Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hoary Bats Sweep

A Saw Whet Owl Prays "toot toot toot." Thin Clouds Dress the Half Moon in a Rainbow Halo. Crickets Fiddle as Frogs Praise Our CREATOR. The Hands Rooster Crows. Warm Humid Air Pushes Down. A Lizard darts over the porch. June Bugs spin under the bulb. Magnolia & Phloxes Fragrance Blend. Flashes of Lightning FLARE in the Far South. Deer Silhouettes move around the back Grape Arbor. Hoary Bats Sweep over the Front Yard. Purple Oozes into the East. Poor-Wills chant Prayers with the Owl. More Bolts Flicker. Robins & Mockingbirds Sing the New Song!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bats are Out Early.

The Bright Orange Ball Rolls on past the Trees. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Ground Doves under the Pines Chant Prayer. Pink Flares and Orange splashes Clouds in the West. Bob White Whistle. Cicadas Whine LOUDLY in the Far Oak Tree. Red-Bellied Woodpecker drums on the Walnut Tree. A Buck steps Proudly into the Field. Crows caw Does follow the Buck to Graze. The Buck Chases off a Cattle Egret & it flies just over to a few Cows. Tree Frogs & Toads sing Love Songs. A Coon Struts down the Tree Line. Chimney Swifts Dart down the Fireplace. Garden Spider Weaves a Beautiful Tapestry. Tan Spotted Snake Slithers over the driveway in to the Grass. Green Herons peek-a-boo in the Tall Wire Grass following Cows. Mike's Donkey Brats. The Hands Rooster crows. The Four O'clock Blooms close tight. A Few Little Brown Bats are out early sweeping the Magnolia Trees. Cardinals & Song Sparrows sing one more Song to Our LORD as the Crickets Rosen and Tune up. Poor-Wills Join the Prayers.

Brown Thrashers Sing

A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird enters each Red Lily, Flying in with Care. A Summer Breeze stirs the Steamy Humid Air; Magnolia Fragrance Tickles my nose. Brown Thrashers Sing Grace pecking Worms out of the Saturated Dirt. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies Frolic over the Weeping Willow Blooms. A Woodstar tends to the Crepe Myrtles along the back fence. Monarch Butterflies work the Crepe Myrtles down the driveway. Saddlebag Dragonflies zip about above. Brown-Headed Cowbirds sing to the LORD with Glee. The Sun burns through the Clouds and Rays sip rain water from Buttercups & Pink Teacups. Bob Whites Whistle.

Mushrooms Push Up

Song Sparrows on Plum Branches & Summer Tanagers in the Red Cammie Bush Praise GOD! Drops collect at the end of Pine Sprigs Weighing them Down & slowly falling. Frogs & Toads Thank the RAINMAKER! Crows caw in the Tops of the Hands Oak Trees. Deer Graze beyond the Barn. A Mockingbird drinks from a Wilted Magnolia Petal. The Magnolias smell so wonderful; Little Black Magnolia Bugs crawl about the Blooms. Tree Swallows dip & dive in close. Mushrooms push up out of the Brown Leaves under the Big Magnolia Tree. Mourning Doves up in the Magnolia Trees, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & White-Winged Doves on the Grape Arbor Chant Morning Prayer. The Green Grapes are growing.  Rabbits Chew on Grape Leaves at the far end. Roosters Crow. Fire Ants Till new Hills. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce around Pink, Blue & Yellow Wildflowers Dotting the Front Field. Coupling Love Bugs Struggle to Fly off the Ground. Purple Martins Swoop just over the Wiregrass Singing Grace as the enjoy a Love Bug Buffet Spread across the Field. Puffy dark Gray Clouds move in Under the Streamy High Gray Clouds.  Prothonotary Warblers Chatter in the Chinaberry Tree. Black & Blue Swallow-Tail Butterflies Flutter at the Red Canaan Lilies. The Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Hover Zip to each Orange Iris. Blue Dashers Flit about the Crepe Myrtle.  Cows moo. Chestnut Munias Sing the next Hymn on the Weeping Willow. Two Skeeters have Breakfast on my left leg.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER!

Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird darts about the Phloxes. Thunder Rumbles all Around. Grass Flickers hop; a Grasshopper Flicks. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about Tiny White & Yellow Wildflowers peck Red Magnolia Seeds. Black Magnolia Bugs Crawl on the Magnolias. Chimney Swifts  Comb the Magnolia Trees not straying from sight of the Fireplace. Lightening Streaks the Clouds in the Southeast. Thunder Rumbles there & in the West. Toads sing of LOVE. Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Prayer. Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER. Drops drip from the Trees and Every thing is Fresh & Clean. The Squirrels under the Far Oak Tree Chew on Acorns. Cicadas whine & siren LOUDLY. Thunder Shakes the Ground. A long Slender Black Racer Slides over the Tractor Rut Puddles. Two Leaf Beetles Chew on An Iris Leaf. A Few Bright Red Irises Bloom.Song Sparrows in the Big Pine Praise God. More Thick dark Gray Clouds Approach.  

