In July of 2008 My Family moved from the Memphis area to Jakin Georgia to care for my Mother-in-law, "Me'Maw" & Her older Sister, "Great Ginny". By the 3rd morning Drinking coffee on the Porch I was BORED & felt Stuck in the Middle of NO WHERE! After Praying I awoke the 4th day seeing the View from the Porch in New Light; from Creation's Porch.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Pigeons Land
Twiggs & Branches Litter the Yard. Robins & Veeries Give Thanks as They Peck Red Worms Wiggling on the Saturated Mud. A few Yellow Irises & Red Canaan Lilies Lay in the Pine Straw, Others Grow even Taller. Roosters Crow. The Fog rises donning the Moon's Sliver in a Radiant Rainbow. Crows caw. Pink Cherokee Roses bloom along the Porch Rail. Mourning Doves on Magnolia Branches & Ground Doves Under the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayer. Rabbits Chew on Grape Leaves at the Edge. Cardinals & Tufted Titmice sing Grace picking Grapes. Grass Frogs & Peepers Praise the RAINMAKER for last Nights Heavy Down Pours! A Cluster of Scaly-Naped Pigeons Land on the power line and pole and Join the Prayer Chanting. A Rhino Beetle STOMPS through the Grass. Orchard Orioles on Peach Limbs & Indigo Buntings up in the Big Pine Tree sing a Raspy Little Praise Ditty to Our CREATOR.
Monkey Grass Slish Splashes.
The LONG Eerie HOOOOTS of Barred Owls Echo form the Woods. Branches Hang Low weighed down by Wet Leaves & Sprigs. The Moon Sliver seems Stuck trying to climb the Big Magnolia tree. Little Brown Bats Cut in close to the Magnolia Blooms & Leaves. Seed Pods Plop. Cuckoos & Poor-Wills Pray. Magnolia & Honey Suckle Fragrances are so Strong & Fresh Lifting my Soul. Grass Frogs & Pine Woods Tree Frogs Sing to the RAINMAKER. Oak Toads add some Harmony and Crickets Fiddle. Rain Soaked Monkey Grass Splish Splashes me as my shin brushes against It. Clouds Roll away Leaving Ten Million Blinking Stars Sparkling in the dark. Moths circle the porch bulb. Two Green Beetles spin up-side-down on the porch.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Frogs Thank GOD
Mourning Doves in the Magnolia Trees & Rock Doves on the smokehouse roof Join in the Pray Chanting. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. A Cool Breeze kisses my neck. Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Hover about the Pale Pink Crepe Myrtles. Thunder Echoes in the Distance. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs in the Big Pine. Oak Toads hop. Mockingbirds on the Redbud branches and Brown Thrashers in the Dogwood Tree Sing to the LORD with Glee! Thick Fluffy dark Clouds roll down from the Northeast. A "V" Line of LOUD Quacking Coot cut in low heading to the Pound. Thunder Rumbles closer. A Pair of Red-Tail Hawks Circle Up Vanishing into a Fluffy dark Cloud. Saddlebag Dragonflies & Yellow Meadow-hawks Zip over the Orange & red Canaan Lilies. A Gust Blows Browning Magnolia Leaves out across the Yard. hairy Wood Pecker Taps the Pecan Tree. Sprinkles Pitter Patter down like Grace. Cattle Egrets stay with the Cows. Fowler Toads and Grass Frogs Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER. Chimney Swifts dart in the Fireplace. rain Pounds. Green Tree Frogs Thank GOD! Have You?
Moon Plays
Breaking off of a large Grouping of flapping Cattle Egret, eight land in the Field. Cicadas Pray LONG LOUD Deafening Prayers. Mocking Birds fuss and flash Chasing each other. Shaking them, Buzzing Bumble Bees Tend to the Grass Seed Stalks. Woodstars work in the Four O'clocks.The Quarter Moon plays peek-a-boo. Yellow Jackets Swarm in the Grape Vines. Buffed Bellied Hummingbirds Hover about the Vines finding the Blue Ivy Flowers twined in. Red Crested Cardinals Give Thanks at the other end. Juice drip off my chin.Ground Dove Under the Vines, Inca Doves on the roadside power line and Love Doves on the house power line Chant Morning Prayer. Two Small Orange Butterflies Flutter to each yellow Iris. The Vale of Fog Floats away. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Snake Misses.
Purple Finches on the Pale Pink Crepe Mytle Bushes & Song Sparrow in the Magnolia Trees Sing PRAISES to the Worlds CREATOR. The Hot Sun Beats Down. Under the Thick Blankets of Leaves Grapes turn Purple. Sweet Juice oozes down my Cheek. Black Jacks & Wasp Crawl on Clusters of Green & Purple Grapes. Tufted Titmice and Common Waxbills Give Thanks Feasting on Grapes. A Garden Spider waits for dinner to be Served at the Edge of Her Plate. Below Mice enjoy the Spoils. Peepers & Grass Frogs ZAP Bugs off of Raisins. A Long Coach Whip Slides down a Vine. A Waxbill Pecks my Head. Slithering S L O W L Y closer, WHAM the Snake Misses & HITS a Hefty Vine Trunk. I startle a Gray Sleeping Seminole Bat and it Flaps away. Ground doves a little further down, White-Winged Dove on the Hand's Fence and Inca Doves in the Big Tall Oak Chant Prayers. Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Visit the Hands Hot Pink Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Cows moo in the Shade visiting with some cattle Egrets. Cicadas LOUD Sirening Prayer Pleases the LORD! Do Your's?
Box Turtle Chews
Robins and Brown Thrashers Give Thanks pecking & Scratching for Bugs and Worms. Purple Haze Glows in the East as Pink Wraps 'round the Horizon's Edges. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire, Love Doves cuddling on the power line & Inca Doves Down the Tree Line Chant Prayers with the Cuckoos. Bird-Voiced Tree Frogs sing GRACE, sliming to the Bedroom window, scooping Tiny Flies with Their Tongues. Wood Storks Gracefully Flap towards the River. A Thick Rolling Fog swallows the Turtle Doves oozing under the barbed wire. Roosters Crow. A Box Turtle Chews on a Banana Shrub. The Aroma of Honey Suckle and Mint Tickle my Soul. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines.A deer Drops a Pear as she Trots back to the Woods. The Last Star fades. Mocking Birds on Oak Branches and Song Sparrows on Peach Trees Sing to Our LORD! Quarter Moon is still climbing in the East.
A Meteor Flares
Chuck-Will's-Widows CRY Out. A Falling Star Streaks into the North. The Waning Quarter Moon is Climbing the Big Magnolia Tree. Lil' Brown Bats are a dippin' and a divin'. Dewy Grass paints my feet. Empty Magnolia Seed Pods Plop & Wilting Leaves Twirl. A Short Eared Owl Perched on a Pine Branch Barks. Crickets Slide Their Legs across Cellos & Violins. Peepers & Green Tree Frogs Praise Our Awesome GOD! A Mosquito Feasts on my Calf. Cuckoos and Poor-Wills Pray. A Billion Stars Flicker Bright. Deer silhouettes move along the Grape Wall. Moths & Beetles Spin at the porch bulb. Under, Two Toads SNAP UP the fallen. Purple oozes into the far East. The Hand's Rooster crows. A Meteor Flares up. Hog Sphinx Moth zips about the Purple Althea Blooms. A Slender Snake slithers over the walkway sliding into the Monkey Grass. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots. A Shooting Star Flashes Brilliantly.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Breeze Tickles
Robins & Meadow Larks PRAISE GOD! Sparkly Stars fade. Ground Doves & Mourning Doves Chant Prayer with the Poor-Wills. Purple Pushes the Indigo past the darkness; Pink circles the Horizon. Deer Pick Grapes & munch on Grape Leaves. Cardinals Thank the Lord bouncing on the Vines. Seminole Bats jump off the Grape Arbour Flapping towards the Nests in behind the Lil'Brown Bats. A Thick Large dark Snake slides over the Walk way.Purple Finches on the Peach Trees & Yellow Finches on Plum limbs Sing the New Song. A soothing Summer Breeze tickles my nose with the Honeysuckle.
Lizard Clings
Crickets Strum. Bird-Voice Frogs sing angelically to LORD. The Waning Quarter Moon Continues Climbing High in the East. Roosters Crow. Garden Spider sits in the Corner of Her Silky Plate waiting to be served Breakfast. Train Whistle sounds at Jakin Cross roads. Thin Sheets of Clouds stream across the Southeast dressing Half the Stars in Rainbow Halos. Moths fly circles under the porch bulb. A Blue Striped Lizard clings to the post. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls echo from the Woods.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Delight Heavens Host
Saw Whet Owls Toot Toot Toot Prayers. Cool Wet grass Paints my feet sending GOOSEBUMPS up my back. A Meteor Flares, STREAKING to the East Just missing the Moon. Crickets Slide Their Legs across Their Cellos & Violas. Peepers & Pine Woods Tree Frogs Make a Joyful Noise to our LORD! Poor-Wills Pray with the Saw Whet Owls. A Cow SCREAMS agonizing MOOOOOs one after another, MOOOOOing and MOOOOOing. A Glow Worm slowly inches in the Grass. Stars, a Million; NO a Billion Stars Sparkle. The MOOOOOing Cow eases; must of been Birth. Seminole Bats Play in the Top of the Grape Arbor. A Soft Summer Breeze Brushes over my back.Ralis Click & Cluck in the Thick-Its. Lil' Brown Bats sweep the Magnolia Trees. Magnolia Pods PLOP in the Dirt & Magnolia Fragrance Fills my Soul on It's way to Delight Heaven's Hosts.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Behind the Wood Shed
Inca Doves in the Chinaberry Tree & Rock Doves on the smoke house roof Join in the Prayer Chanting. Cool Dewy Grass Paints my feet. Waiting turns, Purple Martins are Gathered in two rows on power lines, as Many more Martins dive & dip gliding about into Gnat Swarms. Yellow Meadow-Hawks zip about, as well cutting even lower. Roosters crow; Chickens cluck. A Two Inch High Mud packed Tunnel sticks up out of the Grass; a large mean looking Brownish Wasp Crawls out and flits off. Song Sparrows on the Pink Crepe Myrtle Bushes and Two Red-Winged Blackbirds on the tractor shed sing a Raspy Country Praise Song to the TRUE KING of Music! Half Moon climbs down SLOWLY. Crows caw. As Shadows shift the Sun drinks Dew from Butter Cups & sipps on Four O'clocks. Woodstars Hover about the Honey Suckle Shoots. A Skeeter drinks a Bloody tommy enjoying It's last meal on my arm. Old Rufus Turkey Gobbles strutting out of the West Woods; His Hens chase behind. Little Gray Butterflies Frolic over the Back Yard. A Hairy Woodpecker taps the Pecan Tree. Cicadas Pray SIRENNING to the LORD! . An American Kestrel glides back around, tucking His wings Shoots like an arrow down behind the Wood shed.
