Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tanks over the Monkey Grass

Robins & Meadow Larks Praise GOD. Frogs & Toads sing of Love. Lightening Flares in the Southern Horizion. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Offer Morning Prayer. Closer Flashes Beam to the Southwest. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. Thunder Rumbles. A Garden Spider Weaves a Large Web off the Gutter Support, on across to the porch corner, then spun Down on an overhang support post. Flares of Light continue in the Northeast. Cows moo. Armadilla tanks over the Monkey Grass. BRIGHT Bolts FLASH Long to the South. Deer in the Field are Spot-Lighted in the Lightening. Base Drum Roll THUNDER Echoes Up LOUD!


  1. Thank you Thomas for the beautiful poems. I love reading them:)

  2. You are Welcome Donna O:)Blessings to You

  3. Have been trying to get back of facebook since 6am and see in my Emails I am getting POKES, POST and Request from Friends, so face book it's self appears Functioning so I am wonder if I have been HACKED. Was wondering if You would check if I have made any ODD POST in the last two Hours, or how ever long since You got this turns out to be.ty Donna <3