Wrens Flutter

Limbs Litter the Grass. Robins Give Thanks Peck Worms off the Top of the Mud. Irises & Lilies Lean over. Flashes reflect on the Trees from the Lightening in the Southeast. Frogs & Toads PRAISE the RAINMAKER. Thunder Echos. Drops Drip from Tree Branches & every thing. Mocking Bird Drinks from a tractor Rut. A Small Blue Dragon Fly sits on a Monkey Grass Flower. A White Heron Flaps against dark Gray Clouds Approaching. Thunder Rumbles in the South & Southeast. Crepe Myrtle Blooms a Scattered near the Bushes. Lightening ZIG-ZAGS in the Western Cloud Tops. The Rising Sun Rays Burn Through Drinking from Buttercups & Suckle Straws. A Rainbow Paints across the North. Cardinals on the Grape Vines & Purple Finches in the Peach Trees Sin GLORIOUSLY to Our KING! Cows moo. A Gentle  Sprinkle Kisses me. Wet Gray Fox Carries a Bob White Home for Breakfast. Weeping Willow fans in the Building Wind. Streaks Rip across the Clouds. The Air SIZZLES as Thunder QUAKES. The Cows Sit. Drops BEAT Against the Roof. The Sky darkens. The Cell moves over Quick to the North east Blowing Lims & Bowing Trees. A Soft Pitter-Patter Keeps the Beat with a drumming Yellow-Shafted Flicker. The Carolina Wrens Flutter from Their Nest and Sing the New Song. The Magnolias & Phloxes smell Wonderful. 


 A Mockingbird Praises the Lord. Bolts Strike Closer. Garden Spider Weaves a Tapestry. Frogs & Toads Pray for Rain. Thunder Rumbles. A few Stars play peek-a-boo. Gray Fox  lurks about. SPOOKED Ground Doves Sound the Alarm as They Flitter Away! The Wind Picks up & Leaves rustle. Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayers with the Poor-Wills. Lightning Strikes. The Earth Quakes. Clouds over take the Moon. Robins & Meadowlarks sing the next Hymn. A Bolt Sizzles overhead. The Sky OPENS POURING Buckets of Rain. Another Strike and more Flashes, and More Lightening. Cows moo. THUNDER Shakes & Rumbles & RUMBLES. Drops\Drum on the Metal Roof. Jun Buggs spin on the porch up-side-down. The Spider Web is Ripped apart! Gust Blow the Rain Side Ways. Hail Beats down. THUNDER ROCKS. RAIN POUNDS. Bolts Flare like the Light of Day! The Carolina Wren Couple Cuddle safe in Their Nest.   

Luna Moth Flutters

 Flashes of Lightning Fill the Southern Horizon flaring High into the Clouds.Poor-Wills Pray. Wide Opened Magnolias Faintly Show in the porch bulb Beam. Junebugs BEAT against the porch bulb till they tire Falling to the concrete. Eerie Echoes of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. Little Brown Bats dip & dive along the tree Line. The Half Moon Hangs up in the Streaming Thin Clouds Wearing a Rainbow Halo. Roosters Crow. Bolts Streak Closer. Cows moo. Thunder Rumbles in the Distance. A Majestic Glowing Green Luna Moth Flutters Gracefully into the Country dark.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

House Sparrows Praise

Song Sparrows praise GOD! White-Winged Doves under the Crepe Myrtles out back & Inca Doves on Walnut Branches Chant Morning Prayer. Gnats seem to swarm out of no where around our heads. A King Snake slides under the desk in the carport as we get in the car, A few Gnats get in. Grass-Hopper Sparrows fly up out of the Buttercups & Yellow Crosses as we pull down the driveway. Saddlebag Dragonflies zip over the car criss-crossing the Hot Pink Crepe.Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Blooms. Crop duster dusrs Rushing's Field. Two Black-Headed Laughing Gulls fly over Jakin West Liquer Store. Cotton & Peanuts along Hwy84 are so green. Corn looks ready. Many flower beds in town are in full bloom. Rock Doves on the hospital roof & Mourning Doves in the pine Tree chant Prayer as we get out of the car to go in for Addie's PT appt. House Sparrows praise GOD!

A Large 'Coon Vanishes

Meadowlarks on Plum Branches & Orchard Orioles  in the Chinaberry Tree PRAISE the LORD. Deer check the Peaches & a Few chew on Grape Leaves.Red-Headed Woodpecker Giggles & drums in the Pecan tree. Gray Squirrels chattering Grace Find a Pecan in the Pine Straw. Mourning Doves above in the Pecan Tree Top & Love Doves Chant Morning Prayer. A Large Bat just above the Tree Tops flutters Southward. Wood Storks Flap on to the ChattaHoochee. Cows moo. Roosters CROW. The Sun Sips Dew from Butter Cups as it Pops Over Uncle Doug's Pines. Crows Caw on Pine limbs. A Large 'Coon Vanishes in the Fog rolling out of the Woods. A Stink Bug Tears open a June bug for Breakfast. A pair of Nightjars land in one of the Hand's Oak trees. Dewy Grass Paints my feet and small Webby Snares SPARKLE Stretched on the Blades as the Sun Kisses. Purple Martins Swoop in the Front Field. Bright Red Canaan Lilies Shine as They Bloom. Song Sparrows on the Red Bud Tree & Yellow Finches bouncing about the Crepe Myrtles sing the NEW Song!

Little Brown Bats Dip and Dive

Frogs & Toads Praise Our CREATOR while Crickets Fiddle. Stars Fill the Sky like Sand on the Beach. A Great Horned Owl Whoots and WHOOTS in the Pine Grove. Half Moon Reflects Brightly over Head. Jun bugs beat against the porch Bulb; a few spin up-side-down on the Hard Cement. Roosters Crow. Purple Oozes out of the East. Cows moo. Little Brown bats Dip & dive down the Tree Line. Cuckoos Pray. The Magnolias smell Wonderful.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fire Ants Till a Little deeper

Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Four O'clocks. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies Frolic about the Canaan Lilies. Mockingbirds in the Pecan Tree & Red-Winged Black Birds Praise GOD. A Long White Oak Snake Plops out of the Oak Tree down the driveway. The Sun dips below the Trees. Cattle Egrets' Heads bob up out of the Tall Wire Grass as They follow the Cows. Fire Ants Till a Little deeper in Their Mound. Starlings Chatter flapping overhead. Thunder Rumble in the Northwest. Cicadas WHINE Loudly. Toads hop in the Pine Straw. Cardinals in the Grape Vines and Song Sparrows on Peach Branches sing another Hymn!