PRAISE With Glee!
Pink Wraps around the Horizon. Crows caw in the Western Tree Line. The fading Stars make one more dot-to-dot of GOD's Smiley Face. Brown Thrashers Sing Grace scratching & Pecking for Bugs & Worms. A Luna Moth Flutters up into the Big Pine Tree. Roosters CROWS! A Buck Snorts, settling for Peach Leaves; His Does wander towards the Grape Vines. Mockingbirds on Pecan Branches and Meadow Larks on Plum Limbs GLORIFY Our KING! Cows moo. Two American Anhingas Gracefully flap on to the Chatahoochee River. A Few Seminole Bats are still climbing around on the Grape Arbor. Cardinals Give Thanks Picking Grapes. A Garden Spider Weaves a Plate in the upper Branches for Breakfast. Ground Doves under the Vines, and Morning Doves in the Magnolia Trees Chant Morning Prayer with the Tooting Saw Whet Owl. Two Rabbits Bound in under the arbor. Three Long Wavy "V" lines of Gadwalls Whistle and QUACK LOUDLY Encouraging each Other Flapping Southeast. Very High over head the Waning Half Moon leans to the West slightly. A Large Green Stink Bug Climbs up an Iris Leaf and has a Leaf Beetle for Breakfast. Purple Finches dance about the Crepe Myrtles adding Harmony as the Brown-Headed Cow Birds in the Dogwood PRAISE With Glee!
Stars seem so Close
A soft Summer Breeze brushes against my back caressing me. Long Eared Owls Hoot. Half Moon Hangs Atop the Big Pine. Crickets Strum Psalm 122. A Great Horned Owl Whoots and WHOOTS. Lil'Brown Bats sweep the Magnolia Trees. A Nightjar Glide across under the Moon. Peepers & Green Tree Frogs Praise the LORD! Twinkling all Bright & Shiny the Sparkling Stars Seem so CLOSE. I Stretch, Reaching & Straining to no Avail and as I exhale relaxing the Gentle Hand of DADDY Pulls me in to HIM.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Church Bell Rings
Hazzy Gray Clouds PUSH Down. Squirrels chase along a power line. A Cardinal Gives Thanks in a Holly Bush. A big rig Log truck Gears Down at the red light. Small Blue Bell are visited by a Tiny Yellow Butterfly. House Sparrows and Song Sparrows PRAISE the LORD. WILTING blooms & Leaves SHAKE off as Bumble Bees crawl on the Crepe Myrtle. Red Worms Wiggle on the sidewalk. Rock Dove on the Church roof Chant Morning Prayers. Church Bell Rinbs for Sunday School time.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Cuckoos Pray
Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls echo from the Woods. Grass Frogs & Peepers in the Dewy Grass Glorify Our CREATOR! Crickets Slide Their Legs across Cellos & Violins. Pine Woods Tree Frogs & Cricket Frogs join in the Singing. A Thick Fog Pushes in. A Few Beetles beat against the porch bulb. Cows moo. The Waning Moon dons a Brilliant Rainbow Halo GLOWING in the Fog. Train Whistle blows at Jakin Cross roads. Poor-Wills & Cuckoos Pray.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Vultures Slowly Circle.
Inca Doves in the Hand's Tall Oak & Love Doves on the top power line Chant Prayer. Tree Swallows, perched Below the Cuddling Love Doves, take turns sweeping up Coupling Lovebugs Struggling to Ascend in the Front Field. Clouds from the Gulf Stream up. Woodstars Hover to each Pink Crepe Myrtle Bloom. A Doe Kicks up on a Pine Tree to Eat Sprigs. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums in the Chinaberry Tree keeping the Beat with a Red-Bellied Woodpecker on a Pecan Limb. Empty Magnolia Seed Pods Drop & Plop all Over. Song Sparrows on Plumb Branches & Purple Finches in the Peach Trees Praise the LORD! The Sun Fights off Clouds, burning Through. Tufted Titmice Bounce around Gray Mushrooms Pecking Pine nuts under the Little Pine. Oak Toads & American Toads sing of Love on the Edge of Flooded Low Areas. Clouds shift and Yellow & Red Canaan Lilies stretch Up to the Sun. A Zebra Butterfly Flutters at the Hot Pink Phloxes. Red Crested Cardinals & Whiny Blue Jays Feast on Grapes. Cows moo. Fire Ants till new Hills. Three Turkey Vultures Slowly Circle high above, Wings spread, Gliding in the Blue EYe of GOD!
Hummingbirds Zip
Mourning Dove on Walnut Branches, Ground Doves under the Palms & Inca Doves on Limbs in the Big Pine tree Chant Mourning Prayers. Pink GLOWS around the Horizon's Edges. The Waning Moon is Stuck in the Chinaberry Tree. A Red Tail Hawk Spreads Her Wings atop the Chinaberry Tree with Moon Beams Dazzling! A Blanket of Low Fog unfolds across the Tall Wire Grass. Roosters CROW. The Sun peeks between Uncle Doug's Pine Row drinking dew from Buttercups & sipping on Honey Suckle, which smells so Sweet filling my Soul. Mocking Birds FUSS Flashing at Brown Thrashers under the Lil'Pine trying to pickup Wiggle Worms. A CHARGING Black Lizard with a Red stripe clamps It's Mouth shut scooping up a Wood Roach Breakfast with a side order of Flies. Purple Martins swoop over the Vines as Deer enjoy Grapes. A Hog Sphinx Tends to the Phloxes. An inch Worm inches up a Lily Leaf. Three Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Zip from the Nest to Work the Yellow Irises. LOUD Bumble Bees Buzz Thanks on the Grass-Seed Blades. Cattle Egrets Vanish in to the Fluffy Fog. Cows moo.
Oak Toads Sing
Peepers & Tree Frogs Rejoice to the LORD! Crickets Strum. Joey's Rooster crows. The Nearly Full Moon Climbs down the Back Pecan Tree. The Hand's Rooster answers. Seminole Bats Chatter Grace on the Grape Arbors. The Roosters CROW. A Million, no Two Million Stars SPARKLE filling the dark. Fowler's Toads & Oak Toads Sing Love Songs. Saw Whet Owls toot toot toot Prayers with the Poor-Wills. Cows moo "Amen AMEN!"
Thursday, August 22, 2013
They Pick Purple Grapes
Cattle Egrets click & kind of Quack as Their Heads bob up & down to pick Bugs & Grubs from Cow Patties. Gnats swarm at my ears & eyes. A Brown-Headed Nuthatch perched on the dish stand pipes & twitters high, Praising GOD! The Full moon rolls behind the Trees in the West as just above the Eastern Tree Line a Full White Spot appears in the Clouds. A Red-Headed Woodpecker drums on an Oak Trunk. Dew Drops roll from Grape Leaves and slide down Silky Strands of Webs, working loose splashing in the Pine Straw. Blue Jays WHINE Grace sounding like old swing chain in need of WD40 as they Pick Purple Grapes. Most are still Green or Sour; We Manage to find a few Plumb Sweet Deep Purple Grapes... mm mm Good. Tufted Titmice join the Hunt! Guinea Wasps & Black Jacks Crawl on Grape Clusters, making it hard to get some. Ground Doves at the far end, Inca Doves and Mourning Dove on Dogwood Limbs Chant Prayers. High Thin Clouds slide to the Northeast. Roosters CROW. The Sun Burns Through the Clouds and Rays sip on Honey Suckle and Purple Ivy Straws tangled in the Grape Vines. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Crepe Mrytle. Deer BOLT back into the Woods,
Seminole Bats Chatter
Pink & White Roses & Honey Suckle smell so Wonderful. Meadow Larks and Song Sparrows Praise our LORD! Soggy Grass washes my feet. Full of Webby Nest a Few wet Pecan Branches sag heavy. Mourning Dove above and Ground Doves Chant Prayer with the Poor-Wills. Small fluffy Clouds float under the Stars. Pink Rings around the Horizon's rim and Pushes the Indigo Dawn in Place. Seminole Bats Chatter Grace at the Grape Vines. Mocking Birds sing the Next Song. Deer Strut across to Uncle Doug's. Roosters crow. Toads & Bull Frogs Sing of Love. Robins Give Thanks as they pick up Squirmy Worms off the soaked Ground.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wrens Quiver
Thunder closes in from the Southwest. Lightning STREAKS to the Southeast! Thunder Rumbles! Mockingbirds Praise Our LORD. Gusts rustle Leaves. Branches Bow. A Bolt Sizzles over Joey's House. Fast moving dark Clouds SWALLOW the Sun. The Earth Trembles. Cows SIT! Cattle Egrets Flap away in all directions. THUNDERBOLTS CLAP with a JARRING QUAKE. Chimney Swifts shoot into the Fireplace. A waving Wall of RAIN Slams with a Gusting Force. Branches snap. Tall Canaan Lilies' Stems Bend. Bolts Flash! RAIN POUNDS! The Carolina Wrens Quiver Shaking off on the rocking chair & flutter up to Their Nest.Lightning Dances. THUNDER RUMBLES & RUMBLES & RUMBLES. Sideways Drops Sting my Body. Bolts Flicker & Flare all Around. The Foundation Moves with the Thunder. Frogs & Toads Thank The RAINMAKER!
