In July of 2008 My Family moved from the Memphis area to Jakin Georgia to care for my Mother-in-law, "Me'Maw" & Her older Sister, "Great Ginny". By the 3rd morning Drinking coffee on the Porch I was BORED & felt Stuck in the Middle of NO WHERE! After Praying I awoke the 4th day seeing the View from the Porch in New Light; from Creation's Porch.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Red Feather Grass Sparkles
Yellow-Shafted Flickers Drum. A Sphinx Moth Hovers at the Azailias. Fluffy Gray Cloud Puffs scoot Through. Love Doves on the power line and White-Ringed Doves on a Pole Join the Prayer Chanting. Garden Spider enjoys a Bug Roll-up for Breakfast on Her Web. Buzzy Bumble Bees try to crawl on the Baby's Breath which is Bucking under Their Weight like a Rodeo Bull. Mocking Bird drinks from the Water Pot. The Dewy Red Feather Grass sparkles in the Sun Rays. The Sun Drinks from Butter Cups & Pink Tea Cups. Grass-Hopper Sparrows hopp about the White, Pink & Purple Clover Flowers stretching above the Shamrocks. Honey Bees Tend to the Dandy Lions. Squirrels search for Pecans. Prothonotary Warblers above on Pecan Limbs Sing of Sweet SWEET JESUS. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing next to the Family Grave Yard. Brown & Yellow Butterflies Flutter at the Banana Bush Blooms. A Thousand Small White Day Blooms Open as the Sun Kisses Them. The Lazy Half Moon Rest in the Walnut Tree in the Pasture.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Roadside Dining Spot
Honey Bees Buss on Tiny Yellow Flowers. White Collared Doves in the Big Magnolia Tree & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayers. An Itsy Bitsy Blue & Brown Butterfly flitters tending to Purple Straws. Scrub Jays Screech like Finger Nails on a Black Board. Buzzing Bumble Bees work the Dogwood Blooms & Azailias. Yellow-Shafted Flicker Drums. A Tiger Butterfly Flutters at the Bush with Pretty Red Blooms. Circling high Over head Three Black Vultures Circle Round Gliding on the Current in search of a Roadside Dining Spot.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Field Sprayers Clank
White Rose Petals twirl into the Grass. Inca Doves on the Grape Arbor, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Evening Prayer. Train Whistle blows at Jakin Cross roads. A Great Flock of Robins Land Between the Two Grape Vines and Pick & peck in the Grass for Bugs. Banana Flowers & Little Day Blooms close as the Shadows shift. Mocking Birds flare & Flash at a Long Dark Snake Sunning in the drive way. Deer Break across the Field. Roosters Crow. The Snake Slithers away. Cattle Egret Flap on to the Nest. Wasp Collect Wood Pulp on the Althia Bush. Crows caw. Black Swallow-Tailed Butterflies Flutter at the New Red Cammies. Red-Headed Woodpecker laughs. Field Sprayers Clank & Hum up the Road. Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree Praise Our LORD. Ladybugs fly away Home.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Evening Bats Sweep
White-Breasted Nuthatches flitter about the Big Pine Tree's Branches. Chimney Swifts dart descending into the Ol'Fire Place Chimney. The Big Orange Ball rolls on Past the Trees. A Great Horned Owl Whoots. Two male Cardinals perched on a Peach Tree surrounded by Blossoms Rejoice to the LORD! Half the Azailias Lay fallen in the Pine Straw. Woodcocks Wings Trill & warble as they dip over the Field. Turtle Doves take off Leaving the Ground Doves under the Palms Chanting Prayer. Deer step out of the Woods. Evening Bats Sweep the Oak Tops. Poor Wills Pray with the Ground Doves. Banana Flowers & Little day Blooms close up. A Cooper's Hawk Lands in the Big Oak Tree. Mocking Birds sing Taps & the Crickets Accompany Them. PAPA GOD Lights the Stars one by One.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Snipes Ascend