An Itty Bitty Green Fly Sits

Cardinals Give Thanks pecking Red Magnolia seeds under the Big Magnolia tree. Buzzing Bumble Bees & tiny Black Magnolia Bugs crawl on Magnolias. Tree Sparrows Sweep cutting in close to the Bloom. mmm The Aroma fills my Soul. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds visit the Vibrant Orange Irises. An Admiral Butterfly Flutters at the Weeping Willow Flowers. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire and White-Winged Doves Chant Prayers. A Honey bee tends to tiny Yellow Cross Wildflowers. Woodpeckers drum. Fluffy Puffy White Clouds dot the Sky. Indigo Buntings on the Blooming Redbud and Song Sparrows in the Dogwood Tree Praise God. Cows moo. Crows Caw. Saddlebag Dragonflyies Flit on Crepe Myrtles Bunches. Roosters Crow. An Itty Bitty Green Fly sits on a small Monkey Grass Bloom. Below, Army Ants March in the Dirt. White-Breasted Nuthatches bounce about the Little Pine tree. Cicadas WHINE LOUD in the Oak Trees. Broad-Winged Hawk floats, Wings Spread High in the Blue Eye of GOD. 

Eerie HOOTS Echo

Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER.The Hand's Rooster crow & Crows. Moths Spin under & June Bugs beat the porch bulb. The Monkey Grass Paints my Ankle as I Brush against it. Lil'Brown Bats sweep the Magnolia Trees.Cuckoos Pray with the Poor-Wills. Magnolias, Honeysuckle & Gardenias smell Fresh & Wonderful. Three Quarter Moon dons a Rainbow Halo reflecting through a Vale of thin Clouds.Barred Owls' Eerie HOOTS Echo from the Woods. Cows moo.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Big Pine Tree. Thunder Echos to the North. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Ground Doves under the Grape vines Chant Evening Prayer. HUMID Air Press against my chest. Frogs Pray for Rain! Magnolia Fragrance makes breaths easier. Mockingbirds flash & chase. Gray dark Clouds build to the West. Cattle Egrets Fly away! Lightening SIZZLES just Southwest. The Cows SIT. Chimney Swifts Shoot into the Fireplace. THUNDER SHAKES the Ground. A Pale Rainbow streaks across the Northwest. The Hands Rooster crows. Mikes Donkey Brays! Yellow-Breasted Chats chatter & caw swooshing out of the Tall Oak next to the driveway. The Sun Rays FIGHT the Clouds; Pink & Orange FLARE! A Summer Breeze GROWS STRONG; Leave Rustle. The Carolina Wren Couple Lands on the porch Swing & Sings to the LORD. Bolts STRIKE! THUNDER QUAKES. I'll turn off the Computer 

An Inchworm Scoots

Cicadas Loud Whining Sirens ring out of the Oak Trees. Gray Squirrels Chatter Grace cracking Acorns. Fruit Doves on the Grape Arbor, Ground Doves Under the Grapevines & Turtle Doves perched on the barbed wire Chant Prayer. A Grass Snake slithers through the Long Wire Grass. The Hands Rooster crows. Bumble Bees weigh the Seeded Blades down. Tree Swallows Swoop low across the Pasture. Cattle Egrets set on the Big Dead Tree. Cows moo. Crows caw. Tree Frogs Slimming the living room windows Praise the LORD. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Drums in the Pecan Tree. An Inchworm scoots along. Rufous-Sided Towhees peck Pine Nuts. A Box Turtle slowly crawls. Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Hover about the Crepe Myrtles. Saddlebag Dragonflies Flit over. Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Brown-Headed Cowbirds up the Chinaberry Tree Rejoice with Glee!

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Prey Mantis Prays

Robins Give Thanks Feasting on Red Wigglers Squirming about on the Ground. Humid Air Pushes the Fog off the River Down into the Wire Grass. Cattle Egret Heads bob up and Down. A Red-Tailed Fox Leaps at a Thick-It Clump; She Carries Dove Home For Breakfast. Ground Doves under the Palms & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Morning Prayer with the Inca Doves on the power line. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing. Roosters CROW! The Sun POPS Up Over the Pines Drinking Buttercups & sippin' Suckle Straws. Crows caw. Dewy Web Nests, Weighing down the Pecan Branches, sparkle in the Sun Kisses. The Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Hover about the Pale Pink Althea Blooms. A Sphinx Moth tends to the Phloxes. A Cooper's hawk Cuts over the Full Moon. A Prey Mantis Prays in the Banana Flower Bush.

The Full Moon Balances

A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. Frogs & Toads sing Love Songs. Young 'Coons Romp & Frolic under the Big Pine. The Full Moon Balances on the power line out Back. Robins & Song Sparrow Glorify Our CREATOR. Pink & Purple Push Indigo up in the East. Saw Whet Owls toot toot toot Prayers; Mourning Doves join in. Cows CHEW & moo just over the barbed wire. The Hands Rooster Crows. A Glow Worm inches in the Grass. Joey's Rooster Answers. June Bugs Beat against the porch bulb and Grass Moths spin under Them. Two Lizards Race up the walkway. Rails click & cluck. Stars Sparkle.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Woodcocks Wings Whirl

 Mocking Birds in the Pecan Tree & Brown Thrashers on the fence Praise the LORD.Toads Couple-Up in a tractor Rut Puddle. A 'Possum Climbs down out of an Oak tree. Cattle Egrets Trail behind the Cows pecking going back across the Field. Cows moo. Woodcocks Wings whirl as they call to the Ladies as they swoop. Blue Dasher Flits on a Monkey Grass Bloom. Stars begin to Twinkle. Poor-Wills Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves. Loons Hollar from the Pond. Deer Graze along the Wood's Edge. Evening Bats sweep the Tree Tops. Fireflies Flicker & Blink. Short Eared Owl barks in on a Pine Branch. Crickets Slide Their bows over Cellos & Violins. Tree Frogs sing the Next Hymn & the bull Frogs Bring up the bass. The GLOW from the Moon Beams Rise from the Clouds in the East. 