Gray Clouds Mount
Redbud Leaves Yellow. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds Tend to the Honeysuckle along the back fence. Cicadas Pray sirening LOUDLY to Our LORD. Cattle Egrets Hang out under Joey's Shade Trees with the Cows. Thunder faintly echoes in the Southwest. Mocking Birds on the Pecan Tree and Meadow Larks on Peach Limbs PRAISE GOD Joyfully. White Sulphur Butterflies Flutter at the Tall Red Canaan Lilies. Summer Tanagers and Common Waxbills Sing Grace on Grape Branches. Army Ants March. Crows caw landing in one of the Hand's Oak Trees. Sweet Juice from Purple Grapes dribbles down my Chin. Roosters Crow. Yellow Jackets & Black Jacks Buzz about. Mice enjoy the Spoils below the Vines. Ground Doves in the other end of the Grape Arbor, Rock Doves on the smokehouse roof and Turtle Dove perched on barbed wire Chant Prayer. Coupling Love Bugs lumber to ascend over the Front Field. Chimney Swifts dip & dive Gobbling many Up. Thunder rolls closer as dark Gray Clouds mount. Red-Bellied Woodpecker Giggle in the Walnut Tree. A Hog Sphinx Moth Zips Althea to Althea. Red, white & Gray Mushrooms push up from the Dirt. A Red Tailed Hawk Glides along with the Wind Current above.
Honks Grow Nearer
Crows caw in the Oak tops. Wasps skim Low above the Grass. Red Crested Cardinals Sing Grace in the Far Smaller Grape Grape Arbor. Oh Yes!!! A few PLUMP Rusty GOLD Grapes hide amongst the Greenies adorning some Clumps. MMM sweet, Sweet SWEET juice oozes as I bite. I Restrain my self, leaving the rest of the First Fruits to be fed to the Birds. The MASTER GARDENER Is Growing Many. Pileated Woodpecker laughs. Booboo Kitty-Cat emerges from the Vines Gripping a squirming Grass Snake in Her mouth she is willing to Share. Ground Doves under the Over Vimes, Inca Doves in the Dogwood Tree and White-Winged Doves on the Hand's fence Chant Morning Prayers. Rabbits Hop about. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about Small Paper Thin Gray Mushrooms. Grass paints my toe nails. Faint Honks Grow nearer & I Spy Three Long "V" Lines of Canada Geese Trailing to the Southwest. Yellow Roses weave up the Rail. Cattle Egrets chase the Cows. White Roses tangle in the Hand's fence further down from the Doves. Pink Flowers open in the Clover Clumps. The Roosters CROW. The Wavy Curtins of Showers shift to the Northeast. Purple Finches on the Crepe Myrtle Bushes PRAISE the LORD!
Smudging Purple
Meadow Larks on plumb Branches & Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree Rejoice for the New Day. Flashes of Lightening Flare in the South. Deer Check for Peaches. Little Brown Bats Sweep the Magnolia Trees a few more times. Distant Thunder Echoes. Clouds thin out under the Bright Golden Glowing Full Moon. A Great Horned Owl WHOOTS & WHOOTS. Wet Magnolias & Canaan Lilies Sparkle in the Moon Beams. Low Thick dark Gray Clouds Cross to the Southeast; Wavey Lines of Rain Stream from Those Clouds. Streaking Bolts Flash in the Northeast closer. The deer Wander over to the Grapevines. Some Seminole Bats Monkey around on Top, while Others swoop for Bugs. Bull Frogs at the Pond Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves on Walnut Limbs. A Hog Sphinx Moth Tends to the Altheas. Roosters Crow & Crow! The Artist Paints Pink in a Small gap between the dark Gray Clouds smudging Purple on the Clouds.
Bolts Dance
Crickets Strum a Sweet Ballad for Our CREATOR! Monkey Grass Paints my Shin. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS! Grass sloshes & Mud OOZES up between my Toes. Drops Drip from Leaves & Sprigs on Droopy Branches. Grass Frogs, Peepers, and Green Tree Frogs Give Thanks to The RAINMAKER! Thin Layering Sheets of of Clouds Dress the Full Moon in a Shiney Vail and Rainbow Halo. Bolts dance in the Clouds far to the Northeast. Roosters Crow. Oak Toads & American Toads Sing of Love in low Areas covered with Water. Moths Circle at the porch bulb. A few Beetles spin up-side-down next to the rocking chair. Poor-Wills' Prayers Echo. A Cool Summer Breeze makes me feel Fine knowing JESUS is the Jazmen in my Mind.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A Skipper Flutters.
Starlings gathering in the Chinaberry Tree rattle & chuckle with Each other. Grass Flickers Jump. Tiny white & Red Mushrooms spring up dotting the Grass. Inca Doves in the Walnut Tree & Rock Doves on the rusty smokehouse roof Chant Morning Prayers. The Hand's Cows moo. Dirt rises up next to the end of the walk way as Fire ant till a New Hill. A Frantic Buffed-Bellied Hummer Zips about the Honey Suckle to beat the approaching Rain. Yummy Grape Juice drips off my Chin. Grass Frogs on the Pine Straw & Gray Tree Frogs slimming the Windows Sing Thanks to the RAINMAKER. Deer check for more Peaches; then trot to the Grape Arbor. Yellow Shafted Flicker drums on a power pole. Cattle Egret Land behind the Bull. Two Cricket Frogs Couple in a Large Magnolia Leaf. Roosters Beseech the Sun. MORE Gray Clouds roll in. A Sooty Wing Skipper Flutters Tending to the RED & yellow Canaan Lilies.
Tiger Moth escapes
Grass Frogs and Pine Woods Frogs Praise the LORD! Crickets Fiddle for the Frogs Psalm. Thick dark Gray Clouds cross under the Full Moon as it falls into the Western Tree Tops. Moon Beams Shine as Clouds shift. The Hand's Rooster Crows. A soft Shower begins. Joey's Rooster answers. Soaked of Rain from Last Nights Storms,the Branch droop. An Armadillo Tanks over the Monkey Grass, paying me no mind, wandering on into the Field. Chorus Frogs & American Toads Sing of Love. An Anna Tiger Moth escapes the Rain & lands on the rocking chair arm.
Moon Beams Poke
Crickets Slide Their Legs across Cellos & Violins As Green Tree Frogs & Peepers Praise the LORD. The Gray Clouds are Breaking up. Lightening Flickers way off the Northeast. Chuck-Will's-Widows Cry Out. Moon Beams Poke the Clouds as the Full Moon plays peek-a-boo. Limbs & Branches sag with Dripping Drops. Moths spin under the porch bulb. The Honey Suckle and Rose Fragrances smell wonderful. Frogs Sing of Love. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots a Prayer.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Peepers Thank the RAINMAKER!
I Spook a Seminole Bat resting in the Grape Branches as I fill my Pockets. Woodpeckers drum in the Hand's Oaks. Black Jacks buzz about on Grapes. A HackBerry Emperor Butterfly lands on my Shin. Crows caw flying over Head. Grapes fall as I bump about. Cardinals & Orchard Orioles Sing Grace Feasting on Grapes for Lunch. A White Sulphur Butterfly Works the Purple Ivy Straws twisted in the Grapes Vines. A Mockingbird Couple flare and FUSS at me. Mice enjoy the Spoils below. The Roosters crow. A Grass Frog Zapps a few Bugs on a Grape. A Tree Snake slides slowly down a Vine. As I come out Drops fall from a Stray Puffy Little Gray Cloud. Chattering, Grackles Swarm up out of the Big Oak's Top Flapping away. A Rainbow Spreads to the North as the Light fresh Shower sooths my Soul; the Rainbow Folds as the Cloud Travels on the the Northeast. There's Mockingbird Poop on my Sleeve. Leaves seem more alive. Chimney Swifts Dive-Bomb the Front Field Gobbling up Coupling Love Bugs struggling to Fly. Peepers Thank the RAINMAKER! Four Lovely Turtle Doves on the barbed wire in the Shade & White-Winged Doves on Pecan Limbs Chant Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Palms. Monarch Butter Flies Flutter in the Honey Suckle along the back fence. A Couple Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Pink Crepe Myrtles. Black Saddlebag Dragonflies zip low over the Lush Thick Grass. Cattle Egret Heads Bob up in the Tall Green Wire Grass. A Red Spider Sets a Silky Snare in a Clump of Brown dead Grass Banked along the fence. Bob Whites Whistle in the Thick-Its. Wasp crawl on rotting Peaches in the Pine Straw. Red-Crested Cardinals enjoy the last few Peaches hanging. A Green Preying mantis Prays on a Canaan Lily Leaf. Brown-Headed Cowbirds on Walnut limbs & Song Sparrows in the Cammy Bushes Praise the LORD with Glee!
my Heart Skips
Mourning Doves Down the Tree Line Chant Prayers with Turtle Dove on the barbed wire & Rock Doves perched on the smokehouse roof. I Lick as Sweet Peach Juice escapes. Crows over head caw flapping out of Sight. A Pale Dim White Spot appears in the Gray Clouds in the East. The Roosters Crow with Excitement for the Sun. A Hog Sphinx Moth Zips about in the Phloxes. Mockingbirds flash & flare at a Box Turtle near the Tree they are Nesting in. Magnolia Seed Pods Plop in the Dirt.Purple Finches on Plum Branches & Red-Crested Cardinals on Peach Limbs Praise the LORD!Cows Moo. Tree Swallows cut in close to the New Blooming Magnolia Buds. A Bold Red & Black Velvet Ant Steps across an odd Stick on to my flip flop. Sweat BEADS on my neck & back as I Freeze and my heart skips a beat or two! Just Trying to complete His Journey, the Velvet Ant Pays me no mind. Oh Yes I Breathe and THANK the LORD! a Pileated Woodpecker laughs at me. Cicada Siren LOUDLY the LORD's Prayers.
