Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wrens Flitter

Thunder Rumbles deep in the Southwest. Cardinals in the Holly Bush 7 mockingbirds on Pecan Branches Praise Our LORD! Monarch Butterflies Flutter over the Tall red & Yellow canaan Lilies. Gray Squirrels Chatter Thanks under the Oak Tree. Crop duster Hums low in the east. Lightning sizzles over Joeys House. Thunder SHAKES the Ground. Cows SIT! Cattle Egrets Jump into Flight Freaking Out. A Bolt Cracks. The earth QUAKES with Thunder. Rain Pounds.The Carolina Wrens Flitter into Their Nest & Cuddle. Chimney swifts Dart into the Fire Place. THUNDER BOLTS SLAM! Rain goes Side ways. Then all Rolls off to the Northeast. Song Sparrows Sing the next hymn as soft Drops kiss. Tree Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER. 

Tanagers Sing Grace

White-Winged Doves in a Magnolia Tree & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Noon Day Prayers. Black & Blue Swallow-tailed Butterfly Flutters at the Lilies in the Front Bed. The Garter Snake stretched out on the driveway Sparkles in HOT Sun. Cicadas SCREAM. Crows Caw taking off from the Hand's Big Oak. Army Ants March. Mocking Birds chase & Flase in the Tree Line. A Small dark Cloud gently sprinkles Drops. Cows moo. A Rainbow Spreads over the Southeast. Song Sparrows on Plum Branches & Chestnut Munias  in the Red Cammie Bush PRAISE GOD! Two Young Does Graze out in the Middle of the Field. Toads in the Pine Straw Thank the RAINMAKER. Bob Whites Whistle in Thick-Its. Hay Haze Rises in the East as tractors hum & Grind. Summer Tanagers Sing Grace Pecking at Peaches. The Moon is Stuck in the Chinaberry Tree. 

A Kestrel Glides

Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds dart about the Lavander Altheias. Several Hog Sphinx Moths Tend to the Phloxes. Mourning Doves in the Ash Tree & Inca Doves on Walnut Branches Chant Morning Prayers. The Sun pops up over Uncle Doug's Pines to Sip Dew from Tiny White Morning bells & Buttercups. The Roosters CROW. Magnolia Seed Pods Plop and New Magnolias open;Bumble Bees Buzz crawling on Them. The Waining Quarter Moon is Stuck High in the Big Pine. Tufted Titmice Chatter Grace feasting on Pine Nuts. More Peaches are turning Redish Orange; the Grapes are still Green. Cardinals on Grape Branches & Orchard Orioles on the Plum Trees PRAISE Our LORD! Rabbits nibble low Grape Leaves. Groupings of cattle Egrets Flap on to other Fields. Yellow & Red Canaan Lillies Stretch into the Blue Eye of GOD where an American Kestrel Glides on the Wind.  

Stars Play

Crickets Fiddle as Frogs & Toads sing a Gospel Oldy. Thick dark Patch Work Clouds fill the dark. Saw Whet Owl on a Pecan Limb toot toot toots Prayers with the Poor-Wills in the Woods. Moon Beams GLOW. In the Corner a Garden Spider Weaves a Banner for the LORD.  Stars play peek-a-boo. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cattle Egrets Chilax

Mourning Doves in the Top of Magnolia Trees & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer. Cicadas' SCREAM Praising the LORD. Two Tree Frogs Give Thanks as They zap afew Flies. Gray Clouds move up from the South. Cows moo under the Trees. Cattle Egret Chilax with the Cows. Fire Ants till Deeper.   A Wasp crawls on Our bedroom screen door. Box Turtle Mossies on. Purple Finches on Peach Branches Sing the Next Hymn!   

Crepe Myrtles Rock

Magnolia Seed Pods Polp in the Dirt. A Matalic Beetle spins under the rocking chair up-side-down. Faint Cattle Egret Heads bob uo & down in the Thick Green Wiregrass. Frogs Sing one more Praise Song. Two Gray Squirrels Frolic under an Oak Tree. Crows caw. Heavy Wet Fog Rolls under the barbed wire. Saddlebag Dragon Flies cut over the cammie bushes. Turtle Doves & White-Winged Doves Chant Moring Prayer with the Ground Doves. An Orange Lion Fly zipps about. Cows moo. Carolina Wrens in the Little Pine & Meadow Larks on Plum Branches GLORIFY Our KING! Green Tiny Dashers Flit around the Monkey Grass. Two Does check on the Peaches. Mocking Birds flash & flare, fussing at a few Brown Thrashers drinking at the Water pot. A Large Red Wasp Crawls on a Box Bush Branch. Mike's Donkey Brays in the Distance. White-Breasted Nuthatches sing Grace picking Pine Nuts in the Big Pine. The Sun Burns a hole in the Thick Curtain to Drink dew from Yellow & Red Canaan Lilies. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies work the Phloxes. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Four O'clocks. Crepe Myrtles rock & wave throwing petals as Bumble Bees Buzz Thanks.  A Monarch Flutters at the Weeping Willow Fans. A Red-Bellied Woodpecker drums in the Pecan Tree, playing for the Song Sparrows in the Walnut Tree singing the Next Hymn.

Tiny Bugs Spin

Half Moon climbs High in the East. Frogs Praise the LORD. A Meteor Streaks in the North. Crickets Strum.Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. Stars, a Million Stars Sparkle & Twinkle. Cows moo. A soft Summer Breeze caresses. Rails click & cluck. Moths & Tiny Bugs spin under the porch bulb. A Toad hopps. Poor-Wills Pray. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Half Moon Hangs

Cedar Waxwings lisp & trill Thanks as they feast on Pinenuts in the Big Pine Tree. Hog Sphinx Moths tend to the Lavander Altheias. Dewwy Grass Sparkles. Crows caw Flapping to the West. The Sun drinks from Tiny White Wildflowers & Purple Ivy Straws. A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird hover at the Yellow Irises. A Praying Prey Mantis Waits on the Base of the Box Bush. Mourning Doves & Inca Doves Chant Prayer. The Green Peaches show Red Streaks. Roosters Crow. Pale Half Moon hangs overhead. Blue Dashers zip over the Crepe Myrtles. Mushrooms pop up dotting the Yard. Cattle Egrets chase after the mooing Cows. Bumble Bees weigh down the Wiregrass Seed Blades crawling on them. Mockingbirds drink from a Brown Magnolia Leaf. Cicadas SIREN LOUD. Tree Frogs slime the livingroom windows. Song Sparrows on Plum Branches & Brown-Headed Cowbirds in the Pecan Tree Sing to Our CREATOR wit Glee!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Toads give Thanks

Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Inca Doves on Chinaberry Limbs Chant Morning Prayers with the Mourning Doves.  Magnolias' Fragrance is so Sweet. Bluejays whine like old swing chain needing WD40. A few Cicadas sirine long and LOUD.  Mockingbirds flash & fuss chasing after Each other. Lion Flies zip about the Blue Monkey Grass Flowers. A Couple Buffed-Bellied Hmmingbirds hover 'round the Burgandy Irises. Gray Clouds build. Crows caw. Large Black & Blue and Black & Yellow Swallow-Tailed Butterflies flutter at the Tall Red & Yellow Canaan Lilies. A Brown Thrasher Splashes in a Wilted Magnolia Leaf. Gray & Orange Mushrooms dott the Grass. Yellow-Rumped Warblers Sing Praises to Our LORD in the Big Pine. Tall Wire Grass Seed Blades bend as buzzing Bumble Bees crawl on each one. Pileated Woodpecker laughs. A Rainbow spreads to the North as soft Sprinkles Kiss.  Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER.

