Sunday, August 18, 2013

Be Glad

Clouds, Layers of Thick Gray Clouds Push the Country dark Down. Cricket Frogs & Peepers Praise Our CREATOR while Crickets Fiddle. Cuckoos Pray. Branches drip Collected Water from all Night Showers. Cows moo. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from out back. Red Worms Wiggle on the walkway. A Garden Spider Weaves a Breakfast plate.  Robins sing & Rejoice in the New day. Be Glad in it.  


  1. "A Garden Spider Weaves a Breakfast plate . . ." Now, that's a wonderful image!
    Blessings, TomTom, and happy Sunday!

  2. ty Martha † Blessings Dear! :)