Breeze Caresses
A Mocking Bird Rejoices to Our LORD! A Cicada Clinging to the porch swing vibrates SIRENING Prayers LOUDLY. Branches & limbs hang low with Collected Rain dripping. Moths flutter. A Couple Lil'Brown Bats beat about the Magnolias now the Rain has ceased. Peepers & Pine Woods Tree Frogs Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! A meandering wet Skunk SHAKES the Shag at the end of the walk way and Wanders off a bit Fluffy. More Thick Clouds roll up from the South. A Nightjar swoops Just over the Pink Cammy Bush SAGGING a Large Beetle for Breakfast. Fowler's Toads & American Toads Sing Love Songs. A Soft Summer Breeze caresses as it Pushes the darkness away.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
A Deerfly Zips around
Red-Crested Cardinals, Pecking at Grapes, Give Thanks. A Yellow & Black Swallow-Tail Butterfly Flutters at the Tall Red Canaan Lilies; a Monarch Visits the Orange Canaan Lilies. Thunder Echoes in the Distant West. Mockingbirds fuss & chase. Toads sing Love songs in the Low flooded areas of the Field. Cows moo. Crows caw in the oak Trees. Thicker Gray Clouds slip in Under the High Layered Clouds. Little Green Pom-poms hang from Tiny Stems waiting to velcro on as something passes by. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Hop about the Small White Bells dotting the Grass & the Clover. A Green Tree Frog clinging to a Leaf of a Burgundy Iris can not help but PRAISE & REJOICE with the Peepers in the Pine Straw. A Woodstar Enters, in ever so carefully and backs out of, each Yellow Iris. A Deerfly Zips around my Head. A Cat Bird Meeows on a Redbud limb; A-me-go Kitty sits watching under the limb Meeowing back. Thunder rolls up Closer. Ground Doves under the grape vine Pray with the Rock Doves on a Power Pole And the Mourning Doves on Magnolia Branches. Peach Juice Squirts as I bite in a Yummy Plump Peach off the Tree. Yellow Jackets & Black jacks Buzz about on Peaches & Leaves. Brown Thrashers perched on the barbed wire & Purple Finches on the Altheia Bushs Sing a raspy Gospel Song to the LORD. Red small Mushrooms spring up Adding a tad more Color to a Drap Haze-Gray day. I Add my Joyful Noise to the Bird's Song.
Be Glad
Clouds, Layers of Thick Gray Clouds Push the Country dark Down. Cricket Frogs & Peepers Praise Our CREATOR while Crickets Fiddle. Cuckoos Pray. Branches drip Collected Water from all Night Showers. Cows moo. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from out back. Red Worms Wiggle on the walkway. A Garden Spider Weaves a Breakfast plate. Robins sing & Rejoice in the New day. Be Glad in it.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Hawk Vanishes
Grass Frogs & Peepers Sing PRAISES to the LORD! Pine Woods Tree Frogs in the English Dogwood & Fowler's Toads add some Harmony. Wet Cows moo as they Graze out Back. Booboo Kitty Offers me a Mouse. Two Green Lizards Scale the Carport Fiberglass Doors. Crows caw as I get in & drive off. I drive on the Grass between the FLOODED tractor ruts & the Grassy edge. Purple Finches bounce about the Crepe Myrtles. Cardinals frolic in the Holly Bush. Two Young Does cross in Front of me. A few Cattle Egrets trail behind Mike's Cows and His Mule. A Cooper's Hawk Vanishes in the Clouds. All the Fields are so Green. The Bottoms FALLS out of the Sky when I get on Hwy 84. 45mph the 12 miles into Donalsonville. Two Black-Headed Laughing Gulls Giggle on Light Post at Piggley Wiggley. The HEAVY Drops start there before I get in & within 3 Sec the Lot has ankle High Flowing water. Someones Gran'Mother comes Out & I put my Umbrela over her & get her Bags in Her car... mmm It Felt so Invigorating and Wonderful Feeling the Drops POUND!
Rain Drops Splat
The Roosters Crow & CROW! Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter the Summer Shower CLEANSES my Soul and is so Refreshing. Mourning Doves in Magnolia Trees and Ground doves perched in the Big Pine over the Flooded Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Tree Limbs & Branches Slump Lower. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Layers of Gray Clouds Build over Head, but Dawn pushes the dark away. Green & Gray Tree Frogs & Grass Frogs Continue to Praise the RAINMAKER. A Nightjar flaps low over the yard. Rain Drops SPLAT Army Ants trying to March off the Porch. The Carolina Wrens are warm cuddling in Their Nest. Lady Bugs crawl about the porch post. Wet Cows moo. Hot Pink Phloxes, Purple Altheas, Tall Red and Orange Canaan Lilies, Vibrant Yellow Irises, Red Mushrooms, White Bells, Buttercups, Bright Orange Honey Suckle & Pink Roses stretching over the rail Color a Pitter Patter Gray Day. Mockingbirds REJOICE singing a Hymn!
So Relaxing
Branches & Limbs Hang Low, Leaves & Sprigs collecting Drops. Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER. The Grass sloshes as I step and my Feet are swallowed by Standing water. The Saw Whet Owl Toot Toot Toots Her Prayers perched on the Step Ladder by Great Ginny's Window under the overhang. A small stream flows over the walkway to the low side. A couple Moths spin under the porch bulb.the Rain drops are so Relaxing.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Fowler's Toads Sing
Ground Doves under the Palms chant Prayers. A White Sulphur Butterfly Flaps It's wings perched on a Purple Althea. A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird hovers at each Yellow Iris. Cicadas Whine Grace LOUD. Two Coots Flap Toward the Chatahoochee.Tiny Red Bugs crawl on a Lily Leaf in a Grouping. A Red Wasp sucks on a Twig. Cows moo. mmm A picked Peach taste so Good. Leaves Rustle in a Gust. A few drops drip from the sky and a few more. Mockingbirds in the Pecan Tree Praise Our CREATOR! Thick dark Clouds Roll Up & a Wavy wall of Showers Pour. Chimney Swifts escape into the Fireplace. Cows Sit. Drops POUND. Pine Barrens Tree frogs & Fowler's Toads Sing PRAISES to the RAINMAKER. Tractor Ruts filled up fast.
Black Jackets crawlo Grapes.
Big empty Magnolia Seed Pods Drop to the dirt & Lush Green Grass. Mourning Doves in the Magnolia Trees And Fruit Doves on Peach Branches Chant Prayers with the Inca Doves in the Big Oak Tree. Squirrels search for Acorns. Black-Jackets Crawl on Grape Leave. Juice ozzes down my Chin. Ruffus Turkey Gobbles strutting on the Wood's Edge. A Fox Rest on a Log. Chimney Swifts Comb the Tree Tops. Army Ants March To & Fro In Lunch Lines coming to a Shriveling Red Worm Baking in the Sun's Ray. Cardinals on the barbed wire & Song Sparrows in the Lil' Pie Sing Praises to the LORD! Thunder Echoes in the Southwest. Crows caw.I can Taste the Salt in the Moist Humid HOT Air from the Gulf. Ruby Throated Hummingbirds Hover at the Crepe Myrtle Blooms along the Back fence. Orange & Red Canaan Lilies Stretch toward the Sun as it is swallowed by Gray Clouds. A Toad hops through the patch of Clover. Mocking Birds Flash & Chase. Cows moo.
Make Joyful Noises!
Tree Limbs DROOP still dripping Drops. Muggy Hot Air sits Still and HEAVY. Cricket Frogs and Green Tree Frogs Make Joyful Noises to the LORD. I add mine. Flashes of Lightening travel further on to the Northeast. Crickets Slide Their Legs across Cellos & Violins. Poor-Wills & Cuckoos Chat Prayers. A Couple Seminole Bats beat at the Grape Arbor. Oak Toads & Southern Toads sing of Love. beetles bounce against the bulb. A Wet Musty Skunk swags over the Monkey Grass close to the porch steps; stopping on the walkway She chatters Greetings & Blessings to me. My eyes BURN & Water.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Purple Tints
Robins & Mocking Birds PRAISE the LORD. On the Northwest Horizon the Clouds Flash with Greatness. Lil'Brown Bats sweep the Magnolia Trees. Morning Doves Chant Prayers with the Saw Whet Owls & Poor-Wills. Tinges of Pink & Purple tints the Eastern Clouds. Seminole Bats Chatter Thanks in the Top of the Grape Arbor's Branches. Goat Suckers swoop over the Cammie Bushes. Deer Feast on Peaches. Honey Suckle & the Cherokee Rose Aroma tickle my Soul rising to Heaven. The Hand's Rooster Calls upon the Sun. Call Upon the SON!