An Armadilla Scratches

Crickets slide Bows across Cellos & Violins. Tree Frogs & Lepard Frogs Praise the LORD. Streaks flash in the Clouds to the South. Cows moo. Moon Beams peer from behind the Clouds over head. A Faint Rumble of Thunder echoes. Short-Eared Owl barks up in the Little Pine Tree. A Luna Moth Flaps Gracefully beyond the Pink Cammie Bush. Toads sing of Love. Poor-Wills Pray. Bolts dance in the Clouds. Roosters crow. Little Bugs spin under the porch bulp. An Armadilla scratches in the Dirt under the Banana Shrub. Thunder gets closer.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lilies Stretch

Robins Give Thanks scratching for Bugs & Worms. Light Tiny Blue Butterflies & Small Green Darner Flies tend to the Monkey Grass Blue Flowers. A Large Flock of Crows caw landing in the Tall Chinaberry Tree. Thick Lush Dewwy Grass paints my feet. Roosters Crow. Pink flares as the Sun Burns through to sip from Buttercups & Orange Honey Suckle Straws. Summer Tanagers on Red Cammie Branches & Brown Thrashers on Grape Limbs Glorify Our LORD.  Cows moo. Ground Doves under the Palms & Inca Doves in the Redbud Tree Chant Morning Prayer. Deer dash across the Southeast Corner of the Field leeping over the fence. Red and Yellow Canaan Lilies stretch above the thin sheet of Fog. Catbirds meeow in the English Dogwood.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Army Ants March

A Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Tends to Seven Foot Tall Red Canaan Lilies. Cicadas whine low & long. Mockingbirds in Magnolia Trees & Chestnut Munias on the Weeping Willow Praise the LORD. Several Pairs of Small Orange & Brown Butterflies frolic spining about. Ruffus Turkey gobbles. A Huge Rattle Snake Slinks across the driveway slithering into the Lush Green Grass. Rusty Blackbirds Squeak like rusty hinges up the Small Oak Tree. Gray Squirrels chatter Thanks nawing at acorns. Chimney Swifts Comb the Tree Tops. Dusk's Shadows form as the Sun dipps into the Western Tree Line. Mourning Doves on Pecan Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Evening Prayer. Army Ants march into Their Fort. Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Purple Finches on Peach Limbs sing the Next Hymn. deer step out beyond the Tractor Shed.    

Steamy Fog Lifts

Yellow-Breasted Chats Whistle & Chatter bouncing about the Side Pecan Tree & Red Cammie Bush. Cicadas Long, LOUD, Sirening Prayers catch Our LORD's Ear. A Blue & Black Swallow-Tailed Butterfly and An Orange & Black Swallow-Tailed Butterfly hit & kock each other Down on the driveway, grabbing & flapping at one another. One flies & the other follows hitting & bumping; on the Ground They roll & beat and Grab! The Butterflies seperate fluttering different directions. Mourning Doves & Fruit Doves Chant Morning Prayer. Gray & Brown Mushrooms open Wide. Cattle Egrets land behind some Cows. Dewwy Grass paints my feet. Tree Swallows Swoop over the Front. Steamy Fog lifts off the Field. Cows moo. Red & Yellow Canaan Lilies Stretch to the Sun. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Yellow Irises. Tufted Titmice sing Grace picking pine nuts in the Big Pine tree. Tiny bees & Flies swarm around Green Peaches which have been bit & Pecked. Red-Bellied Woodpecker Giggles & Drums in the Walnut Tree. The Moon is hung in the Chinaberry Tree. Grass-Hopper Sparrows hop near the Fresh Clover. Crows caw. Tall Wire Grass Seed Blades wave as Buzzing Bumble Bees work them. Mockingbirds flash & chase. Shadows shift and the Sun drinks from Ittsy Bittsy White Teacups wildflowers. Brown-Headed Cowbirds in an Oak Tree & Meadow Larks on the barbed wire Praise GOD with Glee. 

Purple Haze Rises

Meadow Larks & Robins Rejoice to the LORD. Thick Fog Rolls off the River spilling into the Field. Roosters Crow. Three Quarter Moon sits High just in the Western Side.Cows moo. Monkey Grass Paints my shins. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves chant Morning Prayers. Stars fade. Deer Check the Peaches & chew a few Leaves. Pink wraps around the Horizon. Moon Moths Flutter away. Purple Hazes rises in the East. Brown Thrashers Sing Grace scratching for Bugs & Worms. Train Whistles at Jakin Cross road.

Magnolias Sparkle

Joey's Rooster Crows. The Three Quarter Moon peaks overhead. Frogs sing Joyfully to the LORD as Crickets Fiddle. A Metor FLASHES shooting Northward. The Hand's Rooster answers with a cock-a-doodle-doo. Thin Ribbon Clouds streak the Sky. Cows moo. Chuck-Will's-Widows Cry Out. Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves Pray. Stars Twinkle. Grass Moths spin under the porch bulb. Dewwy Magnolias Sparkle in the Moon Beams. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Deer Wander

Mourning Doves on Walnut Branches & Inca Doves up in the Magnolia Trees Chant Morning Prayers. The Three Quarter Moon seems stuck high in the West. Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Big Oak Tree.  Deer Wander out past the tactor shed. Three American Anhingas Flap towards the Chatahoochee River. The Sun Bounces up drinking from Buttercupps & sipping Ivy Straws. Buffed Bellied Hummingbirds zip about the Phloxes. Thin Swirly Clouds dot the Sky. A Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Drums on a power poll. A Steamy Vail of Fog rises from the Wet Grass. Robins & Brown Thrashers Give Thanks Feasting on Wiggle Worms Squirming on the Dirt. Big Bumble Bees buzz on the Sweet smelling Magnolias. Tree Swallows Sweep the Tree Tops. Lake Skimmers skate across a tractor Rut Puddle. Song Sparrows on Plum Limbs and Cardinals on the Grape Vines PRAISE the LORD! 

Saw Whet Owl Toots

Frogs Praise the Lord as Crickets strum. Three Quaqrter Moon Slants in the West. Poor-Will Pray. Stars Twinkle. Branches hang low as Leaves & Sprigs drip. A Wet Red-Tailed Fox carries Breakfast to the Den. Cows moo. Saw Whet Owl toot, toot, toots. Beetles knock against the porch bulb. A Lizard scurrise down the steps. A Mockingbird Rejoices to the LORD!  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pink Splatters

Crows caw Out back.  Deer Stand in the Tall Thick Brush. The Big Pale Full Moon Slips into a Gray Cloud low in the West. Inca Doves in the Big Oak & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayers.  Hog Sphinx Moths Hover to each Hot Pink Phloxe. Purple Martins Swoop over the Tall Wavey Wire Grass.  A Gipsy Moth flutters. Cattle Egret Heads bob up and down as They follow Cows. Pink Splatters in the Gray Clouds to the East. A Buffed Bellied Hummingbird pokes a Hole low  in an Burgandy Iris Petal to Drain the Water. Red Striped Dragonflies zip over the Monkey Grass. Thrush drink from Brown Wilted Magnolia Leaves. Toads Couple in tractor tire rut Puddles. Brown Thrashers giving Thanks Pick Worms off the Drinched Mud. Mike's Bull is WHOOPING LOUD!  Tree Frogs Sliming the living room windows PRAISE the RAINMAKER!

Owl Whoops

Billowy dark Clouds pass under the Full Moon. Moon Beams Streak in all directions. Tree Frogs Rejoice in the Day the LORD has Made. Crickets Fiddle. Collected Drops drip from Sprigs & Leaves. Cows moo "Amen AMEN!" Sweet Smelling Magnolias Glissen in the Moon Light. Grass Shifts & Mudd oozes around my toes as I step. A Short Eared Owl in the Big Pine Barks out a Powerful Sermon. Stars Glow in Rainbow Halos. A Great Horned Owl WHOOPS and Hollers "GLORY HALLELUJAH!" I Chant Prayers with the Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Coots swim

Three Small Brown & Yellow Butterflies Frolic low over the driveway. Turtle Doves on the barb wire & Inca Doves in the Pecan Tree Chant Prayers. Thunder Echos from all Direction. Big buzzing Bumble Bees Crawl on the Monkey Grass Flowers by the Wallnut Tree. Gray Clouds Build in the West. Two Cattle Egrets Land out back. A Mockingbird on the gate Praises the LORD! Lightning ZIGS in the Southwest. A Gust Bends Canaan Lilie Stems & Limbs. Another Bolt ZAGS to the Northeast. Thunder Quakes. Cows moo as They sit. Cattle Egretts Flee. Rain falls & Splashes in Puddles. A Red Fox DARTS out of a Thicket towards the Woods. Thunder BOLTS CRASH! Drops Pound the metal roof. A Two Coots swim in the Back Yard. Frogs & Toads Thank the RAINMAKER!

