Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lilies Stretch

Robins Give Thanks scratching for Bugs & Worms. Light Tiny Blue Butterflies & Small Green Darner Flies tend to the Monkey Grass Blue Flowers. A Large Flock of Crows caw landing in the Tall Chinaberry Tree. Thick Lush Dewwy Grass paints my feet. Roosters Crow. Pink flares as the Sun Burns through to sip from Buttercups & Orange Honey Suckle Straws. Summer Tanagers on Red Cammie Branches & Brown Thrashers on Grape Limbs Glorify Our LORD.  Cows moo. Ground Doves under the Palms & Inca Doves in the Redbud Tree Chant Morning Prayer. Deer dash across the Southeast Corner of the Field leeping over the fence. Red and Yellow Canaan Lilies stretch above the thin sheet of Fog. Catbirds meeow in the English Dogwood.


  1. great prose, keep it coming. I am in Texas with my daughter, Liz.

    your friend in faith,

  2. ty Bradley O:) Blessings to You & Liz <3

    1. I have you in my bookmarks so I will check back on your blog, now and then....

    2. Blessings Brad and Merry Christmas! I Pray Your Advent and Christmas Seasons are Both Filled with AWE and Wonder :) Moved my Porch back to face book so check me there Blessings to Your Family O:)