'Coon Stands
The Clouds push the Country dark down thicker. Saw Whet Owls Toot toot toot Prayers. Poor-Wills Join the Chant. Bull Frog Shouts Amen! Crickets Strum as the Frog & Toad Choir make a Joyful Noise. 'Coon Stands up Chattering a Mighty Word. A Great Horn Owl Lets Loose with A "GLORY, GLORY HALLELUJAH! The Breeze of the HOLY GHOST Rustles Leaves & Bows Lilies!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I Pick a Peach
Mockingbirds Flash at a Black Racer Slithering in the Pine Straw Under the Young Cedars near Their nest. Thunder Echoes in the Northwest. Thick dark Charcoal Clouds Slide in under the Sun peek-A-pooing through higher Patchy Gray Clouds. Cicadas Siren Loudly Praying to Our CREATOR. Cattle Egrets chase the cows to the Other side of the pasture. Rumbles of Thunder are Closer. Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree sing Praises with Brown Thrashers in the Redbud Tree. A Mockingbird flares at me as I pick a Peach... mmm YUM.Pink Roses sway and Red & Orange canaan Lilies Wave in the Breeze. Buffed-Bellied Hummers slip into Their Nest in the Lil'Pine Tree. Lightning Flickers just to the North. Soft rain falls. Red Crested Cardinals Give Thanks in the Grape Arbor. A Garden Spider scoots up into the Big Magnolia off of Her Magnificent Canvas. Gust Rustle Leaves & bend Limbs. Chimney Swifts Slip down the fireplace. THUNDERBOLTS QUAKE!!! Cattle Egrets SCREAM & FREAK lifting into the Air flying off in many directions. WET Cows SIT. The pitter patter on the Metal porch hang drums louder as drops harden. Green & Gray Tree Frogs, Peepers and Oak Toads Rejoice to the RAINMAKER!
GOD Winks
I catch Sweet SWEET Grape Juice off my cheek before it rolls down my chin. A Pileated Woodpecker Laughs. Tufted Titmice Pecking on Plump Purple Grapes & Picking Bugs off Grape Finger-Twiggs don't seem to mind Sharing with me. A Blackjack Buzzes Closeby my face landing on a Leaf. Mice Scurry about Nibbling the Fallen Spoils. I Spook a Snoozing Seminole Bat clinging up-side-down to a Vine & She chatters flying off. Ground Doves further down under the Vines join the Mourning Doves on Magnolia Branches & Rock Dove on the smokehouse Roof Chanting Morning Prayers. Roosters Crow. High Gray Clouds unroll from the Northwest. A Cattle Egret weighs down the Young Slim Weeping Willow as She Perches upon it. A Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Waves her Wings from a Pink Weeping Willow fan. Moma Buff-Bellied Humming Bird Demonstrates the Art of Tending to The Skinny Four O'clocks. The Fumes from the paper mill ride the Breeze REEKING of Pure Wood Pulp; Pink Rose & Honey Suckle Perfume is No Help against the malicious malodor. Pecan Cigar Casebearer Moths Flitter about the Pecan Limbs lighting on Leaves. A Red-Headed Woodpecker Drums half way up the Pecan Tree, maybe for Boring Beetles. The Pecan Clusters are turning darker. In the Tree Top Crows caw. The Sun Burns a Hole to Sip on Purple ivy Straws and Drink from Tiny White Dixie Cups. Yellow Finches Flare at Purple Finches enjoying Peaches & Bugs ; The Yellow Finches Flitter to the Peach Trees on the far side of Puppy Paradise. Orange & Red Canaan Lilies stretch Toward the Sun. A Pair of Cooper's Hawks Glide on to the Southeast with the Wind Flow. The Clouds shift and GOD Winks HIS Big Blue Eye at You.
Doves Shudder
Deer Munch on Peaches below the Pecan Branches. Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer with the Poor-Wills in the Woods and the Saw Whet Owl toot toot tooting in the Big Pine Tree. A Meteor flares in the North. Brown Thrashers say Grace as They get the Worm. Stars fade leaving a few Planets twinkling. Purple SPLASHES Gray Clouds in the Southwest. Pink wraps around the Horizon's Rim. Cricket Frogs and Little Grass Frogs Sing "Allelujah" to Our LORD. Low Thin Fog creeps up out of the Woods in to the Far Field. Lil'Brown Bats Flutter off to Their Nest. Roosters CROW. An Oak Toad Hops in the Pine Straw. Rabbits Bounce into the Grape Arbor. Two Spooked Ground Dove shudder away. A Leave Beetle Chews on an Iris Breakfast. Mockingbirds in Magnolia Trees & Song Sparrows on Peach Limbs Sing the NEW Song!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
A Million Stars Appear
The Waxing Quarter Moon climbs down the Pecan Tree. Woodcocks call and click. Evening Bats fluter about the Trees. Two Mockingbirds sing one more Hymn. Pink fades in the West and one by one a million Stars appear AT ONCE! Killdeer swoop down the driveway. Crickets rozen Their Bows. A 'Coon comes down the Big Pine &scurries off. Chuck-Will-Widows CRY. Green Tree Frogs and Peepers Praise the LORD!
Clouds Spread
Inca Doves on the other end of th Grape Arbor and Ground Doves under the Vines Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves. Grape juice dribbles down my Chin. Orange Meadow-Hawks zig & zag over the Front Field. A Ruby Throated Hummingbird Hovers to new Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce about the Clover & Mushrooms.Pink Cherokee Roses Stretch over the rail. A Wood Stork flaps Gracefully. Blankets of Gray Clouds Spread from the South across the Sky shifting North. Chimny Swifts sweep the Magnolia Trees. Thunder Echoes in the Southwest and East. Mockingbirds on Pecan Branches & Red-Winged Blackbirds Praise Our LORD. Cows moo. A Red-Bellied Woodpecker Giggles in the walnut Tree. Red & Orange Canaan Lilies are Visited by A Yellow Swallow-Tailed Butterfly. Catbirds meeeow on Dogwood Limbs. Army Ants march keeping Gaurd around Their high Bowl Fort. Cattle Egret Heads bob up behind the Cows. Woodstars tend to the Purple Altheias. A Walking Stick Waits on the Fork in the Altheia Bush.Bob Whites Whiste "Amazing Grace."
Egrets Vanish into the Tall Wiregrass
Meadow Larks on Plum Trees, Mockingbirds up the Dogwood and Song Sparrows in the Pink Cammie Bush PRAISE Our CREATOR! Deer Chew on Garpes & Leaves at the far end of the Grape Arbor. Purple Finches Sing Grace bouncing about the Grape Branches. Two rabbits have Breakfast Below. Ground Doves under the Vines and Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Morning Prayers with the Mourning Doves in the Chinaberry Tree. The Lush Green Carpet of Dewy Grass is COOL on my feet and REFRESHING. A Bull Calf Crawls through the barb wire; lumbering to the Peach Tree He SPOOKS Three Does that DASH off and He Freaks Out running back in to the Pasture. Pileated Woodpecker laughs. A Long Slinder Green Snake is Braded into the Banana Shrub. The Roosters Crow. Pink wraps around the Rim splashing Purple into Cloud and tainting the fog with Purple Haze. Some of the landing Cattle Egrets vanish into the Tall Wiregrass and others flap into the Curtain of Fog. I Knock more Monkey Grass seeds lose as Dewy Blades paint my shins. A Large Black and Yellow Graden Spider weaves a Lovely Tapestry across the swing chains. The Carolina Wrens Flitter out of the Nest Rejoicing in The day the LORD has Made as the Sun POPS UP over Uncle Doug's Pines.
Owls Rejoice
Green Tree Frogs & Cricket Frogs Sing WORSHIP Songs. Magnolia Pods Plop. A Shooting Star Flares up in the dark. The Crickets strum and Fiddle. Bugs dance around under the porch bulb. Poor-Wills Pray. A soft Summer Breeze caresses around me. Two Glow Worms inch through the Grass. Saw Whet Owls Rejoice "HOLY HOLY HOLY"! Stars seem so CLOSE this Morning; I stretch to Touch one and Feel the Hand of GOD.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Deer Dash Out
Cicadas Low Long Whine is Music to the LORD! Mourning Doves in the Dogwood tree & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Noon Day Prayers. Fowler's Toads & Southern Toads in the Low Wet Areas Sing of Love. Deer dash out of the Woods Fleaing South as a Crop dusting Plane, spraying Rushie's Back 100 Acres, banks & ascends over the Woods cutting 'round & diving Down. Orange Meadow-Hawks and Saddlebag Dragonflies zig and zag over the Crepe Myrtle. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds make another Round on the Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Empty Magnolia Seed Pods PLOP in the Dirt. Bumble Bees Crawl on the Magnolias. Pine wablers Cherp & Chatter Grace Having Pine Nuts for Lunch. Monkey Grass Whitens and the Seeds fall as a Soft Breeze Kisses the Blades. Pine Burn off lingers stinging my eyes & pushing on my Chest, but Smells Good. A Hairy Woodpecker taps on the Walnut Tree. Pale Blue Butter Flies Frolic over the Pink cammie Bush. A Woodstar tends to the Tall red Canaan Lilies now in the Shade. In the South Fluffy Puffy White Cloud Tops TOWER from Gray Cloud Bases. A Sleek Fast Black Racer slithers across the Grass. Red Tail Hawk Couple Soar Gliding High with the Wind in FATHER GOD's big Blue Eye.
Pine Sprigs Sparkle
A Great Horned Owl WHOOTS Bed Time Prayers. Pink Wraps around the Horizon. Roosters CROW. Cows moo. Wood Storks flap Peacefully On to the Chatahoochee. A Patchy Quilt of Fog Rolls off the River. Robins Sing Grace scratching For Bugs & Worms. Purple Haze Floats above the Uncle Doug's Pines. Crows Caw landing on Pine Limbs. Deer Graze below in the Clearing near the Family Grave yard. Branches on top of the Grape Arbor SHAKE WILDLY as A Pack of Seminole Bats Work Their way Out & Flutter on to Their Nests. Cardinals & Indigo Buntings Give Thanks Feasting on Grapes in the far End. Groung Doves beneath the Vines & Turtle Doves on barbed wire Chant Morning Prayers. Two Does Brush up against the Peach Trees, Knocking a few off Pleasing the Mice & Bugs in the Pine Straw, as the Deer munch on Peaches & Peach Leaves. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs. Hevy Dewwy Silk Nests Weigh Pecan Branch Down. Mocking Birds fuss & flash at Squireels playing under the Young Ceadars. Grape Juice drips off my Chin. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Hand's Tall Oak. Magnolias & Pine Sprigs Sparkle as the Sun Bounces Above the Tree Line Exposing Damp Spider Snares in the Front Field Tucked Low in the Wire Grass. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Hover at the few New Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Orange & Red Canaan Lillies Stretch high in the Sky, tilting Toward the Orange Ball. Song Sparrows in the Walnut Tree & Purple Finches on Plum Limbs PRAISE the Almighty GOD! Sweet Pine Smoke from a Burn-off in a near by Pine Grove Tickles my SOUL.