Streaks Fill the Clouds

Purple Finches on Peach Branches & Mocking Birds dotting the Magnolia Trees Sing the New SONG to the LORD. Thunder Rumbles to the Southwest. two Monarchs Frolic over the Stretching Canaan Lilies. The BRIGHT Orange Ball POPS Up over Uncle Doug's Pines to Sipp from Buttercups & Suck on Orange Suckle Straws. Thick dark Gray Clouds Roll In! Lightning Flares! The Carolina Wren Couple Swiftly Returns to the Porch & Praises GOD from the back of the porch swing, with Meadow Larks in the Pecan Tree. Thunder Shakes. More Large Limbs litter the Ground.  A Rino Beetle Tears into an up-side-down June Bug for Breakfast. A Brown Thrasher drinks from a Wilted Turned Up Magnolia Leaf. THUNDER BOLTS CLASP as A WHITE FLASH Fills the Air! The Cows Sit. An Eerie Stillness CREEPS. WHAM the Earth QUAKES as More THUNDER Bolts POUND the Yard. The Sky opens, Drops Crash Down with FORCE Upon my head & shoulders. Yellow Streaks fill the CLouds. The RUMBLE is NON Stop.  Thunder STOMPS on to the East. A Rainbow Paints Across the South. The Gentle Shower sooths & Cleanses me. Chimney Swifts Flutter from the Fireplace. Thunder echos in the Northeast. Indigo Buntings on the Walnut Tree & a Red-Winged Blackbird Sing an Old Gospil Tune. Pitter Patter drops bounce of the Metal roof in time.  

The Roosters Crow & Crow

Crickets Sturm & Frogs Praise The LORD. Moon Beams Streak out Between Gray Farm Row Clouds. Great Horned Owls Whoot & WHOOT! Branches Droop from Rain Weight. Joey's Rooster crows. The Monkey Grass Paints my Shins and the Thick Lush Green Carpets sloshes under my feet; Mud Oozes. Joey's Rooster Crows. Little Brown Bats cut in close to the Magnolia Trees. Joey's Rooster CROWS. mmm The Magnolias, Pink Roses & Honey Suckle Fragrances fill my Soul! The Hand's Rooster Answers & They Duel... Crowing back and Forth. A Green Glowy Luna Moth Flutters over the Cammie Bushes. Poor-Wills Pray. A Few Beetles spin up-side-down as Others beat against the porch bulb. Althia Branches Stretch Up. The Roosters Crow & CROW  A few Stars peek-a-boo.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Thunder Claps

Two White Sulphur Butterflies frolic about the Yard. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs. Thunder Rumble in the North, West & South. A Carolina Wren perched on a fence post Rejoices to the LORD!The Sky darkens. A Flash of Light Cracks over Joey's house. Roosters Crow for the Sun. Cows moo. THUNDER SHAKES! More Bolts dance in the Clouds. Frogs sing Hymn of Praise. The Deck Quakes as Thunder CLAPS! A Wasp Buzzes by towards the Smoke house. A Few Chimney Swifts Dart in the Fireplace. Gusts bend Branches. Leaves rustle. Drops fall. Crows caw overhead. Thunder RUMBLES LONG & HARD! A Gipsy Moth Clings to the back door screen. Petals & Leaves Twirl about. It becomes even darker.Lightning zigs. Lightning zags. The EARTH MOVES. Pale Clouds push over Thunder Rumbles on. The Shower is so Cleansing and REFRESHING... mmm... Thank You LORD! 

Velvet Ants Dart

Mockingbirds chase. Thick Layers of Gray Clouds SWALLOW the Sun. Blue Jays Whine like old swing chains up in the Pick Oak. LOUD BUZZING Echoes from the Magnolia's as Several Hundred Bumble Bess Crawl about the Big Blooms. Tree Swallows Sweep above the Trees. More Red Mushrooms & Gray Toad Stools Pop up. Crows Caw. Three Orange Velvet Ants Dart to Attack a Mouse under the Pink Cammie Bush. A Cooper's Hawk Ascends from an Oak Tree Top.  Tiny Green Dragon Flies Flit on Monkey Grass Blooms. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayers.  Pale Pink Roses are Visited by a Hog Sphinx Moth. Roosters Crow. A Dry Snake Skin waves in a Summer Breeze. Hovering  Buffed-Bellied Hummimgbirds work the Yellow Irises. Rick dark Soil tills to the Top as Fire Ants Honker Down. Cardinals Give Thanks under the Holly Bush. Cicadas CRY to GOD! Purple Martains Swoop over the Cows. Rabbits Bound about the Front Field. Mead Larks in the Walnut Tree and Red-Winged Blackbirds Praise the LORD! Thunder Rumbles to the Southeast. Red Lilies, Orange & Yellow Lilies,  Hot Pink Phloxes, Burgandy Irises, and Yellow & Purple Wildflowers Add More Color to a Gray Day.

Clouds Flash

Meadow Larks & Mocking Birds Rejoice! The Big Yellow Ball Rolls off the Western Horizion. Poor-Wills, Morning Doves and Inca Doves Chant Prayers. Pink fills the Other Side. Roosters Crow. Purple Splashes into Poofy Gray Clouds. An American Anhinga Flaps towards the River. Cows moo. Rails click & cluck in Thick-Its. To the South Clouds Flash with Lightning. Thrushes Peck for Worms. A Low Sheet of Fog oozes out of the Woods. Deer Graze in the Back Yard. Hog Sphinx Moths Whisk over the Phloxes. Tree Frogs Continue to Thank the RAINMAKER. A train whistle blows at Jakin Cross roads.

Beetles Dance

Crickets Slide Bows across Their Cellos & Violins.  Frogs & Toads Sing Praises to the LORD. Damp Grass Paints my feet. Joey's Rooster hollars "HALLELUJAH!"  & The Hand's Rooster Shouts "GLORY" Moths & Beetles dance under the porch bulb. Saw Whet Owl Preaches from a Pine Branch. Dewy Magnolias Sparkle in the Moon Beams Radiating from the Full Moon. Cows respond withs Amens. A Summer Breeze softly caresses.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tufted Titmice Give Thanks

Droopy Leaves & Pine Sprigs drip Drops. Roosters crow. Wet Grass Sparkles as Shadows Shift & the Sun Dips well into the West. Mourning Doves up in the Walnut Tree & Ground Doves in the Little Pine Chant Prayers. More Limbs Dot the Ground under Trees. Crows caw. Tufted Titmice Give Thanks enjoying Pine Nuts. Red Mushrooms & Gray Toad Stools Push up out of the Grass. Cat Birds Meeow in the Dogwood Tree. Deer Graze out back. The Monkey Grass Blooms Stretch high above the long Green Blades. Chimney Swifts Swoop over the Tall Lush Wire Grass. More Gray Clouds Push in from the South. A Wood Stork flaping east Directs my attention to Pale Moon which is just about Full. Mockingbirds in the Pecan Tree Praise the LORD. 