Cattle Egrets bob behind

The Sun Burns a hole in the Never ending Gray Clouds. Purple Finches Give Thanks pecking Red Magnolia Seeds. Collected Water Drops Drip Slowly from the Pine Sprigs; Pine Limbs are Weighted down. Mockingbirds Ruffle Feathers as they flare & chase. MMM Magnolias, Honeysuckle & Gardenias fragrance tickle my nose rising to Heaven's Host. A Cattle Egret Rides a Cow as Cows shift sides of the Field. Other Cattle Egrets bob behind. A Rainbow Stretches the Eastern Sky. Carolina Wrens in the Walnut Tree & Meadowlarks on Redbud Branches PRAISE the LORD! A Monarch Butterfly Tends to the Weeping Willow Blooms. A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Works the Purple Ivy Tangled along the Willow. Red Canaan Lilies & Orange Irises Stretch in the Sun Kisses. Yellow Breasted Chats Whistle & Chatter in the Big Oak Top. A Sleek King Snakes Sparkles in a Sun Ray slithering across the driveway. Mourning Doves down the Tree line & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Evening Prayers. The Grass is so GREEN & Lush. Cardinals on the Grape Vines & Song Sparrows in the Chinaberry Tree Sing the Next Hymn.

Cut Loose

Cows swish in the Tall Wet Wiregrass. Cattle Egret head bob up n down behind the Cows. Blue Jays whine. Cicadias SIREN LOUDLY from the Walnut Tree. Bright Red Canaan Lilies tower into the Gray Cloudy Sky. Yellow & Orange Irises don't reach as high, but add Color to the Drewy Day, asdo the pink, Purple & Yellow Wildflowers. Frogs PRAISE the RAINMAKER! Toads sing of Love. Purple Finches cut loose with Ditty to the Lord.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nests Sparkle

The Sun POPS over Uncle Doug's Pines sippin' on Suckle Straws & drinkin' Dew out of Buttercups. Crow caw on His Pine Branches. Deer Graze near Aunt Jackie's Grave; the Buck pulls on Cherry Tree Leaves. Orchard Orioles on Persimmon Limbs & Red-Wing Blackbirds on the Family Grave Yard fence REJOICE in the New Day. Saddlebag Dragon Flies Zip about the Crepe Myrtle Blooms along the driveway. Roosters Crow. A Snake Skin Hangs on a Low Crepe Myrtle Fork.Turtle Doves along the barbed wire & Mourning Doves in the Far Oak Chant Morning Prayer. Squirrels Play in the Oak's Shade.  Buzzing Bumble Bees sway on Long Blades of Wire Grass while Others crawl about Blooming Magnolias in all Eight Trees. Tree Sparrows Sweep the Magnolia Tops. Dewy Silky Webbed Nests Sparkle in a Sunbeam up in the Pecan Tree.. Cattle Egrets Land around the Cows. Cows moo. A Barn Owl Flaps toward the Barn, more Deer Graze in the Barn beyond the Barn. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds hover about the Purple Ivy Flowers. A Black & Blue Swallowed-Tailed Butterfly Tends to the Canaan Lilies. 

Cuckoo Calls Out

The Magnolia Fragrance tickles my nose rising up to Heaven's Host; Dewy Magnolias Sparkle in a Moon Beam. The Hands Rooster Crows . An almost Full Moon falls into a Tree in the West. A Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Calls out. Purple oozes into the East. Frogs Praise Our CREATOR while Crickets strum. Poor-Wills Pray. A Glow Worm scoots ever so S L O W L Y along. Joeys Rooster Answers.  June Bugs spin up-side-down on the porch as other beat against the bulb. A 'Possum meanders about the Yard. Robins & Cardinals Sing the Hymn" Morning has Broken".

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sphinx Moths Work

Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Chestnut Munias in the Big Pine Tree REJOICE! Tractors in Rushing's Fields Clang & Hum as the Dust the Crops with BUG stuff. Tufted Titmice on Plumb Branches,   Mourning Doves up in the Pecan Tree & a Few Poor Wills, not Asleep Yet, Chant Prayers. Sweet Corn Haze rises in the Southeast as Pickers Grind across the Stalks. Buffed Bellied Humming Birds tend to the Ivy Flowers tangled up the Weeping Willow as a White Sulphur Butterfly flutters about the Willow Blooms. Roosters Crow. Crows caw. Cows moo. A Grouping of Cattle Egrets land amongst the Cows to Patty check. A Small Rattle Snakes NAILS a Field Mouse by a fence post. Bob Whites whistle. A Large Red Wasp Crawls on a Box Bush Twig sucking Pulp. White Breasted Nuthatches in Lil'Pine and Prothonotary Warblers in the Magnolia Trees Give Thanks enjoying Brunch! The Magnolias, Gardenias & Honey Suckle Smell So sweet... mmm. Sphinx Moths work the Honey Suckle. A Hairy Woodpecker tapps on the Walnut Tree. Bright Yellow Irises & Fire Red Canaan Lilies Stretch toward the Sun.A Pair of Cooper's Hawks Bank against a Wall of Approching Puffy Gray Clouds.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June Bugs Bounce

Poor-Wills Chant Prayer. Stars Sparkle filling the Sky like Glitter on a Pre-Schoolers Art sheet. Frogs Praise as Crickets Slide bows across Their Cellos & Violins. In the Southwest Lightening Flashes Beyond the Horizon.  Great Horn Owls WHOOT. A Meteor streaks Brightly in the East. June Bugs bounce against the porch bulb. Cows moo. Dawn's Purple SEEPS in Slowly. Roosters Crow.   

