Sunday, July 21, 2013

Branches Hang Low

Frogs & Toads Rejoice to the RAINMAKER. Crickets Strum. Poor- Wills Pray. A Few Iris Plants are leaning. Cows moo. A Large Wet Skunk strolls up the walkway; She scratches in the Dirt at the end of the Monkey Grass chattering Grace as She enjoys Breakfast. Roosters crow. Branches Hang Low still, dripping Drops of Rain collected. Thick dark Clouds continue Rolling up from the Gulf. The Tinge of Sea Air Mixes with the Magnolia Fragrance tickling my nose. Robins & Mocking Birds Sing Praises to Our LORD! I add my Joyful noise... Join us. <3


  1. All creation sings a joyful noise! Love it, Tomtom!

  2. Blessings Martha. We start Team Training & Spiritual Fromation for GOD's Kairos # 28 at Autry State in Pelham GA tonight. the Retreat is 19-22 SEP :)