The Sun Gives Way

The Gentle Sprinkle gives way to Steamy Fog hugging the Corn & Cotton Fields. Cattle Egrets land behind Cows in the Large Pasture. A train rolls towards Alabama just above the West bound semi-trucks. A pair of Cooper's Hawks perch on a power pole Cross bar. Purple, yellow & white Wildflowers dot the side of Hwy84. Grass-Hopper Sparrows & Ground Doves flitter into the Air as we pass by. Bright Orange & Red-Orange 'Maters hang on the Vines at Johnston's Produce. High Grass & Weeds surround the old Peanut plant. Black Vultures flap as They eat at a roadside Deer for Breakfast. Crepe Myrtles & Magnolias Bloom in many Yards. Pileated Woodpeckers laugh as we get out. Rock Doves & Morning Doves in Pine Trees Chant Prayers. Two Red-Tailed Squirrels chase on a power line next to the Church & LEAP on the roof scurrying away. A Rainbow streaks across the Sky, but for a moment as the Sun gives way to Gray clouds & Rain Drops

Fog Gives Way

Purple Finches give Thanks pecking Red Magnolia Seeds. Steamy Fog Builds in the far Feild. Toads sing of Love. Robins & Brown Thrashers Sing Grace feasting on Wiggle Worms squirming in the Mud. Cows moo. Cattle Egrets pick at Cow Patties.  Crows caw up in Uncle Doug's Pines. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies Flutter at the Red Canaan Lilies stretching in to the Gray Cloudy Sky. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds hover about the Brugandy Irises. Yellow Finches bouncing on Crepe Myrtle Bushes & Tufted Titmice Playing in the Big Pine Praise the LORD! A Soft Gentle Cool Shower pitter-patters and the Fog gives way. Tree Frogs REJOICE.

Branches Hang Low

Frogs & Toads Rejoice to the RAINMAKER. Crickets Strum. Poor- Wills Pray. A Few Iris Plants are leaning. Cows moo. A Large Wet Skunk strolls up the walkway; She scratches in the Dirt at the end of the Monkey Grass chattering Grace as She enjoys Breakfast. Roosters crow. Branches Hang Low still, dripping Drops of Rain collected. Thick dark Clouds continue Rolling up from the Gulf. The Tinge of Sea Air Mixes with the Magnolia Fragrance tickling my nose. Robins & Mocking Birds Sing Praises to Our LORD! I add my Joyful noise... Join us. <3

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Butterflies Flutter

Hundreds of Small Green Pecan GROW. Morning Doves on Pecan Branches and Turtle Doves on the Grape Arbor over Thousands of Maturing Green Grapes Chant Prayer. Tiny Blue Dragonflies, Itty Bitty Green ButterFlies & Two Small Bunble Bees work the Pale Blue Monkey Grass Blooms. Cardinals flare & chase. Odd Ant Hill Lines stretch across the driveway. Drifting North, riding the Wind, a Broad Wing Hawk missing a few Wing Feathers glides along. Large Black & Blue Swallow Tailed Butterflies Flutter about the Red Canaan Lilies and Orange & Yellow Tiger Lilies. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Tend to the Phloxes; a few Petals lay in the Pine Straw. Sun Peeks from behind the Clouds to Drink Rain water from Purple Ivy Straws & the Four O'Clocks.  Frogs & Toads Praise the RAINMAKER.   

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bolts Streak

 The Humid Hot Air PUSHES against my Chest. Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Big Magnolia Tree.  My nose burns as I inhale, mmm the Magnolias & Pink Rose Aroma Tickle my Soul. Cicadas Siren LOUD. Chimney Swifts Sweep the Tree Line. Sweat Beads and rolls down past the small of my back. Monarchs Tend to the Yellow Irises. Mockingbirds Fuss & chase. Bolts STREAK in the South & East. The Sun Boils the Fresh Rain Drops. Turtle Doves on the barb wire in the Shade & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer.  Thunder Rumbles. Cows moo. Yellow-Shafted Flicker Drums in the Pecan Tree. Little Grayish Blue Butterflies flutter about the Monkey Grass Blooms. A Red Tail Hawk ascends from the Tall Wire Grass grasping a Long Snake. A Woodstars Hover at the Four O'clocks. A Gnat Swarm buzzes about my head. Brown-Headed Cow Birds on Pecan Branches & Purple Finches on Peach & Plum Limbs Sing to the LORD with GLEE. Blue Dashers & Orange Medow-Hawks zip above the Cammie Bushes.  Shadows cross the Yard as Two Groupings of Cattle Egrets flap North just over the Oak Tops. Half Moon peek-a-boos in the Patchy Gray Clouds. 

Golden Plumes Wave

Two Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers Drum in the Pecan Tree. Cicada's Low Humming Prayers Fill the Humid Morning Air. Hog Sphinx Moths Work the Phloxe Blooms. Buffed Bellied Humming Birds Tend to the Burgundy Irises. Steamy Fog Patches Rise from the Dewwy Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about new Clumps of Clover. Red Canaan Lilies and Orannge & Yellow Tiger Lilies Stretch Six feet in to the Sky. Bright Golden Plumes Wave as cattle Egret Heads bob up & down in the tall Green Wiregrass as They Trail in behind the Cows. Small White Puffy Clouds float Above. Bumble Bees Crawl & Buzz about the Magnolia Blooms. Seed Pods & Brown Magnolia Leaves Fall as New Growth & Bud Horns form on many of the magnolia Trees. The Bright Sun Sips from Buttercups & Pink Teacups.  Purple Breasted Fruit Doves on the Grape Arbor, Ground Doves below the Vines & Love Doves on the power line Chant Morning Prayers. Round Fortified Dune Ant Hills Tower Two Inches high in the Center of the driveway. Tufted Titmice Check on the Green Grapes. Saddlebag Dragonflies Zip about the Crepe Myrtles as Ruby Throated Humming Birds Hover at some of the Blooms. Smoke From Rushings Burn Off Creeps in low. Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Meadow Larks on Peach Branches Glorify Our CREATOR!

The Garden Spider Rolls

Crickets Fiddle. A Long Rose Limbs hooks the porch post. Tree Frogs & Toads Rejoice to the LORD. Stars Twinkle to the Northeast. A Grass Moth in the Monkey Grass is Drawn to the porch bulb as other Moths spin under it and Beetles beat against the glass. A Long Webby Curtain Hangs down into the Pink Cammie Bush from a Pine Branch. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. The Garden Spider Rolls a Bug in Her Silky Tapastry. Thin Streaky Clouds overhead dress Stars in Rainbow Halos. Yellow Lilies sparkle with Dew just off the Porch. Cows moo. The Damp Carpet of Grass cools my feet. A few Glow Worms inch along. Roosters crows. Purple seeps into the East. Poor-Wills Pray.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Meadow Larks in the Pecan Tree & Song Sparrow in the Oaks PRAISE the LORD. Japanees Beetles beat against the porch bulb. Joey's Rooster Crows. Cows moo. Brown Thrashers Sing Grace hopping about scratching & pecking for Worms. High Clouds cover the Sky. The Carpet of Grass is thick & Cushy under my feet. Yellow Irises & Lilies along with the Briliant Crepe Myrtle Red Canaan Lilies & Pink Phloxes give this Gray drab day Color. Cardinals & Tufted Titmice enjoy some Pine Nuts. A Lizard scurries into the Pine Straw. Morning Doves & Ground Doves Chant Prayer. Indigo Buntings & Carolina Wrens Sing & Rejoice for this is the Day that the LORD has Made.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sun Rays Break Free!

Sunbeams Shoot up out of the Puffy Patchy Gray Clouds in the East Shining on the Sparkley Dewy tops of The Oak Trees & Making the High Pine Sprigs GLOW! Inca Doves in the Walnut Tree & Rock Doves on the Smokehouse roof Join the Prayer Chanting. Deer Graze in the Tall Wiregrasas. Song Sparrows in Oak Trees & Cardinals on the Grape Branches PRAISE Our LORD! A Black Beetle with BRIGHT Green Stripes Crawls on an Althea Branch. BAM... the Praying Prey Mantis enjoys Her Breakfast. Sun Rays Break Free in Low Gray Clouds Drinking Dew from Buttercups & Sucking on Purple Ivy Straws. Several Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Invade the Phloxes. A Monarch Flutters at each Yellow Iris. Weather Telling Fire Ants RE-Till Hills in many Places going Deeper Before the Coming Rains. Crop duster Plane Hums in the Distance. Purple Finches in the Magnolia Trees & A Red-Winged Black Bird Sing the Next Hymn. Crepe Myrtle Branches wave as Buzzing Bumble Bees Tend to the Blooms. Many Old Pink Crepe Myrtle Flowers Twirl down like GOD'sGrace.