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

An Evening Bat gets an Early Start

A Green Inchworm  scoots up an Iris Leaf to the edge for Dinner. Mockingbirds on Pine branches & Summer Tanagers in the Elm Tree Praise The LORD. Deer Graze in the Tall Grass just over the Back fence. A Wasp sucks on a Branch of a Crepe Myrtle. The Crepe Myrtle Blooms are Filling Out. Cows moo. Wood Storks Flap on Home. The Sun Climbs out of the Chinaberry Tree dipping beyond the Horizon. A Shrike STRIKES a Brown Beetle in Flight Grasping it with Her Beak.  Army Ants March. Poor-Wills chant Prayer with the Ground Doves & Mourning Doves. The Pale Half Moon Hangs High just to the West. Cicadas Whine Long & LOUD in the Magnolia Trees. An Evening Bat gets an early start sweeping the Oak Tops. Chimney Swifts dart down the Fireplace Chimney. The Four O'clock Blooms close. Magnolia Wrappers & Petals Twirl down as Red Seeds Sprinkle & Magnolia Pods Plop in the Dirt. The New Magnolias Smell so Strong & the Fragrance fills my Soul. Cardinals  sing Their last Hymn while the Crickets Rozen Bows. I wonder what Planet that is in the West?

Pale Half Moon Climbs

Mourning Doves in the Oak Trees & Turtle Doves in the shade on the barbed wire Chant Afternoon Prayers. A Long Sleek Black Racer Slithers across the driveway sliding into the Grass. A Few Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Tend to the Crepe Myrtle. Blue Dashers Flit about the Monkey Grass. Rabbits chew on Grape Leaves. Cardinals Frolicing above on Grape Branches & Meadow Larks on Peach Limbs Glorify Our LORD. A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Works the Four O'clock Blooms. Two Monarchs Flutter in the Phoxes. Robins Giving Thanks Scratch & Peck for Worms. Canaan Lily Stems Stretch towards the Sun. Mockingbirds flash & flare chasing. the Weeping Willow waves in a Soft Breeze. A Catbird Meeows in the RedBud. Cows moo under the Trees. Cattle Egret hangout with the Cows. The Pale Half climbs the Big Pine Tree Swallows Dive about the Magnolia Trees Feasting on Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs. A Large Hog runs up the road. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & Song Sparrows on the Plum Trees Sing the Next Hymn. Cicadas Siren down the Tree Line. Yellow Shafted Flicker drums.Gnats buzz around my head; one goes up my nose & then two in my mouth... Gnats would taste better with Salt.

An Armadillo Vanishes

Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER. The Grass Paints my Feet and mud squishes between my toes. Gentle drops Kiss. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. Wet Magnolias Sparkle from the porch bulb's Reflection. MMM the Magnolia Fragrance tickles my nose. An Armadillo Vanishes into the Country dark. A soft Breeze blows.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tiger Lilies bow

Ruby Throated Hummingbird dipps into an Orange Iris. Thunder echos in the West. Tree Frogs Praise the LORD! Weeping Willows Wave with the Wind. A Grouping of Cattle Egrets Gracefully flap East. Redbud Leaves rustle.Thick dark Gray Clouds Build in closer. A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly is blown off the Phloxes into the swaying porch swing.Fire Ants till a Three Hill Colony next to the Monkey Grass. Lightening Flickers. Mourning Doves Chant Prayer. Thunder Rumbles. Overhead, the Sun is Over ran. A Red Tail Hawk shimmies & Shakes Gliding with the Current. Cows moo. Canaan Lilies & Tiger Lilies bow. At ONCE the Sky Opens POURING DOWN RAIN. The Ground Shakes with Thunder. The Wind WHIPS Up & the Rain blows side ways. The Cell Moves on West. Magnolias Smell Wonderful. Meadowlarks Rejoice!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Firefly Flickers

Frogs and Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! Thunder Echos in the Southeast. The Hand's Rooster crows. A Thin Faint Rainbow Glows. Pale Half Moon Finds a hole in the Patchy Gray Clouds. Mourning Doves in the Magnolia Trees Chant Evening Prayer.Wet Magnolias sparkle with Hints of Pink and Smell so Full & Wonderful. The Sun Slips behind the Trees to the West. Clouds Fill with ORANGE and PINK! Drops Drip from Leaves & weighed down Pine Sprigs. Thunder Claps LOUD as a Cloud to the Northeast FLASHES with Lightening. Cicadas WHINE & SIREN. The Carolina Wren Couple Sing Bedtime Prayers on the porch swing, then Flitter up into Their Nest. Cows moo. A Firefly flickers and again. Poor-Wills Pray.Dusk gives way to Stars & the Half Moon Glows.

