Thursday, July 4, 2013

It Waves!

Robins, Meadowlarks & Mockingbirds GLORIFY the LORD! The Branches on the Big Pine Hang Low over the walk way. The Magnolia & Phloxe Fragrancees Fill my Soul. Tree Frogs down the Tree Line and Leapard Frogs Thank The RAIN MAKER. A Tinge of Pink escapes between Gray Clouds with Purple Fringe in the East. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. A Few Stars peek-a-boo. Monkey Grass Paints my Shins as I step over. Toads Sing of LOVE. The SOAKED Carpet of Lush Grass squishes & sloshes from ALL the RAIN. Train Whistle Blows at Jakin Cross roads. Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayers. Drops Kiss my Shoulders falling from the Branches. Afew more Limbs Lay on the Ground. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. Moths spin under the porch bulb. A few June Bugs wiggle up-side-down. Cukoos call. The New Dawn Sky Fades the dark. Song Sparrows in the Red Cammie & Purple Ficnches on Crepe Myrtles Sing the next Hymn. A Summer Breeze catches the Hand's American Flag and it WAVES.