Rejoice in the Day
Crickets Slide Their Bows across Cellos & Violins. A Shooting Star Trails across the North; then Other flares and yet Another twirls down. Pine Barrens Tree Frogs & Chorus Frogs Sing Joyfully to the LORD! Cricket Frogs Add some Harmoney and Bull Frogs in the Pond bring up a Low Bass. Seminole Bats Land a Top of the Grape Arbor. A Meteor flashes as it dance with the Other Stars. Millions & Millions, Stars Sparkle & Shine, Twinkling over head. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo out of the Woods. A Boring Beetle spins up-side-down under the rocking chair. Lil'Brown Bats Skim the Magnolia Branches diping & diving. Toads sing of Love in the Flooded Low Area out back. Two Mocking Birds in the Pines are Glad & Rejoice in the Day our CREATOR has Made to share with Us.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Crickets Rosin Up
A short Lived Rainbow touches the Pale Waxing Quarter Moon. Love Doves on the power line Chant Evening Prayers with Ground Doves under the Palms. The Sun rolls behind the Gray Clouds. THE gentle Summer Breeze picks up Power bowing Branches & rustling Leaves. Cattle Egret jump into the air as a mighty THUNDERBOLT CRASHES and the Earth SHIVERS with fear. RAIN POUNDS Down. Chimney Swifts scramble swooping in the Fireplace. A Meadow Lark flitters to the rocking chair arm singing Praises to Our Lord. Bolts FLASH! Thunder RUMBLES! Cows moo. The Carolina Wrens shudder on the swing back and flutter up to Cuddle in Their Nest. The Drops lessen into a Summer shower pitter pattering on the metal roof. Country dark sets in fast. Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! Crickets rosin up Their Legs.
Deer Munch Peaches
Mourning Doves up in the Pecan tree & White-Winged Doves on Plum Branches Chant Prayer with the Yellow-Billed Cuckoos in the tall Oak. Two Cows push against the barbed wirie stretching it acoss There Chest STRAINING to reach Peaches. Deer munch Peaches on this side easily. Purple Finches & Tufted Titmice sing Grace flittering and pecking Peaches. A few Peaches drop to the Pine straw & Mice Chatter Thanks.Robins sratch for Bugs & Worms under the Pine Trees. Over Them Cicadas SCREAM with JOY to the LORD Our GOD! A Blanket of Fog unfolds off the Chattahoochee spreadid across the Field. The Sun sipps from Honey Suckle & Purple Four O'clocks.Large Pale Blue Butterflies Flutter over the Orange & Red Canaan Lilies. Woodstars hover at each Althiea. CARDINls frolicing onGape Vine & Meadow LARKS in the Doagwood Tree SING THE New Song.
WHOOT with Us!
A Gentle Summer Breeze Softly Kisses. Stars Twinkle. Crickets Fiddle as Spring Peepers & Green Tree Frogs Sing & Rejoice to Our LORD! STARS Shine.Grass Moths & Tiny Bugs Spin under the porch bulb. STARS SPARKLE! A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTs & W H O O T S "Glory GLORY HALLELUJAH" I Praise with the Owl.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Cattle Egrets Pick Grubs
Sweat beads up on my back and rolls. Cicadas in the Magnolia Trees Lift Their SIRENS of Adoration to Our CREATOR LOUD & Long. Tree Swallows Whistle Grace as They dip & dive in close to the Blooming sweet smellin' Magnolias enjoying a Brunch of Little Black Magnolia Bugs. Empty Seed Pod Plop in the Dirt. Cardinals Feast on Seeds. Bumble Bees Buzz about the Crepe Myrtles. Mockingbird drinks from the Water pot. A Crop dusting Plane Humms in the Northeast. Cows moo as they graze. Cattle Egrets Heads bob up & down as They pick Grubs from Cow Patties. Blue-Dashers Zip about over the Cammie bushes. Purple Finches & Indigo Buntings Give Thanks on Peach Branches pecking Bugs & Peaches. Tiny Pale Green Butterflies Flutter at the Wilting Monkey Grass Flowers turning to Seed. Fruit Doves on the Plum Trees & Mourning Doves on Walnut Limbs Join in with the Love Doves & Turtle Doves Chanting Morning Prayer. Corn or Hay Haze rises in the Southeast and Hay or Corn Burn Off Smoke floats to South. Pileated Woodpeckers Laugh telling Jokes about Human Religion. A Black & Blue Swallow-Taled Butterfly Frolics & Rolls in the drive way with a Black & Orange Swallow-Tailed Butterfly. Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Hover at the Burgandy & Yellow Irises. Monarchs tend to the Six to Eight Foot Tall Red Canaan Lilies stretching to the Sun. Red-Winged Blackbirds on the back Fence & Summer Tanagers in the back Pecan Tree sing a Raspy Bluegrass Gospil Number!
Meadow-Hawks Zig & Zag
Another Meteor Shoots over Head. Robins Tweet Grace scratching for Bugs & Worms. Deers Graze around the Grape Vines. Purple Splashes in to Gray Clouds. A Thin Vail of Fog Unfolds from the Woods in the far Field. The Buck Realizes afew Grapes are Ripening. Stars Fade into the dawn. Roosters Crow. Pink Circles the Horizon. Bramblings in the Cammie Bushes & Tufted Titmice on Pine Branches Praise the LORD. Southern Toads & Fowler's Toads Continue singing Love Songs. Cattle Egrets Vanish Landing the the tall Wire Grass. Magnolia Seed Pods Plop in the dirt. A Couple Seminole Bats Flitter out of the Grape Arbors. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Walnut Trunk. The Sun Peeks throuh Uncle Doug's Puines to Sipp on Honey Suckle & Hot Pink Ivy Straws. Crows Caw. A Momma Fox & Her Kits Play in the Thick-It beneath the Pines. Cardinals in the Holly Bush Give Thanks. Dew Sparkles on Spider Art along the barbed wire. Down From the Art Turtle Doves & Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Prayers. A Hog Sphinx Moth Zips about the Phloxes. Woodstars Visit the Althea Bush. Bumble Bees Shake Crepe Myrtle Bushes buzzing on Blooms. Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Hover in the Four O'clocks. Saddlebag Dragon Flies & Yellow Meadow-Hawks Zig & Zag over the Front Field.
Let us be Glad!
Far in the South Lightning flickers. Crickets Slide Their Legs over Their Cellos & Violins. Southern Chorus Frogs and Bull Frogs at the Pond PRAISE GOD. A Meteor Flares across the North. Green Tree Frogs in the Oaks & Lil'Grass Frogs in the Flowerbed add Harmony. Deer Munch on half Ripe Peaches. Poor-Wills and Cuckoos Pray. A Million Stars Sparkle above, Twinkling. Fowler's Toads & American Toads sing of Love in the Low Flooded areas. Roosters Crow. Another Shooting Star & Another Trail off in the North. Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from beyond Joey's House. Bolts Flash beyond that but seem Closer. Purple ozzes in from the Eastern Horizon. A Mocking Bird & a Meadow Lark ReJoice in Today! Let Us be Glad in It!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Gray Clouds Roll Up
Fruit Doves on Magnolia Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer.The Sun Rays are Heating Up. Bumble Bees Climb on Grass Blades. Squirrels Chatter Grace under the Oak tree cracking Accorns. Puffy dark Gray Clouds roll up from the South. Cicadas siren Low & Long. Blue Jays whine like ole swing chain needing WD40. Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterflies Frolic & Flutter. Hot Humid Air Burns my nose as Sweet Honey Suckle & Peach Fragrances sooth my Soul. Mocking Birds on Pecan Limbs & Meadow Larks on the Redbud Praise Our LORD! A Curtain of Wavey Rains Moves across the Cows & Cattle Egretsin the Pasture. Box Turtle closes Her Door when a Drop hits her in the face. The Shower feels so Cleansing & Refreshing as Drops splash upon my back & chest. Crows caw. The ARTIST Strokes a Rainbow across the North West. Oak Toads, Fowler's Toads & Green Tree Frogs Give Thanks to the RAINMAKER! Thunder echoes in the Distance as the Waves pass. Green Herons Flap away. Another ShowerSprinkles down like GOD's Grace.
Owl Whoots
Poor-Wills Pray. Crickets Fiddle as Pine Barrens Tree Frogs & Cricket Frogs Make Joyful Noises unto the LORD. Stars Twinkle & Sparkle. A Gentle Breeze Brings Honey Suckle Fragrance tickling my nose. A Great Horned Owl Whoots. The Hand's Rooster crows. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & Whoots. Joey's Rooster crows. A Great Horned Owl WHOOTS & WHOOTS. Roosters CROW. The Great Horned Owl WHOOTS.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Sing with Us!