The Sun Peek-a-boos

Gray Clouds Mount. Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer. Thunder echos in the West. Cicadas Siren Loud and Long. Tree Sparrows Glide high over the trees. Branches sway Leaves rustle. Lightening Sparks just beyond Joey's. THUNDER QUAKES. Cattle Egrets Jump into the Air Flapping Away. Cows sit mooing in the Field. Mockingbirds Praise the LORD! Tree Frogs Beseech the RAINMAKER. Thunder Rumbles. Lightening Cracks. THUNDER SHAKES the porch. Squirrels climb an Oak. Gentle Drops Fall. The Sun Peek-a-boos. A Rainbow paints in the Southwest. Bolts Dance in the Clouds. Thunder QUAKES! The Drops fall Harder. A Lizard zips across the steps.

Bats dip in Close

Robins & Mockingbirds PRAISE GOD! Stars fade. Joey's Rooster Crows. Pink Pushes the Indigo Dawn up Circling the Horizon. A Large Garden Spider weaves a Beautiful Tapestry. Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & Ground Doves under the Palms Chat Prayer with the Saw Whet Owl who toot, toot, toots. Thick Fog rolls off the Chatahoochee River and out of the Woods into the Field. Young Deer Prance & dance as Mothers graze with a Watchful Eye. A Grouping of Cattle Flap on East Gracefully. Red Clay Haze & Corn Husk Dust rise while Tractors Hum in nearby Fields. Lil'Brown Bats dip in Close to the Magnolias Chattering Thanks Feasting on Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs. Seed Pods PLOP in the Dirt as Many New Magnolia Blooms Open... mmm the Aroma mixes with Honeysuckle & Gardenia Fragrances tickling my nose. Crows caw. The Fog Pushes into the Yard. Orchard Orioles & Purple Finches Sing the New SONG!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds hover

A Small Green Darner flits about the Concrete by the Air conditioner and lands on the large Drain grill. Pileated Wood Pecker Laughs in the Chinaberry Tree. Catbird meeows and Meeows on an English Dogwood Limb. A King Snake slides over a fence linc slithering into the higher Grass. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds hover about the Honeysuckle. White-Breasted Nuthatches bounce about the Big Pie Tree's Branches. Two Small Blue Butterflies frolic over the Yellow Irises. Inca Doves on Grape Vines & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayers. Fluffy Puffy White Clouds seem Very Still. Mockingbirds flare & Chase. Pale Half Moon Climbs in the East. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Drums in the Pecan Tree. Canaan Lilies Stretch toward the Hot Sun. Brown Cowbirds down the Tree Line & Purple Finches in the Peach trees Praise the LORD.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Breeze Kisses

Cicadas SIREN Long & Loud. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Flitter on into the nest in the Little Pine Tree. The Bright Orange Ball Rolls of the Western Edge. Red Crested Cardinals on the Red Bud Tree and Song Sparrows on Weeping Willow Limbs Praise GOD. Four O'clock Blooms close. Inca Doves in the Oaks & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer with The Poor-Wills. A Waxing Quarter Moon has begun descending in the high almost over head. Cattle Egrets take off. Evening bats sweep the Magnolia Trees. Roosters crow. Pink flares as Stars Light Up. Frogs Rejoice to Our Creator as Crickets Strum. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots. A Gentle Breeze Kisses.  

Say the Blessing

  Mourning Doves on Oak Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer with the Ground Doves under the Palms. Saddlebag Dragonflies Zip above the Crepe Myrtle Bushes.  American Yellow Finches flittering in the Crepe Myrtles & Song Sparrows in the Plum Trees Rejoice to The LORD. A few Deer check the Peaches, while others chew on Grape Leaves and some Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing. Crows caw in His Pines. The Sun POPS Up Sipping on Buttercups & Purple Straws. Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers swoop into Swarms of Gnats. Dewy Magnolias Sparkle in the Sun Kisses. White-Breasted Nuthatches Joyfully Give Thanks in the Lil'Pine tree. Robing Sing Grace Pecking at Worms below. A Black Racer Slithers s l o w l y over a Log. A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird tend to the Yellow Irises. Yellow Sulphur Butterflies Flutter about the Canaan Lilies. Cattle Egrets Land around the Grazing Cows. Tree Frogs Sliming the new living room Windows Say the Blessing as They Enjoy Tiny Bugs for Breakfast. A Red Tail Hawks Skims just over the Tree Line like a BULLET  Down, raring Back and Clutching Rodent in Her Talons Ascends PLOWING Wiregrass. Cows moo. Roosters crow.    

Friday, June 14, 2013

Catbirds Meeow

Yellow-Rumped Warblers trill & chatter in the Tops of the Oak Trees. Dewy Spider Webs on the fence Sparkle in the Sun Rays. Robins & Brown Thrashers Sing Grace Scratching for Worms. A Sphinx Moth Hovers about the Phox Blooms. The Sun Beams sip from Pink Teacups & Purple Ivy Flowers. Two Gray Catbirds Meeow on Redbud Limbs; Booboo Kitty invites Them to Breakfast below waiting Patiently for a reply. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Bumble Bees Buzz about Crawling on Magnolia Blooms. Bob Whites whistle in the Thick-Its. The Peaches are Turning & soon will be ready. A Ruby Throated Hummingbird tends to the Weeping Willows. Blue Jays whine. Gray Squirrels Frolic in the Big Pine Tree full of Pine Nuts. Brown-Headed Cowbirds on Pecan Branches & Cardinals in the Holly Bush PRAISE Our GOD with Glee! Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterflies Flutter at the Canaan Lilies. A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird hovers over the Tigerlilies. Deer Graze beyond the barn. Wood Storks Flap towards the Chatahoochee. Yellow Irises Stretch to the Sun.  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Honey Bee Crawls

Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush and Summer Tanagers on Grape Branches Praise Our LORD! A Monarch Butterfly Flutters about the Wandering Jews. Mockingbirds flash & flare as they chase Each other. A Honey Bee Crawls on the the First Clump of Deep Pink Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Two Tom Turkeys gobble at One another. Saddlebag Dragonflies zip over the Monkey Grass; one Grasp a Blade. Fruit Dove on Redbud Limbs Chant Prayers with the Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Palms. Shadows shift and the Sun Rays sip on More Buttercups & Honeysuckle. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. A Leaf Beetle Chewing on a Iris Leaf is Attacked by Preying Mantis for Brunch. A Male Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Hand's Big Oak. Carolina Wrens chatter over His Head. An odd Line of Ant like Hills trail across the driveway. Purple Martins Cut low over the Front Field feasting upon Coupling Love Bugs. Buzzing Bumble Bees Tend to Magnolias. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds hover at the Canaan Lilies. Tiny Light Blue Butterflies tend to the Dandy Lions. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Pair of Cool Fruit Doves Visit

Squints as the Sun Drys the Dew & Evaporates the Fog. Buffed Bellied Humming Birds check on the Little Purple Four O'Clocks & manage to tend to them before they reopen. Hundreds of Bumble Bees BUZZ crawling on Magnolias... so SWEET Smellin'! Purple Martin Screech Grace as the Sweep low over the Wire Grass in the Front Field Feasting on newly hatched Love Bugs flying for the first time. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. Cicadas' Long Low Siren Echoes out of Oak Trees. Warblers Chatter High in  the Oak Tops. A Pair of Cool Fruit Doves visiting on the Grape Arbor join the Prayer Chants. Rabbits chew on Grape Leaves below. Light Blue Butter Flies work the Cantaan Lilies and A Black & Blue Swallow-tail Butterfly tend to the Tiger Lillies. Carolina Wrens in the Pecan Tree & Indigo Buntings on Plum Branches Praise the LORD! Honey bees flitter buttercup to Buttercup. A Cooper's Hawk DROPS Out of the Sky, Bulleting Down missing a Field Mouse Ascending back into the Big Beautiful Blue Eye if GOD. 

Sun Beams Burn Through

Robins Give Thanks Pecking & Scratching for Worms under the Little Pine Tree. Thin Patchy Sheets of Fog float about the Field. Cattle Egrets double back around, landing behind the Cows. Inca Doves on Oak Branches Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves on the Pecan Tree & Ground Doves. Ten or so June Bugs spin up-side-down on the porch. A Mocking Bird Splashes in a Brown Magnolia Leaf. Sun Beams burn through the Clouds to sip on Suckle Straws & Buttercups. Blue Jays whine. Deer graze beyond the barn. Crows caw. Cows moo. Woodpeckers drum. A Dewy Spider Web sparkles on the porch swing chain.  Wood Storks flap toward the Chatahoochee River.  A Tannish Brown Snakes slithers along in the Grass. Song Sparrows on Walnut Limbs & Orchard Orioles in Peach Trees Sing Joyfully to Our LORD!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Mocking Bird Sings

A Bright Star wearing a Rainbow Halo Twinkles through. Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls ECHO from the Woods. The Fog pushes down on Tree Branches & is wetting everything. Frogs Worship the LORD. Crickets Strum. The Dewy Grass paints my feet. The Hand's Rooster crows. Cows moo. A June Bug bumps my hand & buzzes by my ear.  To the North many Stars sparkle. Purple oozes into the East. A Mocking Bird Sings a Psalm of Praise!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pine warblers Sing

Brown-Nuthatches squeak & chatter Grace feasting on Whitish Green Pine Nuts up in the Big Pine Tree. Cows Grazing in the Field moo, Cattle Egret Peck close behind each Cow. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird Tends to the Purplish Four O'clocks. Thin Wilted Peace Lilies Twirl to the Ground. Broad-Winged Hawk Glides High over head. Tiny Bugs Couple in Brown Magnolia Petals filled  with Rainwater. Red-Crested Cardinals on Plum Branches & Pine Warblers in Little Pine sing GLORY to Our GOD.   Thunder Rumbles in the North West. Crows caw. A Lizard scoots over the Walkway. Blue Jays whine like old swing chine. A Toad bounces in theine Straw. Cicadas Siren, Echoing from the Oaks.  Long Thunder Shakes the Earth. The cattle Egrets fly Toward the Nest

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Does Check the Peaches

Tree Frogs sing Love Songs. Blue Jays in the Hand's big Oak Tree whine like old swing chains. A Breeze sways the Weeping Willow Branches; Weeping Willow Flowers & Leaves fan the Peaches. Woodpeckers drum. Two Does check the Peaches, not Quite ready & munch on some Peach Leaves. Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree & Turtle Doves on the barb wire Chant Morning Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Palms. Pine Limbs hang Low, heavy with Collected Rain clinging still. Robins & Hermit Thrush Give Thanks Pecking Night Crawlers on the Red Clay under the Little Pine Tree.  Browning Pomegranate Blooms twirl down into the Grass. Purple Finches on the Crepe Myrtles & Meadow larks on the Plum Branches Praise Our CREATOR. Cows moo.  Bob Whites Whistle in the Thickets. Red Canaan Lilies, Yellow Irises and Orange & Yellow Tiger Lilies Give Color to a Wet Gray Day. Tree Swallows sweep the Magnolia Trees. MMM the Magnolias & Gardenias Smell wonderful after the Rain.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wood Ducks Swim

Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! A Bright Double Rainbow Stretches from the Southwest across the Pinkish  Dusk Sky. Cows moo. Mourning Doves & Poor-Wills Chant Evening Prayer. Soft Drops continue to pitter-patter on the Metal roof. The Carolina Wren Couple shake & shimmy the Rainwater off and Then Sing PRAISES to Our Lord before turning in to the Nest. Drops splash in the Lilies.Two Wood Ducks swim in the Low Spot between the Crepe Myrtles and the driveway. A Lizard dashes over the porch. Crows caw... I pray for those dealing with the Bad side of this tropical Storm as well as those cleaning up from Storms here in the USA, China & Germany <3

