Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pink Splatters

Crows caw Out back.  Deer Stand in the Tall Thick Brush. The Big Pale Full Moon Slips into a Gray Cloud low in the West. Inca Doves in the Big Oak & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayers.  Hog Sphinx Moths Hover to each Hot Pink Phloxe. Purple Martins Swoop over the Tall Wavey Wire Grass.  A Gipsy Moth flutters. Cattle Egret Heads bob up and down as They follow Cows. Pink Splatters in the Gray Clouds to the East. A Buffed Bellied Hummingbird pokes a Hole low  in an Burgandy Iris Petal to Drain the Water. Red Striped Dragonflies zip over the Monkey Grass. Thrush drink from Brown Wilted Magnolia Leaves. Toads Couple in tractor tire rut Puddles. Brown Thrashers giving Thanks Pick Worms off the Drinched Mud. Mike's Bull is WHOOPING LOUD!  Tree Frogs Sliming the living room windows PRAISE the RAINMAKER!

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