Robins and Brown Thrashers Give Thanks scratching for Bugs & Worms under the Little Pine. Cicadas Siren above on Pine Branches. Yellow Finches bop about Pecking Pine Nuts. A Long Slinder Coach Whip is very EERIE Sliding across the walkway slithering into the Grass in the Low Sheet of Fog. Cardinals in the Peach Trees & Song Sparrows on the Redbud Sing "GLORY GLORY" to the LORD! Purple Haze fills Uncle Doug's Pines. Spider Tapestries Sparkle & Magnolias glisten as Sun Beams Reach Through the Trees. Groupings of Cattle Egrets Flap Gracefully to Distant Fields. A train whistle blows at the Jakin Cross-roads. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Morning Prayer. A Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Flutters about the Tall Orange and Tall Red Canaan Lilies. Woodstars Hover at the Phloxes. Wiregrass Seed Blades sway as Small Bumble Bees Buzz on them. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Purple Altheias. Branches the Smaller Crepe Myrtle Bushes Swing as Large Striped Bumble Bees Crawl on Clumps of Crepe Myrtle Blooms. Roosters Crow while the Large Orange Ball Bounces Up to Drink Dew from Pink Teacups & Vibrant Butter Cups. Cows Moo. Pine Woods Treefrogs Slime the bedroom window Cherping Grace as They eat Tiny Flies for Breakfast. I Sing with Purple Finches on Grape Branches & Rufous Towhees in the Pink Cammie Bush... ♪Our♫GOD♪is♫an♪Awesome♫GOD♪ Sing with Us.
Crickets Fiddle. Stars Sparkle & Shine. American Toads & Southern Toads Sing Joyfully to Our KING. Honey Suckle Incense Floats to Heaven. Peeper Frogs add some Harmony. A Cool Summer Breeze Wraps around me. Bull Frogs at the Pond Bring in the Bass. A Meteor streaks across the North. Poor-Wills & Saw Whet Owls Pray. Barking Frogs Shout "GLORY AMEN"!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Green Tree Frogs Rejoice
Cicadas Vibrating Sirening PRAISE Pleases Our LORD. Mocking Birds flare & Fuss at a Few Brown Thrashers to close to the Nest. The Big Orange Ball Rolls over the Edge. Pink Flares. Tiny Blue Butterflies Frolic over the Wilting Monkey Grass Flowers. Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Evening Prayers. Deer Graze by the tractor shed. Cattle Egrets Flap from the Field. Pine Barrens Tree Frogs and Green Tree Frogs Rejoice. Fluff White Clouds float on to the East.
Fowler's Toads Hop
A Red Wasp Skims across the porch over-hang. Blue Jays whine. Black & Blue Swallowtailed Butterflies flutter at the Pink Cherokee Roses; the Roses & Honey Suckle Fragrance Lifts my Soul rising to Heaven. A Woodstar Hovers to each Pink Altheia as the Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Purple Altheias. Still a tad Sour, Grape Juice dripples down my chin; Black Jack Hornets crawl on a few Grapes. Crows caw. Cows moo. Purple Finches Give Thanks Joyfully as they Peck a few which are already Raisins on Grape Branches. Fruit Flies flit about. Ground Doves under the Vines at the other end of the Arbor & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Noonday Prayers. Large Fowler's Toads hop about the Pine Straw under the Vines Crocking Grace enjoying Lunch. Mocking Bird drinks fron the Waterpot.The Humid Air seems to Suck Sweat from my back. Pileated Woodpecker laughs in the Hand's HUGE Oak Tree. A Stray Poofy little Gray Cloud paints a Rainbow squeezing Drops as it Passes. Cattle Egret Heads pop up & down in the Tall Wire Grass as They Peck in Cow Patties and chase Cows. The American Flag waves in the Summer Breeze. Song Sparrows in the Big Pine Tree & Brown Thrasahers on Walnut Limbs PRAISE the LORD!
\(**)/ Chant Morning Prayers!
Wood Stars Hum Thanks Feeding on the Purple Altheias. Hog Sphinx Moths zip to each Pink Phloxe. Mourning Doves in the Magnolia Trees & Turtle Doves Perched upon the barbed wire Chant Morning Prayers with Joy! Red Clay Bowl Ant Forts dot the Grass Patches between the Dirt tractor Ruts; Army Ants march on gaurd. Ruby-Throated Humming Birds Hover about the Small Crepe Myrtles in between the Tree Line on the South side of the driveway. Deer Graze across the road in the Clearing next to the Family Grave Yard. Stolid Flycathers sitting on the power line along the road take turns swooping over the Field Five or Six at a time. Sipping on Honey Suckle the Sun peeks through Uncle Doug's Pine; then POPS UP and Over to drink Dew from the Buttercups & Yellow Irises. Roosters Crow. Small Briliant Yellow & Balck Buzzing Bees crawl up Seeding Wiregrass Blades. Cardinals in the Holly Bush and Red-Winged Black Birds on Fence Post GLORIFY the LORD!
The Sky Shines
Thick Clouds Push the Country dark down. Toads & Frogs Praise Our CREATOR while Crickets strum. Monkey Grass Caresses my shin. The Hand's Rooster CROWS "GLORY GLORY!" Flashes Flicker far to the Southeast. Poor-Wills Pray. A Gentle Summer Breeze Kisses. A 'Coon rises up on his Hine Legs and Preaches the Word! The Sky Shines Bright with Bolts from Heaven! Saw Whet Owl Shouts "AMEN AMEN AMEN!"
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
A Lion Fly Zips
Fruit Doves down the Tree Line & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Prayers. A Toad Hopps in the Pine Starw. Meadow Larks on Pine Branches & Rufous-Sided Towhees on the Redbud Tree Rejoice to the LORD! Peach Juice from a Peach off Our tree trails down my chin. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce about the Clover. A Praying Prey Mantis Waits on A Canaan Lily Leave; Red & Yellow Canaan Lilies Stretch Six to Seven Feet High. Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Tend to the Honey Suckle. Yellow & Black Striped Butterflies flutter at the Phloxes. Blue jays whine like old swing chains. A Lion Fly zips over the Wilting Lavander Monkey Grass Blooms; some of the Monkey Grass Blades turn White. Red-Headed Woodpeckers Drum on the Pecan Tree. Blue dashers flit over the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Mocking Birds in magnolia Trees & Cardinalsdown in the Holly Bush sing the Next Hymn.
Brown Thrashers Singing Grace under the Lil'Pine Scratch for Bugs & Worms. Buzzing Bumble Bees Crawl on Altheias; Dew Drops Sling as the Branches sway from the Bees' Weight. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Sun Beams suck Dew from Tiny Green Pom Pom Flowers & sip from Sweet Smellin' Honey Suckle. Indigo Buntings Bouncing in the Big Pine Tree Praise Our CREATOR! Deer prance in the Far side of the Pasture. A Wood Stork Flaps Gracefully toward the Chatahoochee. Cows moo. Roosters Crow.Dewwy Spider Webbs Sparlke in the Crepe Myrtles as the Sun Rays kiss. Tree Swallows Swoop over the Front Field at Coupling Love Bugs Stuggling in Flight. A Yellow Velvet Ant hunts in the Clover. Cattle Egrets descend behind the Cows Vanashing into the Tall Wire Grass. Hay Haze Rises in the East as the Purple Haze fades. Yellow-Billed Cuckoos in the Small Magnolia Tree Pray with The Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & the Ground Doves under the Palms. Red Canaan Lilies Stretch to the Sun. Wood stars Tend to the Yellow Irises & Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds work in the Four O'clocks. Two Field Mice Nibble on Peaches droped by the Deer. Common Waxbills Cherp Thanks above Pecking Peaches. Both Mice Flea to safty as a Long White Oak Snake Slithers closer. A Red-Headed Woodpecker drums on the walnut Tree. The Snake Slinks back and SPRINGS forward Scooping Up Two Grass Frogs in Her Mouth, which were Enjoying a Bug Breakfast. Mocking Birds swoop down FLASHING & FUSSING at the Snake which just wants to enjoy Her Meal in Peace.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Red-Tail Hawks Glide
Sweet Peach Juice Runs down my chin... mmm so GOOD! Scrub Jay screach like Fingernails on a Chalk Board. Yellow Jackets crawl on a few Peaches that have been Bird pecked or Worm-holed. On the Ground a Few Mice squeek Thanks enjoying the Deer's Spoils from earlier. Toad Croaks Grace as He Tounge splaps Breakfast Bugs. Blue-Gray Gnatcathers swoop in for Peach Sweet Flies & Gnats. Cicadas SCREAM & SIREN Sweet Prays to the LORD! Pushing against the barbed wire a Cow can't reach so I toss Her a Peach. Cattle Egret Heads bob up & down behind the other Cows in the Field. Just off center, in Her Amazing Tapastry Draped across the porch swing chains, a Regal Garden Spider Sucks on a Bug-Roll-Up. Crows caw. Deer trot South in the far Pasture. Woodstars Tend to the Pink Roses. A Walking Stickclings to a Box Bush Branch. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds work the Purple Altheias. Crop duster plane hums in the Distance to the South East. Red-Tail Hawks glide by flowing with the Wind Current overhead. A Very Thin faint reflecting Moon Sliver climbs. Red & Orange Canaan Lilies Stretch to the Sun as A Zebra Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Flutter at them.
Catbirds Mee-Oow
Mourning Doves down the Tree Line & Turtle Doves on the Low Limbs over the Palms Pray with the Nightjars. Pink Splatters the Cloud Corners in the East and Wrapps 'round the Horizon. A Doe Swings Her Head & sees in my eyesthe Peace; so she turns back & continues enjoying Peaches for Breakfast. Summer Tanagers Sing Grace as they Discover the Peaches too. On the Pine Straw under the Tree Bugs enjoy the Spoils. Robins & Brown Thrashers Bounce about Pecking and Ejoying the Bugs. Purple Haze hangs in the East as a Thin Curtain of Fog rises. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. Cardinals Give Thanks in the Grape Arbors. A Trailing Line of Lil'Brown Bats waves as the Bats Flutter on to the Trees to bed. A Long Patch Work Snake slides over the walk way slithering away over the fresh Cut Grass. Catbirds meee-oow to the LORD in the Dogwood Tree.