Pink Glow Circles the Horizon. A Great Horned Owl Whoots Bed Time Prayers. Full Moon Rolls into the China Berry Tree. Mourning Doves over at Joey's & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Morning Prayers with the Love Doves cuddling on the power line. One Bright Star Twinkles in the Crisp Spring Morning Air. A Pileated Woodpecker yells "GOOOOOOD Mornin'!!" Deer Move Majesticly across the Field. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. More Deer Grace in His Clearing next to the Grave Yard. A Grouping of Common Snipes Ascend over the rusty Smoke house roof. Yellow Banana Flowers, White Roses and Baby Breath, Purple Azailias, Red Bud Blooms, Pink Peach and Cammies & Red Cammies Aromas Float to my nose. Song Sparrows on Plum Trees Meadow Larks in the Walnut Tree GLORIFY the LORD!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Wild Flowers Sway
Bumble Bees try to stay on the Dogwood Blooms, but the Gusty Wind is too Strong. Crows caw. Rose Petals swirl over the Yard. Geese Flapping North struggle to stay in Formation. Leaves Whirl. Ruffus Turkey Gobbles. Cows moo. Mocking Bird drinks from the Water pot. Wind chimes ring. Roosters Crow. Mistletoe in the Pecan Tree whistles. Blue Jays whine like ol'swing chain. Yellow, White & Pink Wild Flowers sway above the Grass. Brown Thrashers on Plum Limbs & Cardinals on Grape Branches PRAISE Our CREATOR!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Soft Drops Fall like Grace
Sings Praises with The Frogs & Toads Giving Thanks to the RAIN MAKER! A Song Sparrow flitters under the Porch along the over hang & then lands on a Red Bud Branch, says Grace & then flitters under the porch again to catch more little bugs. She lands on the Red Bud Tree once more knocking off a Red Bud Bloom that twirls into the Pine Straw. Soft Drops fall like Grace from Heaven. The Carolina Wrens sing a Ditty for GOD from Their Nest, in no big hurry to get out Yet. Thick Puffy Gray Clouds roll over head. Crows caw landing in Uncle Doug's Pines. Wet Cows moo. Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Thunder Echoes in the Southwest & Northeast.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sippin' on Purple Straws
A Great Horned Owl WHOOT Bed Time Payers. The Last Star Fades. Roosters Crow. Purple Stains the Streamy Thin Clouds as Pink wraps around the Horizional Rim. Crows caw. Deer Graze beyond the barn & in Uncle Doug's Clearing. Flocks of Starlings Fly low above the Tree Tops to the North. Bumble Bees buzz tend to the Azailia Bush Which is so Full of Purple BLooms. Wood Storks flap towards the Chatahoochee River. Tractors pulling plows clank down the road. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce about the Clover Patches full of Pink & White Blooms. The Sun peek-a-boos through the Pines drinking from Butter Cups & Sippin' on Purple Straws. Red-Bellied Woodpeckers drums on the Pecan Tree. Rabbit Leap for Joy in the Front Field. Robins Give Thanks pecking Worms.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Honey Bees Buzz
Several Quarter size Webbs lay Knitted in the Grass. Tree Swallows dip & dive in the Front Field. Ants Trail through the Grass. A Mocking Bird drinks from a Brown Magnolia Leaf. Match Head size Yellow Flowers, Tiny weeny Blue Blooms, Small Red Straws, Little White Paint Brush looking Flowers all Stretch above the Grass. Green Herons Flapp over the Pines. Grass Flickers Hop a few inches; Grasshoppers flick a few Feet. A Yellow Shafted Flickerrums. An Orange Butterfly flits on a Small Pink Bloom. White Collar Doves in the Oaks & Ground Doves Under the Palms Chant Prayers. Honey Bees buzz to each Butter Cup. Crows caw. Cows moo. The Roosters Crow. Cammies twirl to the Dirt. Blue Bunting in the Plum Trees & Song Sparrows on the Redbud PRAIES the LORD on a Cool Cloudy Day.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tanks over the Monkey Grass
