Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Garter Snake Slithers

Itsy-Bitsy Light green Neddle Petaled Flowers, Tiny-Winy Pink with Purple Flare Petaled Flowers, Small Purple Straw Flowers, White Day Blooms, Butter Cups, Pink Tea Cups,and White, pink & Lavender Clover Flowers dot the Grass. Red-Headed Woodpecker drums on the Dead Redbud Stumb & A Yellow-shafted Flicker keeps the Beat in the Walnut Tree. Small Black Ants Trail into Brick-Red Hills. Carolina Wrens in Lil'Pine & Purple Finches in the Plum Trees Praise Our LORD. Big Bumble Bees weigh down the Peach Blosom twigs. Inca Doves on Pecan Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayers. Green Lizards play on a porch post. Cardinals Give Thanks below the Big Magnolia Tree. Dogwood Blooms Glitter with a Sun Kiss. Crows caw. Azailias, Peach Blossoms, Redbuds & Honey Suckle Aromas Mix rising to Heaven's Hosts. Mocking Birds Nesting in the Young Cedar & a Red-Winged Black Bird on the rail sing the Next Hymn. Cows moo. A Garter Snake slithers over the drive way into the Grass. A Cooper's Hawk Dips & Spins Gliding with the Current High in GOD's Blue Eye.