Chant Morning Prayers

The Indigo Dawn Sky pushes the dark away. Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree coo, Ground Doves voo Under the Palms & a Saw Whet Owl on a Pine Branch toot, toot, tooting Chant Morning Prayers. High Thick Clouds fill the Air. Cows moo. The Roosters crows. Chattering Thanks, Lil'Brown Bats Sweep the Magnolia Trees eating Breakfast. All the Flowers Aromas Blend filling my Soul as the Purfume Rises to be Enjoyed by Heaven's Host. A Skunk barks as She forges in the Dirt under the Pink Cammie Bush. Mike's Donkey Brays. Robins scratch & peck for Worms. A Goat Sucker Swoops in low by the short Redbud and Clutches a Small Snake. Summer Breeze makes me Feel Fine. Meadowlarks & Mockingbirds join in... JESUS is the Jazmen in Our Mind!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vultures Search

Gray Clouds pass to the Southeast. A Mourning Dove Chants Prayer on a Pecan Limb. A Red Wasp Land on a Box Bush Leave & crawls in. White Caps form high on the darker Gray  Clouds. Magnolia Fragrance is so Strong and Wonderful as Many New Magnolias Bloom and others open wide. Little Black Magnolia Bugs Creep on each Flower. Tree Doves Cut in Close dipping & diving around the Magnolia Trees. Faint Thunder Echos in the South. A White Sulphur Butterfly Flutters over the Grape Vines. Monking Bird drinks from the Water pot. Green, Black & Yellow Garter Snake Slowly Slithers over the Monkey Grass sliding into the Pine Straw around the Iris Plants. Cows moo. Yellow, Pink, Purple, White & Brugandy Flowers Brighten another Drab Day. Circling above Four Black Headed Vultures Search for a Roadside Dinning Spot To Have Dinner.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! Song Sparrows in Plum Trees & Pine Warblers in an Oak Tree Praise the LORD. Thunder Echos in the Northeast. Branches & Sprigs Hang low still Dripping Water. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Chant Evening Prayer. Faint Thunder Rumbles to the West and North. Crows caw. Manolias & Crepe Myrtles Smell Wonderful. A Cicada SIRENS LONG & LOUD. More Pink Crepe Myrtle Flowers & White Magnolia Petals Litter the Yard with more Leaves & Branches. A Soft Shower falls like GOD's Grace. The Hands Rooster Crows. Thick ominous and dark Cloud seem to be Rolling in Quickly. Mongingbird Drinks from a Magnolia Bush.Thunder comes closer. Chimney Swifts Sweep the Tops. Cows moo. A few Cattle Egrets have come back. Lightning Fills the Clouds to the West. Rails Click & Cluck in the Thick-Its. Deer Peer out from the Brush. Long Rumbling Thunder Vibrates. The Few Cattle Egrets take off. The Wrens flutter up to Their Nest. Bolts Sizzle & Crack. The Sky OPENS Pouring DOWN. Gusts Whip about. Lilies & Irises Bend. Limbs Bow. THUNDER QUAKES. RAIN Slams Sideways into the Windows.Hail Pellets Clink! Wind Wistles.THUNDER Bolts CRASH!

Crepe Myrtle Flowers are Tossed

 Blue Jays Whine like swing chains needing WD40. Thick dark Gray Clouds Roll in from the West. Rubby Throated Hummingbirds   Zip about the Crepe Myrtle Flowers. A Black & Blue Swallowed-Tail Butterfy Flutters to each new Yellow Irris. Crows Caw flapping East. A Hog Sphinx Moth Tends to the Blooming Yellow Lilies. . Purple Finches on Peach Branches PRAISE the LORD. Orange  Meadow-Hawks & Saddlebag Dragon Flies Flit above the Bushes. Pileated Woodpeckers laugh. Thunder Rumbles Fairly Close. Grasshoppers Flick in the Lush Grass. Grass Flickers hop in the Tall Wire Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce around Tiny White & Yellow Wildflowers. A Gust Rustles Leaves. Gentle Sprinkles Kiss. Tree Frogs Beseech the RAINMAKER for more! Lightning Streaks in the West. Mockingbirds Flash & Chase. Thunder shakes. A Box Turtle Closes It's Shell. Pine Warblers Swoosh out of the Big Pine. A Bolt SIZZLES Above. The Cows moo & Many Sit. The Earth QUAKES. Cattle Egrets HONK Freaking Out Flying Away. Drops Beat Harder. Limbs Sway & Branches Bow. Leaves & Crepe Myrtle Flowers are Tossed about the Yard. Chimney Swifts Dive into the Fireplace. A Thunder Bolt Erupts & CRASHES. The Carolina Wrens shake the rain off on the swinging porch Swing. Garden Spider enjoys a Bug Roll for Lunch. LIGHTNING FLASHES & THUNDER CRASHES More. The Wind BLOWS Rain SIDEWAYS. THUNDER's TOO CLOSE.

Sweat Beads

Summer Tanagers on Plum Branches & Yellow Finchesup on the small Redbud GLORIFY Our KING! Crepe Murtle Branches Shake  dipping up & down as  Buzzing Bumble Bees buzz about the Bushes; Petals Twirl soft like Snow into the Green Lush Grass. Red Clay shifts to the top as Fire Ants till new Hills near old Patches of Dirt. The Roosters Crow & CROW. A Garden Spider Weaves an Extravagant Web in the Corner of the porch overhang.  Buffed-Bellied Hummimgbirds share the Phloxes. I wonder if the Tree Frogs are sticking to the windows because the windows are Cool and  it is HUMID HOTout here; the Frogs  Give Thanks zapping Little Blue Flies. Sweat BEADS on my back. Love Doves not Cuddling on the power line Chant Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Palms. Cows moo. A Preying Mantis Prays Blending well at the Base of an Althea Bush. Above a Woodstar tends to the Purple Altheas. A Hog Sphinx Moth zipps about the Pale pink Atheas. There is an Empty Withering Snake Shin in the Fork  of that Bush. A Mockingbird sips perched on the Water pot as another flashes & flares at Him. a Thin Sheet of Fog Creeps out of the Woods in to the far Field; Purple Haze rises in the Southwest. Two Red-Winged Blackbirds on the Flowering Weeping Willow & Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree sing a few stanzas of Amazing Grace. Escaping Sun Rays Paint Gray Clouds Purple beaming up into the Air.

A Glow Worm Scoots

Frogs Praise Our CREATOR. Crickets Fiddle.  Poor-Wills Pray. A Cool Summer Breeze Brushes my Air. A Glow Worm Scoots along in the Dirt. Thick Lush Dewy Grass Cushions my step, but feels like wet Carpet. Grass Moths Flutter 'round the Bulb. Two Matalic Beetles struggle up-side-down on the porch. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. mmm... the Magnolia & Pine Fragrances Delight my Soul rising above a BILLION Sparkley Stars to Heaven's Hosts.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Purple Pours

 Saw Whet Owl up on a Pecan Limb Toot toot toots. A Flaring Meteor SHOOTS through the Big Pine Tree into the North.. Crickets Slide Their Bows across Their Fiddles. Flickers Play the Banjos. Frogs Sing a Blue Grass Gospel Song, Toads add Harmony & the Bull Frogs out at the Pond Bring in the Deep Hearty Bass.Poor-Wills Shout "GLORY GLORY!" Cool Summer Breeze Gently Caresses my back, Wrapping 'round my shoulders. Rails Click & Cluckin the Thick-Its. Lil'Brown Bats Sweep the Magnolia Trees. Purple pours into the East pushing on the dark. Roosters Crow. Cows moo.A Mockingbird Praises the LORD . A Great Horned Owl Whoot "AMEN!" Stars, a Million Sparkling Stars, oh maybe Two Million Twinkling Bright Stars dot-to-dot GOD's Smiling Face!  

