Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chattering Grackles Gather in the Tops of Oak Trees. The Still Humid Air seems so Unsettling. Blue Jays whine like ol'swing chain. Mocking Birds flash chasing One Another. A Box Turtle Chews on Clover. Distant Mourning Dove & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Deer tuck back into the Cover of the Woods. Flittering Up & CHATTERING Louder, the Grackles Swarm into the Sky, vanishing to the Northeast. Gray Squirrels play beneath the Side Pecan Tree. A Hairy Woodpecker tapps & White Breasted Nuthatches Laugh Their HONKIN' Laugh on Pecan Limbs. More Gray Clouds stack Below a Gloomy Sky.The Bright Hot Pink, Red & Pale Cammies Each add Color to Today & Smell Wonderful. Indigo Buntings perched on Crepe Myrtle Branches Brown-Headed Cow Birds Sing to the LORD with GLEE! A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly tends to the Dafadills.


  1. And don't forget you're not really in the middle of nowhere because you have Facebook friends.