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Silver Spotted Skippers tend to the Phlox

Saddlebag Skimmers Zip about the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Ground Doves under the Grapevines &  Inca Doves on Grape Branches at the far end Chant Morning Prayer. Grapevines are Filling out with More Leaves & the Grapes are Growing. Yellow Shafted Flicker Drums. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing. Crows Caw above in the Pine Trees. Two Silver Spotted Skippers tend to the Brilliant Pink Phlox Flowers. Mockingbirds flash & chase. A Mantidfly Buzzes about.  Rock Doves on the Power pole Join the Prayer Chanting. Cows moo. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Hovers at the Purple Suckle. The Magnolia Smell so Strong... mmm. A small Flock of Grackle Chatter flapping North. The Pale Moon Sliver Rises. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Common Yellowthroats SWISH

Mourning Doves on Magnolia Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire join the Ground Doves' Prayer Chant. Dewy Grass Paints my feet. Tree Sparrows Swoop in around the Magnolia Trees. A Lion Fly Buzzes over the rocking chair.  Ma'Ma Cardinal Cherps  and FLARES at me, protecting Her Chicks in the Nest. Cicadas' Long Loud SIRENNING Whines Echo from an Oak Tree. Crows caw. Gray Squirrels chatter Grace over Acorns. Common Yellowthroats SWISH out of the Oak Tree's Top. The Sun Beams drink from Suckle Straws & Buttercups. Ruffus the Old Long Bread gobbles; His Hens cluck, chasing after Him.  Barn Owl Flabs on to the barn. Deer graze in the Clearing beyond the barn. Wood Storks Fly towards the Chatahoochee River. Purple Finches in the Peach Trees & Song Sparrows in the cammie bushes PRAISE GOD! Red Dragonflies  Zip over the Crepe Myrtles & Grape Vines. A Red Tail Hawk Crosses Under the Pale Lazy Moon still climbing. A Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Flutters to each Tiger Lily.  Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend th the Canaan Lilies. Cows moo.

A Great Horned Owl Whoots

The Quarter Moon climbs up the Big Magnolia Tree. Little Brown Bats Chatter Grace cutting in close to the Blooms to Feast on Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs Buzzing at the Beautiful Magnolias! A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. Tree Frogs Praise the Lord with a Ditty as Bull Frogs at the Pond bring the bass & Crickets strum. Purple Pushes the Indigo Dawn Eastward; the darkness fades. Poor-Wills in the Pines Chant Prayers with Ground Doves under the Palms. Cows moo.  The Hand's Rooster crows. June Bugs & May Flies spin under the porch light. Joey's Rooster answers. Bright Stars Twinkle. A Morning Breeze caresses and Honey Suckle & Magnolia Fragrances fill my Soul rising to Heaven's Host. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Canaan Lilies Stretch.

Patchy Sticky Humid Fog Hangs in Places. Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Hand's Big Oak Tree. Roosters crow. Gray Clouds Thicken. Three Male Cardinals Chase Each other flying across the Field. Cattle Egret land in the Field. Cows moo. White-Winged Doves on the Grape Arbor Chant Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Palms and the Mourning Doves on the Power line. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the light pole. Rabbits chew on Grape Leaves after saying Grace. Yellow Irises, Tiger Lilies & Canaan Lilies Stretch into the Sky. Eastern Wood-Pewees chatter & tweet in the Big Pine. Starlings Guard the Nest. Blue, Purple, Pink & Yellow Wildflowers add a Splash more Color to a Gray Day. Pipits Hop about the Front Field Giving Thanks as They Feast on Love Bugs. A hairy Wood Pecker tapps on the Pecan Tree. Deer stepback in the Woods.Song Sparrows in the Pink Cammy Bush Praise the LORD. Rufus Turkey Gobbles " AMEN". 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Sun Cooks the Grass.

Mockingbirds fuss & flare at a Gray Squirrel searching for Pecans. Darner Flies zig zag over the Bright Red Canaan Lilies. Perched in the Pecan Tree, Mourning Doves Chant Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Palms. The Sun Cooks the Grass in the Front Field. A Brown Thrasher on a Walnut Limb Praises the LORD. A Green Lizard darts over the Pine Straw. Crows caw. Big Billowy Gray Cloud approach from the West.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Magnolia Bugs Crawl

A Small Swarm of Gnats Swarm about my eyes & buzz at my ears. Mourning Doves & Inca Doves Chant Prayers of Praise. Could the LOUD Siren of the Cicadas be an "AMEN!"? Crows caw in the Dogwood tree. Army Ants March to & fro. Blue Jay whine like old swing chain. A thin long Yellowish Green and Black Garter Snake Slithers, weaving around clumps of Wiregrass and through Clover. Cardinals Give Thanks under the Big Magnolia Tree Pecking at Red seeds which have discharged from the Pods. Bumble Bees & Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs Crawl about the Blooms; Hundreds & Hundreds Sparkle with Yellow Pollen as the Sun Kisses... mmm the Aroma Fills my Being! Tree Swallows swoop in CLOSE. Black & Blue Swallow tail butterflies flutter at the Pomegranate Blooms. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird tends to the New Tiger Lillies. Corn Husk Dust hangs in the East. Corn Pickers Hum & Clank Beyond the Trees. Mockingbirds in the Oak Tree and Song Sparrows on the rail sing  a Worship Song to Our LORD!