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cattle Egret Heads Bob up

Cicadas Siren long & drawn out. Bluejays Whine. Cows moo. TALL Green Wire Grass seems to part Mysteriously and now & then  Cattle Egret Heads Bob up. Tree Frogs Sliming the livingroom & bedroom windows Give Thanks as They ZAP Itty-Pitty Orange Bugs. Long Lavander Colored Flowered Stems Stretch up out of the Monkey Grass along the walkway. Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Flare & Fight at the Phloxes acting like some humans not willing to share. They even Challenge the Woodstars Tending to the Burgandy Irises. A Hog Sphinx Moth zips about the Pale Pink Altheas. Two Yellow Winged with Black Dots Butterflies Flutter Gracefully at the Purple Altheas. Bumble Bees Work the Yellow Irises. Booboo Kittycat looks like she is Directing Traffic up on Her Hind Legs in the Middle of the Front Bed Swatting at the Tiny Birds & The Bugs. Saddlebag Dragon Flies Flitter over the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Cardinals sing Grace as They peck Red Magnolia Seeds. Magnolia Fragrance Tickles my nose as the Hot Air BURNS.  The Sun is still finding yesterday's Rainwater in Flowers as Shadows shift. Inca Doves & Love Doves Chant Prayers. Mushrooms Sprout up across the Yard and tiny White Flowers dot the Grass. Blue Gray Gnat Catchers Dive into Small swarms of Gnats. A Long Shiney Black Racer Lays out in the Dirt just off the Grape Vines. Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree Praise the LORD!

Be Glad in It

Wood Storks flap towards the Chatahoochee River. Robins & Brown Thrashers sing Grace bouncing about under the Lil'Pine Pecking Wiggle Worms. Above Them Yellow Finches and Mocking Birds near a Tractor Rut Puddle PRAISE Our CREATOR! a Hog Sphinx Zips to the Pink Athias. Cattle Egrets Vanish into the Fog as They Land in the Field.The Sun Burns a hole in the Fog. Beams Splash Butter cups as they Drink a Rain& Dew Mixer. Rays Kiss Dewy Drooping Spiner Wbbs Draped on the Grape Arbor and Sagging from barb wire. Just a tad down the Barb wire Turtle Doves and Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Cows moo. Tree Frogs Slime our Bedroom Window. Deer Silhouettes Graze in the Eirie Mist. Purple Haze Forms above Them. Roosters Crow. itty BittyToads with Tails hop from the far tractor tire Rut. Dried up Rotten Toad egg Stinch is covered by the Magnolia Aroma until I am over it. YUCK! Crows Caw. LadyBugs Fly away home. Meadow Larks in the Far Oak & Song Sparrows on the Crepe Myrtles, Wet Blooms Twinkling, Rejoice in the Day the LORD has Made. Dear Friend Let us be Glad in It!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Still Laughing

Meadow Larks Down the Tree Line & Indigo Buntings on Peach Branches Sing PRAISES to Our LORD. A Steamy Humid Fog Pushes Down & against my Chest, SLOSHING against my body. I Hear Two Laughing Gulls laughing long before I see Their Black Heads faintly; geting a good look at them only for a Moment, then the moments gone as they Vanish into the Eerie Wall, still LAUGHING. Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER, but Toads Continue to sing of Love. Crows call. The Fog Opens my pores and Saturates my Being. Poor-Wills are Still Chanting Prayers,so Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Join in the Chant. The Thick HUMID Air BURNS my nose as I breathe, yet Magnolia Essenece fills my SOUL! I cane Barely make out Green Heron marching behind the mooing Cow Silhouettes. A Majestic Buck Snorts as He checks the Peaches and Three Does trail on behind Himwalking into the Curtain.Several Fussing Mockingbirds flash & flare at one another Chasing. A Large Stink Bug Tears in to an up-side-down June Bug that was spinning & trying to flip back over near the other rocking chair. The Briliant Brugandy Lilies, Hot Pink Phloxes and Purple Althias with All Their Rich Green Foliage Look Dashing against the White Foggy Backdrop. Roosters Crow & CROW BESEECHING the Sun to come. Song Sparrows & Purple Finch Belt Out with Hollow Verse "HOLY HOLY HOLY"! I Join in with my JOYFUL noise and BESEECH the SON to Come.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wet Crow caw

Blue Jays whine like Old swing chain. A Toad hops on my feet. The Roosters Crow. Gnats wiz around my eyes & ears. Thunder echoes to the South. Mockingbirds on Pine Limbs and Summer Tanagers in the Peach Trees Praise GOD! Thick dark Gray Clouds Creep Up Closer. I smell Salty Sea Airin the Breeze. A Yellow Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Lands on each Weeping Willow Bloom. A Hog Sphinx Moth zips to each Tangled Ivy Bloom along the Thin Willow Tree. A Woodstar Tends to the new Phloxe Blooms. Rain Drops Sprinkle Kisses. Mud squishes from under the Grass with Each Step. Mourning Doves on a Pecan Branch Chant Prayers with Ground Doves under the Palms. I Think the Squirrels found a few more Pecans in the Pine Straw from Last Year as They Chatter Grace. A Bolt Flashes Bright over Joey's House. The Ground Shakes as the Thunder Cracks. FREEKING Cattle Egrets Jump in Different Directions Flapping away. Cows in the Middle of the Pasture sit. Rain Pours Pounding the Metal roof. A Wasp Flys into the Plant Room. Wet Crows caw. Tractor tire ruts fill back up. Lightning Blazes in the dark Clouds. THUNDERBOLTS Quake the earth. Frogs Give Thanks to the RainMaker.

A Stink Bug Eats

Scrub Jays Scream sounding like Finger Nails on a chalk Board. Sweat beads on my Back & rolls down. Pink-Bellied Fruit Doves on Plum Branches and Roxck Doves on a power pole join the Prayer chant. The Carolina Wren Couple Sing Grace enjoying Frog Eggs for Lunch in the Muddy area of the tractor tire Rut. Some of the Pollywogs have Front Legs.Tree Swallows & Purple martins resat on the power line along the road. Steam Rises from Wet Grass as Shadow Shift. Ruby Throated Hmmingbirds Zip about the Sagging Crepe Myrtle. A Weak Limb as Ripped Loose. Little Green Sweat bee Looking Fliers Crawl about those & other Crepe Myrtle Flowers as well. A Cooper's Hawk Screehes Ascending from the Tall Wiregrass clutching a Limp Drippy Long Snake.  A Monarch Butterfly tends to a Lone Golden Yellow Sun Lily amongst the Burandy Irises & Phloxes. Honey Bees buzz Phloxe to Phloxe and Two Hog Sphinx Moths Cover the Irises. Roosters Crow. Patchy Quilt Work Gray Clouds Roll North.Some Sprinkles get Squeezed Out and A Faded Rainbow Briefly Paints across the West. Cows moo under the Shade Trees. Cattle Egrets gather With them. Squirrels Chatter Thanks Feasting on Pine Nuts and Acorns. Tufted Titmice Bounce around the Squirrels pecking Pine Nuts & Red Magnolia Seeds. A Stink Bug eats a Leaf Beetle on a Large Lily Leaf. Lizards dash over the Pine Straw. Ladybugs Fly away Home. Purple Finches in the Cammie Bushes & Meadow Larks in on Peach Branches PRAISE The LORD!


Crows caw. The Sun POPS UP over Uncle Dougs Pines to Drink Rain Water from The Vibrant Burgandy Irises & the Full to the Brim Buttercups. Woodpeckers drum in the Tree Line down the Road. Frogs & Toads Thank the RAINMAKER. A Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Third Magnolia Tree. Many Magnolias are Opened Wide; the Fragrance tickles my nose and LIFTS my Soul as it rises to Heaven's Hosts. Tree Sparrow cut in close to the Blooms & Leaves Feasting on the Little Black Magnolia Bugs. Robins And Brown Thrashers Sing Gracxe Pecking wiggling Worms. Deer Graze in Doug's Clearing & Beyond the Barn. Gray Clouds move in from the South west. Purple Martins Swoop over the Cows in the Lush Green Field. Cattle Egret Heads poke up out of the Tall Wiregrass now & then as they peck Cow Patties. Blooms Sparkle in the Full Drooping Crepe Myrtles in the Sun Kisses. Saddlebag Dragonflies & Blue Dashers Flit above the Bushes. Mourning Doves, Love Doves on the power line and Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Morning Prayers. Collected Rain Droplets Twinkle on the Grape Leaves and Pine Sprigs. Chimney Swifts Swoop so VERY LOW over the Freshly Groomed Green Front Field. Lots of Coupling Love Bugs Become an EASY Breakfast as they Lumber to stay in Flight. Pollywogs Swim in the tractor tire Rut & Water Skimmers make tiny wakes above unhatched Toad Eggs. Cardinals in the Holly & Song Sparrow PRAISE the LORD! DEEP Red Canaan Lilies and Briliant Orange & Yellow Tiger Lilies Stretch into the Bright Blue Eye of GOD! Roosters CROW Welcoming Their Sun. Crow Welcoming the SON!  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Where the Grass is Greener