Bugs Beat
Roosters CROW. Stars Twinkle above. Poor-Will and Whipper-Wills Pray. A Hog Sphinx Moth Tends to the Altheias. Frogs & Toads GLORIFY Our KING! Crickets slide Bows across Their Cellos & Violins. Bugs beat against the porch bulb. Saw Whet Owls toot toot toot. A Skunk Prays with me & then She wanders into the Country Dark. Pink Rose & Honey Suckle Fragrace tickle my nose as the Cool Summer Breeze Lifts to Heaven.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Yellow Magnolia Leaves Twirl
The Sun Slides into the Trees in the West. Ground Doves under the Palms & White-Wing Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Evening Prayer. Buffed-Bellied Humming Birds Tend to the Four O'clocks. Thick dark Gray Clouds Build in the North West. Blue Jays whine. A Yellow & Black Swallow-Tail Butterfly Flutters in the Honey Suckle; mmm the Aroma is so sweet. Mocking Birds flare & FUSS at a Long White Oak Snake up the Third Magnolia Tree by Their Nest. Seed Pod plop and Brown & Yellow Magnolia Leaves twirl Down as New Horns Grow and Magnolias Bloom. Blue-Gray Gnatcather Bounce about Limbs. Bumble Bees & Little Black Magnolia Bugs crawl on Blooms. Tree Swallows dip in close to the Branches chattering Grace & enjoying Dinner. Low Distant Thunder Echoes in the North. Bob Whites Whistle. Deer Graze just past the ol'tractor shed. Roosters Crow. A Red Wasp crawls on a English Dogwood Twig. Cattle Egrets chase the Cows. The Weeping Willow waves with the Summer Breeze. Song Sparrows in the Big Pecan Tree & Two Red-Winged Blackbirds on the Fence dotted with Purple Ivy Flowers PRAISE the LORD! I sing along Summer♪Breeze♫makes♪me♫feel♪fine♫knowing♪JESUS♫is♪the♫Jazmin♪in♫my♪mind♫ <3
Sing to the LORD
Hot Humid Air Pushes Hard against my Chest. Cicadas SCREAM LOUD & LOOOONG! Rock Doves on the power pole & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Prayer. A Long Green Snake Slinks up the Grape Branches. Orange Meadow-Hawks & Blue-Green Dasher Flies zip about Over the Crepe Myrtles. Bumble Bees weigh down Afew Crepe Myrtle Branches tending to the Flowers. Fire Ants till many New Hills in between the Bushes. Tiny Brown & Red Butterflies Frolic over the Drive way. Mockingbirds on Pecan Limbs & Song Sparrows in the English Dogwood Sing To the LORD! Gray Clouds pass to the South. Lion Flies Buzz about. Thin Pale Moon Sliver peek-a-boosin the West between Clouds. Cows moo under Joey's Big Oak. Cattle Egrets sit with Them. Sun Rays Kiss the Pink Roses & Red Canaan Lilies.
Turtle Doves Vanish
Song Sparrows dancing about the Crepe Myrtles & Grass-Hopper Sparrows Jigging in the Clover REJOICE to the LORD. Cows moo. A Mockingbird Drinks from a Brown Magnolia Leaf. Pink Roses Climb over the Rail. Turtle Doves vanish in the Fog OOZING through the barbed wire as They Chant Prayer with Mourning Doves above in the Lil'Pine Tree & Cuddling Love Doves on the power line. Deer enjoy Peaches for Breakfast. Roosters Crow. Hog Spinix Moths Tend to the Altheias. Crows caw. Yellowish Orange & Red Long Stemed Canaan Lilies STRETCH above the Dense Misty Blanket. Blue Jays whine. Toads sing More Love Songs. A Pair of Goatsuckers Land in the Small Oak Tree to Rest. A Cicada Sirens Long & LOUD Praying, Praying to Our GOD!
Beetles Spin
Thick Clouds push the Country dark down into the Dawn. Frogs Praise the LORD as Crickets Fiddle. The Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Woods. Toads sing of Love. Gipsy Moths Flitter at the porch bulb. A Few Metalic Beetles spin up-side-down. Poor-Wills Pray. Cows moo.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds Hover
Spider Art strung along the barbed wire Sparkles in the Sun Kisses as Sun Rays drink Dew from Butter Cups & sip on Purple Ivy Straws. Mocking Birds in the Magnolia Trees & Rufous-sided Towhees in the Cammie Bushes GLORIFY the LORD! Cows moo. Cattle Egrets Vanish in the Tall Wire Grass as Teh Land in the Field. Gnats swarm at my eyes & ears. Buffed-Bellied Hummindbirds Zip about the Ploxes. Monarchs Tend to the Tall Red & Yellow Canaan Lillies. Ruby Throated Hummingbirds Hover at the Altheias. Ary Ants march. Crows Caw. An Empty Snake Skin in a Fork of a Crepe Myrtle waves in the Summer Breeze.
The Moon Sliver is Stuck
Mourning Doves Chant Prayers with the Saw Whet Owl. Honey Suckle Fragrance mixes with Magnolia Aroma tickling my nose & Filling my Soul as it rises to Heaven's Hosts. Lil'Brown Bats Take a few more Swipes at the Magnolia Trees. Joey's Rooster Crows. Pink ERUPTS circling the Horizon. The Hand's Rooster Answers with His "Doodle DOOO"! A Thin vail of Fog unfolds in the far Field. Robins Singing Grace, scratch & peck for Bugs & Worms under the Little Pine Tree. Inca Doves above on Pine Branches Join the Praying. The Waining Moon Sliver is Stuck mid-way up the Oak Tree. Cows moo. Crows Caw. Deer Graze in the Spreading Low Fog. Purple Finches on Crepe Myrtle Bushes, Meadow Larks on Pecan Limbs & Cardinals in the Holly Bush PRAISE GOD!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Rabbits Bound
Mockingbirds Flare & chase. Orange Meadow-Hawks & Brown Saddlebag Dragonflies zip over the Crepe Myrtle. Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers Chatter Thanks diving into Gnat Swarms. Red & Orange Canaan Lilies Stretch to the Sun. Rabbits bound about the Front Field. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker drums on the Walnut Tree. Black Racer slides through the Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Clover. Grass Flickers Hop; Grasshoppers flick. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer. Crop duster Plane cuts low over the House. Rubby Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Four O'clocks. Little Blue Butterflies flutter over the Monkey Grass. A Cooper's Hawk Drops out of the Tall Oak Tree Top; Shooting like a Bullet She flares up and CLUTCHES the Rabbit with Her Talons ascending back into the Oak Tree. Cows moo. Cardinals on Grape Branches & Brown-Headed Cowbirds REJOICE with Glee to Our CREATOR!
Feather Plumes Wave.
Grape Branches fold over the arbor rails weighted down by Plump Maturing Grapes, still Green. Blue Jays Whine like old swing chains. Yellow & Black Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Sits on a Red Canaan Liliy. Mourning Doves & Fruit Doves Pray. Woodstar Tends to Yellow Irises. The Sun burns through Mounting Clouds to sip from Buttercups & Orange Suckle Straws. Large Wood Roach is Caught by a Prey Mantis enjoying Brunch. Indigo Buntings in the Plum Trees & Song Sparrows on Peach Limbs Praise the LORD! Pink Cherokee Roses Stetch as Sun Rays Kiss. Golden Feather Plumes wave as Cattle Egret Head bob behind the Cows. The Pale Moon Sliver peek-a-boos as Gray Clouds cross under. Buffed Bellied Hummingbird Mom'ma Plays chase with Her Chicks. Bumble Bees Work the Tall Wiregrass Seed Blades which are bending as the Bees buzz on each. Tree Swallows Swoop low over the Front Field. Fire Ants till New Hills. Spinning 'round, Circling High in the Blue Eye of GOD Four Turkey Vultures search for a road side Lunch Spot.
Yellow Finches Give Thanks
Robins & Song Sparrows Rejoice in the Day the LORD has Made! Stars fade. Deer Whistle Grace gathering at the Peach Trees for Breakfast. Roosters Crow & CROW. A Deep Thick Blanket of Fog Spreads in to the Field as it Unfolds from the Woods. Mourning Doves Chant Prayers with the Poor-Wills. A Long Walking Stick Clings to an Althea Branch; a Hog Sphinx Moth Tends to the Althea on the other end of that Branch. Yellow Finches Give Thanks for Pine Nuts Bouncing about under the Big Pine Tree. Tree Frogs SLIME the bedroom Window. Cows moo. A Green Lizard darts over the Pine Straw. Purple Haze fills the East; the Heavy Humid Air Pushes against my chest. The Moon Sliver Continues a S L O W climb high in the Pecan Tree. Mockingbirds & Meadow Larks sing the Next Hymn.
A Soft Breeze Caresses
The Waining Moon Sliver Climbs the Big Magnolia Tree. Bull Frogs at the Pond Sing to the LORD and Tree Frogs add Harmoney as Crickets Strum. Roosters Crow. Stars Sparkle across the Sky. Rails click & cluck in the Field. Cows moo. Poor-Wills Pray. A Soft Breeze caresses me and tickles my nose with Magnolia Fragrace.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Magnolias Open Wide
Poor-Wills & Mourning Doves Chant Prayers. Joey's Rooster Shouts AMEN! The last few Stars fade & the Quarter Moon plays peek-a-boo through the Quilt WorkClouds. Robins & Song Sparrows Sing Praises. Toads & Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER for last night's Showers. Magnolias Open wide & smell so Wonderful. A Hog Sphinx Moth Zips about the Phloxes. Pink Tinge streaks the Gray Cloud Edges in the East.
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