the LORD. A Glowy White Ball burns a Cloud in the Western Sky. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs in the big Magnolia Tree.  Monarch Butterflies frolic in small Circles across the Yard. Rufous-Sided Towhees Peck Pine Nuts on Branches in the Lil'Pine Tree. Cotton Pickers clank down the road. High over head a Red-Tailed hawk Glides north with the Current. Ruby-Throated Humming Birds feed  at the Yellow Irises. Cows moo as they shift to the Far side of the Field. Cattle Egrets "walk like Egyptians" Heads bobbing as they follow. 

Peanut Haze Rises

Purple Finches in the Cammy Bushes and Song Sparrows perched along the Tree Line REJOICE! The ARTIST Streaks Pink across the Top on HIS Canvas. Roosters CROW! Purple oozes into Gray Clouds. Mourning Doves in Magnolia Trees and Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Morning Prayer. The last few Bright Stars play peek-a-boo between the Farm Row Clouds. Hog Sphinx Moths Hover at the Phloxes. More Yellow Canaan Lilies and Irises BLOOM Wide. The Seminole Bats are having too much fun on the Back Grape Vines. Huge Round Tan Mushrooms dot the Yard. A Formation of Cattle Egrets flies over head skimming the Tree Tops. Cows moo. Red Peanut Haze rises in the South. Woodpeckers drum. 

Walnuts Roll

Crickets Slide Their Legs across Cellos and Violins. Echoing, Chuck-Will's-Widows Cry Out. Spider Webs strung across the Monkey Grass give way as I walk up the walkway. Roosters Crow. Leaves rustle in a Cool Fall Breeze. Cows moo. Walnuts roll down the Metal roof. Saw Whet Owl Perched in the Big Pine toot toot toots a Prayer.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Joey's Rooster Crows

Crickets Strum. Pink pushes the Dawn Blue; Indigo Skies shift Westward. Meadow Larks and Mocking Birds Sing Joyfully, GLAD in the New day.  A Puffy Fluffy dark Gray Cloud Follows a Convoy of Cotton pickers up the River road. Joey's Rooster crows. Stars fade as a few Bright Planets Sparkle. The Hand's Rooster Answers. The Moon Sliver Climbs high into the East. Gray Tree Frogs Sliming the bedroom window and Green Tree Frogs sitting on the rocking chair Give Thanks for the "All Ya can EAT" Tiny Bug Breakfast. A Cool Gentle Breeze Kisses. Lil'Brown Bats comb the Magnolia Trees a couple more sweeps. Pecan Leaves twirl down. Crows caw. Dewy Grass paints my feet sending Chilly Goose-bumps up to my neck. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Pray. A Great Horn Owl Whoots "AMEN".