 Orchard Orioles on Peach Branches & Purple Finches bobing on the Weeping Willow Sing "HOLY HOLY HOLY" to Our LORD.  Thunder Echoes from the South & East. A Hog Sphinx Moth tends to the Willow Blooms and a Bumble Buzzes about Crawling on each entangled Ivy Flower. A Woodstar hovers over the Four O'clocks. Lightning Dashes in the Gray Couds Building in the Southwest! Joey Keeps mowing. A Black & Blue Swallowed Tailed Butterfly Flutters at the Deep Burgandy Irises. Two Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Visit the Hot Pink Phloxes. Thunder's Closer. Toads sing of Love. Saddle Bag Dragonflies Flitter over the Dark Pink Crepe Myrtle. A Box Turtle Strolls Slowly Between Two of the Bushes. Cattle Egret chase close behind the Cows moving to the other side where the Grass is Greener. Coupling Love Bugs struggle to Fly. A Bolt Cracks over head! The Cows STOP and SIT. THUNDER CRASHES & the Earth QUAKES. Cattle Egrets Freak into the Air and Circle Clockwise Squeeking & Honging. A Gust of Wind Rustles Leaves & BOWS Canaan Lilies and Tiger Lilies. Chimney Swifts Shoot into the Firepace. A Wasp sits on the Swaying porch swing. A Flash SIZZLE & a Thunderbolt EXPLODES. Many of the Egrets Vanish as the Heavens OPEN and Pour DOWN. Frogs in the Iris Leaves & Althea Bushes Thank the Rain Maker. The Wrens Escape toTeir Nest. Drops POUND the Metal Roof. The Thundering Cell Moves Quickly Northward. Drops ease. Joey pulls out of the Carport to continue Mowing. Cardinals on the Grapevines and Song Sparrows in the Little Oak Tree PRAISE Our CREATOR! Worship with Us!

Above it All

Blue Jays whine. Cicadas Siren. The Lush THICK Green Grass is Three Inches Taller. Love Doves Cuddling on the power line & Rock Doves on the Smoke house roof Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves. Red Toad Stools & Yellow Mushrooms rise from the Grass. Mocking Birds Drink from Wilted Magnolia Leaves. Magnolia Seedpods Plop, Wrappers Twirl 'round & Yellowing Magnolia Petals Float to the Ground. Crows Praise Our Creator in Uncle Doug's Pines. Deer Graze. Roosters CROW Loudly. Various Tiny & Small White Wildflowers dot the Yard. Brown-Headed Cow Birds SING JOYFUL Hymns with GLEE! Canaan Lilies & Tiger Lilies Tower into the Gray Sky. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Yellow Irises. Bumble Bees Buzz about the Crepe Myrtles. A Garden Spider Weaves a Picnic Platter on the barb wire. Yellow Sulphure Butterflies Spin & Frolic above it All. Gentel Drops begin to Kiss from Heaven.

Mud Oozes

Wet Branches hang lower and More Limbs have Fallen. A Meadowlark Praises GOD! Thick Clouds shift up from the South under the dark Streaming out of the West. A Hog Sphinx zips at the Pink Altheas. MUD OOZES between my Toes. Early Bird Robins Give Thanks pecking Wigglr Worms that have come Up for Air under the little Pine. Over Head Ground Doves on Pine Limbs & Mourning Doves Chant Prayers with a few Saw Whet Owlsin the Big Magnolia. Lil'Brown Bats get in a couple more sweeps before Dawn give way or it RAINS agin. Roosters Crow. Cows moo. Grass Mouths Flutter about. In the East, Hope in a Break in the Clouds Shows Blue and it is as if FATHER GOD Winked

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Vultures open Their Wings

Cardinals Frolic in The Hand's Oak Trees. Frogs & Toads Sing of LOVE. A Male Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Zips about the Phloxes. Cows moo. Mockingbirds flash & flare playing chase Magnoliad Tree to Magnolia Tree. Limbs Hang Low as Drops still Drip from Pine Sprigs & Leaves. Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & Ground Doves in the Pecan Tree Chant Prayer. Squirrels Climb down from the Nest. More Cattle Egrets Fly in, landing in the Field with the Cows. A Skeeter Sucks on my Right Calf. In the Half dead Tree in the Field Two Turkey Vultures Open Thier Wings to shake Them out. A Black Racer sorta Swims across the driveway. Chimney Swifts Pop out of the Fire Place to sweep the Magnolia Tops. Rabbits chew on Low Grape Leaves. Ruby-Crowned Kinglets dive into small Tight Swarms of Gnats. More dark Clouds Shift in from the South. Song Sparrows & Carolina Wrens Sing Joyfully to Their KING. A Cuckoo Yells "AMEN"!

Oakworm Moth Sits.

The Steady Sprinkle Drops Splash in Puddles, Spalt on Limbs & Kiss Flowers. A Mocking Bird on a Magnolia Branch & Two Brown Thrashers up in the Little Pine PRAISE the LORD. Lake Skimmers Slide across the Low Area,which is now a LAKE, Between the Briliant Deep Pink Blooming Crepe Myrtles & the driveway. A Few Swainson's Thrush Splash in a tractor Rut Over Flowing with Rain. Coupling Toads sing of Love in the next tractor Rut. Weeping Willow Limbs Wave in the Wind. Crows caw over head. Leaves Rustle. Peach Trees BOW as Green Peaches Splash in the Lush Green Grass. Two More Cattle Egrets Join The Grazing Cows in the Middle of the Field. Red Canaan Lilies and Orange & Yellow Tiger Lilies bend over. Gray Clouds From the South Shift Under the Clouds Rolling East. Tree Frogs Sliming the livingroom Windows Thank the RAINMAKER! The Hand's Rooster Crows and Joey's Cock is Quick to doodle, too! A Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth sits on the Swaying porch swing arm. Cows Moo. A Pileated Woodpecker in the Tall Oak Laughs. Red Toadstools and Brown & Yellow Mushrooms Rise Above the Grass & Water. A Tufted Titmouse Tweets Grace Pecking Pinenuts off the walkway.Drops Beat on the Metal Roof. I don't think we'll reach 75*F today, Might put sleeves on when I go back Out.

It Waves!

Robins, Meadowlarks & Mockingbirds GLORIFY the LORD! The Branches on the Big Pine Hang Low over the walk way. The Magnolia & Phloxe Fragrancees Fill my Soul. Tree Frogs down the Tree Line and Leapard Frogs Thank The RAIN MAKER. A Tinge of Pink escapes between Gray Clouds with Purple Fringe in the East. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. A Few Stars peek-a-boo. Monkey Grass Paints my Shins as I step over. Toads Sing of LOVE. The SOAKED Carpet of Lush Grass squishes & sloshes from ALL the RAIN. Train Whistle Blows at Jakin Cross roads. Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayers. Drops Kiss my Shoulders falling from the Branches. Afew more Limbs Lay on the Ground. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. Moths spin under the porch bulb. A few June Bugs wiggle up-side-down. Cukoos call. The New Dawn Sky Fades the dark. Song Sparrows in the Red Cammie & Purple Ficnches on Crepe Myrtles Sing the next Hymn. A Summer Breeze catches the Hand's American Flag and it WAVES.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Sizzling Bolt Cracks

Blue Jays whine like old swing chain.  Layers of Gray Clouds, criss-crossing over head, seem to be pushing down. Yellow &Tiger Lilies and Red Canaan Lilies jar as Drops bounce of of Them. Toads sing of LOVE. More Pink & Lavander Altheas Bloom on the Bushes. Hundereds of Bright Pink Phloxe Line the Flower Bed. Water Skimmers Slide over the tractor Rut Puddles. Burgandy Irises in little Groupings on a Stem Fill with Rain. Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer. Hot Pink Four O'clocks begin to Stretch open. Green Weeping Willow Leave stems & Pale flowers wave  in the Cool Summer Breeze. Ivy is wraped around the Weeping Willow Tight with Purple Straws. The Sky darkens. Buttercups & Pink Teacups dot the Lush Green Grass. A Mocking Bird in the Little Cedar & a Cardinal on a Holly Limb Praise the LORD. Rain Drops Beat the Metal Roof HARDER & FASTER! Thunder Rumbles in the West. Red Rose Petals are Knocked Loose. The Wet Cows moo. The Long Purple Flowering Crepe Myrtle Limbs Bow in the Wind. A Sizzling Bolt CRACKS. Thunder QUAKES. STRONG Howling Wind Pushes. Leaves Rustle. The Lightning & Thunder roll away fast. The Drops Soften.  The Frogs sing the Next Hymn. My Joyful Noise Blends.Thunder echoes in the Northeast.

