Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fowler's Toads Hop

A Red Wasp Skims across the porch over-hang. Blue Jays whine. Black & Blue Swallowtailed Butterflies flutter at the Pink Cherokee Roses; the Roses & Honey Suckle Fragrance Lifts my Soul rising to Heaven. A Woodstar Hovers to each Pink Altheia as the Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Purple Altheias. Still a tad Sour, Grape Juice dripples down my chin; Black Jack Hornets crawl on a few Grapes. Crows caw. Cows moo.  Purple Finches Give Thanks Joyfully as they Peck a few which are already Raisins on Grape Branches. Fruit Flies flit about. Ground Doves under the Vines at the other end of the Arbor & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Noonday Prayers. Large Fowler's Toads hop about the Pine Straw under the Vines Crocking Grace enjoying Lunch. Mocking Bird drinks fron the Waterpot.The Humid Air seems to Suck Sweat from my back. Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Hand's HUGE Oak Tree. A Stray Poofy little Gray Cloud paints a Rainbow squeezing Drops as it Passes. Cattle Egret Heads pop up & down in the Tall Wire Grass as They Peck in Cow Patties and chase Cows. The American Flag waves in the Summer Breeze. Song Sparrows in the Big Pine Tree & Brown Thrasahers on Walnut Limbs PRAISE the LORD! 


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how many species you can identify, TomTom! This is beautiful. Oh, and I'll take that lemonade. :)