I Sing!

Meadowlarks in the Peach Trees & Purple Finches on the Redbud Branches PRAISE Our LORD! Wiggle Worms Squirm on the Saturated Ground. Brown Thrashers & Robins Give Thanks as They Peck Breakfast. Monkey Grass Paints my Ankle; the Little Blue Monkey Grass Flowers rise from the Centers. Roosters Crow. Sphinix Moth zips about the Phloxes. A Grouping of Herring Gulls yuckle floating & riding the Wind Current over head. Sun Beams SHOOT out of the Clouds Drinking from Buttercups & Pink Teacups, full from the Rain. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Deer Graze Below in the Clearing. Young Mockingbirds FIDDLE-FADDLE Their Wings to Keep The Balance on a Pecan Branch. Love Bugs fly from the Lush Green Grass in the Front Field. Purple Martins dive down FEASTING. Brilliant Tiger Lilies & Vibrant  Red Canaan Lilies Stretch into the Sky. Yellow Rumped Warblers Chatter in the Big Magnolia Tree. Tree Sparrows swoop in Close inches from the Leaves & Snowy White Magnolias. I sing with the Indigo Buntings and Cardinals as a Cool Summer Breeze makes me feel FINE... ♫JESUS♪is♫the♪Jasmin♫in♪my♫Mind♪  

Bull Frogs Add

 The Hands Rooster Cries Out "GLORY HALLELUJAH!" Flashes streak through the Clouds to the Southeast. The Waining Quarter Moon plays peek-a-boo with a few Stars dressed in Rainbow Halos. Frogs Sing to the LORD Joyfully. Crickets Keep Time on Their Fiddles. Toads bring the Harmony & Bull Frogs add Bass. Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayer. A Great Horn Owl Shouts "AMEN!" 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Praise the RAINMAKER!

Thunder QUAKES THE GROUND? Rain po Wunds the metal roof. The CarolinaWrens Sing to the LORD! Lightining SIZZLE! Thunder RUMBLES! The Sun BREAKS free. A Rainbow streaks to the North. Frogs & Toads PRAISE the RAINMAKER! Wet Cos moo.Thunder echoes in the Northeast. Soft pitter-patter. Mmm the Flowering Fragrance fills my Soul.

Tree Swallows Dip and Dive

Thick Steamy Air PUSHES AGAINST my chest. Red Roses weave between the porch rails. Cardinals on Redbud Branches & Meadowlarks on the Plum Trees Praise The LORD. Sweat Beads down my back. Roosters Crow. The Canaan Lilies Strech High in the Sky Towards the Hot Sun. Rock Doves on the Smokehouse Roof & Turtle Dove on the barb wire Chant Prayer. A Bumble Bee Buzzes to each Canaan Lilies. Male Bob Whites whistle & STRUT puffing out Their Plume Feathers. A Black & Blue Swallow Tail Butterfly Tends to the Tiger Lillies. A Mockingbird drinks from a Magnolia Leaf. Rappers & Empty Seed Pods fall from the magnolia Trees; The New Blooms' Tickles my SOUL! Tree Swallows dip & dive inches from the Limbs and the Large White Flowers. Saddlebag Dragonflies flit above the Crepe Myrtle. Purple Finches Chatter as they gather weighing down Branches. Hot Pink Crepe Myrtle Blooms Twirl into the Grass. Another Round of dark Gray Puffy Clouds Roll from the West. A Woodstar zips about the Weeping Willow Feeding on the entangled Ivy Straws. Faint Thunder echoes.Wood Beetles dig in the Pine Straw. Buffed Bellied Humming Birds Hover to each Ploxe Flower. Althea Blooms open. Rufous-Sided Towhees rummage in the Leaves under the Big Magnolia Tree. Cows moo in the Distance. Thunder Rumbles to the West. Summer Tanagers in the Peach Trees & Chustnut Munia sing a Bluegrass Gosple Song. Gentle Sprinkles Kiss. A Blot Strikes ; the Ground Quakes. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sun Rays Beam.

Mockingbirds fuss & chase Brown Thrashers away from the Little Cedars. Thunder rumbles in the West.A Field Mouse darts over the Pine Straw; Booboo Kitty-cat in fast pursuit! Cardinals in the Holly bush & Song Sparrows down the Tree Line PRAISE Our LORD!Wind Gusts;Leaves rustle. Rockdoves on the power pole & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer. Red-Headed Woodpecker giggles. Lights Flash in the Approaching Gray Clouds. Catbirds meeow in the Dogwood Tree. Thunder Rumbles! Cattle egrets Fly off. Cows sit. THUNDERBOLTS Crack & Sizzle as the GROUND QUAKES. Buckets of RAIN Drop from the Sky. Bolts Flare & Flash. The Porch SHAKES. The Carolina Wrens Shake off on the swing back & Flutter up to the nest. The Cell Rolls East fast. Sun Rays Beam through the Clouds sipping Suckle Straws & Buttercups. A rainbow Paints across the Sky. Lightning Fills the Northeast. Distant thunder Rumbles. The Magnolias smell so Sweet. Meadow Larks sing the New SONG in the Soft Sprinkle. More dark Gray Clouds Build in the West. 

Copper-Head near the Mailbox

A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Enters & Backs out of Each Orange Iris with Care. Small Pinkish White Butterfly tends to the Blue Monkey Grass Flowers. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire, Ground Doves under the Palms & White-Collared Doves on the Grapevines Chant Afternoon Prayers. Blue Jays whine. Rabbits chew on Grape leaves. Ants March to & fro The up-side-down June Bugs on the porch. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Pecan Tree. Turkey Vultures Rip apart a Large Copper-Head near the mailbox for Dinner. Cows moo. Mocking Bird s Splash in the Water pot. Black & Blue Butterflies Flutter at the Bright Red Canaan Lilies.  Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Hover at the Phloxes. The Sun Burns a Hole in the Clouds. Roosters Crow. A Box Turtle Rambles S L O W L Y through the Yard. Cattle Egrets hang with the Cows under Joey's big Oak Tree. The Purple Four O'clocks open with a Sun Kiss. White-Breasted Nuthatches Chatter Grace under the Big Pine.Two tiny Pine Sprigs dangle from Silky  Strands.  Red Crested Cardinals on Redbud Branches & Purple Finches on the Peach Trees Praise Our CREATOR! 

Skeeter has Breakfast

Feels the Moist Fog on my chest & back. Frogs & Toads Praise the LORD! Crickets slide Their Bows on Cellos & Violins. Eerie Echoes of Barred Owlss HOOTS Ring from the Woods. The Waning Quarter Moon seems suck in the Big Magnolia Tree trying to climb higher. Cows moo. A Great Horned Owl WHOOTS near Uncle Doug's. Moths spin under the porch bulb. In the North Stars Twinkle & Sparkle. A Buck SNORTS. The Magnolias & Phloxes Smell Amazing. Joey's Rooster Crows. A Skeeter has Breakfast on my leg. I sip on my Coffee... mmm.