Robins & Meadow Larks Praise GOD. Frogs & Toads sing of Love. Lightening Flares in the Southern Horizion. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Offer Morning Prayer. Closer Flashes Beam to the Southwest. A Great Horned Owl Whoots & WHOOTS. Thunder Rumbles. A Garden Spider Weaves a Large Web off the Gutter Support, on across to the porch corner, then spun Down on an overhang support post. Flares of Light continue in the Northeast. Cows moo. Armadilla tanks over the Monkey Grass. BRIGHT Bolts FLASH Long to the South. Deer in the Field are Spot-Lighted in the Lightening. Base Drum Roll THUNDER Echoes Up LOUD!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Two Rabbits Nibble Clover Greens
A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Pecan Tree. Cuddling Love Doves Above Him on a Pecan Branch & Turtle Doves perched on the barbed wire Chant Prayers. Teeny Tweeny Blue Four Petal Blue Flowers, Butter Cups,White Clover Dandilions, Pink Tea Cups, Purple Straws, Small Yellow Fuzzies, Itsy Bitsy Red Stars, Little White Blooms & Purple Clover Flowers dot the Grass. Honey Bees buzz low tending to Them all. A Flock of Starlings Chatter flaping East. Two Rabbits nibble Clover Greens. Mocking Birds flare & flash at somethin'. Thin Limbs sway in a Breeze. Brown Thrashers splash in the Water pot. Clouds shift; Puffy Gray Cloud spush Under. Several "V' Lines of Geese Honk Flying North West. Leaves Swirl; Cammies Twirl. Meadow Larks in the Peach Trees & Cardinals in the Holly Bush PRAIse GOD. A Soft Gentle Shower is Falling.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Itty-Bitty Flies for Breakfast.
The Last Two Stars fade from Rainbow Halos. A Woodpecker drums. I Wall of Fog Rolls Out of the Woods from the Chatahoochee River. Cardinals on the Redbuds & Indigo Buntings in the Pink Cammie Bush Sing "GLORY GLORY HALELLUJAH" to Our KING! Cows moo. Inca Doves down theTree Line & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers.Tree Frogs on the porch enjoy Itty-Bitty Flies for Breakfast. Crows caw. Deer Step Back into the FOG. Blue Jays Whine. Roosters Crow.The Sun Rays Cause a Purple Haze as they Burn through.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Frost glows Pink
sees Beth & Addie driving on to School & Work after picking up Cuz'in George. Mocking Birds flash & flare in the far Oak Tree. Frost glows Pink on the Open Field. Hundreds of Little White Day Buds wait for a Sun Kiss to POP Open all Round the Row of Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Yellow Finches on Crepe Myrtle Branchs, Cardinals in the Holly Bush and A few Common Waxbills In the Growth Below Uncle Dougs Pines WORSHIP the LORD with Song. Deer Graze in the Clearing beyond His Pines. Crows caw on High Pine Limbs above. ellw & Orange Wild Flowers Dot the Grass by the Mail Box. A Female American Anhinga Flaps towards the Chatahoochee. Purple & White Clover Blooms Stick up over the Frosty Shamrocks. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Cuddling Love Doves Chant Morning Prayers in an Echoing Round with Ground Doves under the Palms & Mourning Doves perched in the Magnolia Trees. Small Green Wild Berry Leaf Sprigs appear in the Thick-Its. Red-Tail Hawk floats, gliding Eastward with a Brisk Breeze.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Look at the Stars
the Hand's Rooster crows. Trucks whining on HWY-84 echo. Great Horned Owl Whoots in an Oak Tree. Ground Doves under he Pines & Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayers. A Lizard darts down the steps. Mike's Donkey breys. Moths spin under the porch bulb. Strs, Stars... Look at the Stars, so Very AMAZING! Crickets Praise the LORD! Joey's Rooster Crows. Train Whistle blows at Jakin Cross road. The Hand's Rooster REPLIES & the "CROW Off" Begins. Lil'Brown Bats dip & dive between the Magnolia Trees. Cows moo. Rails click & cluck in the Thick-It. A Soft Breze Kisses.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Azailias Glow
Inca Doves on the Grape Vines & Turtle Doves perched on the barbed wire Chan Morning Prayer. Deer trot down the far side of the Feild. Robins & Brown Thrashers Give Thanks under the Lil'Pine scratching for Bugs & Worms. Mike's Donkey Breys in His Cow Pasture the other side of the Georgia Pine Grove. Distant Rooster Crows in the East; Joey's & the Hand's Roosters Answer. Patchy fog floats on the Field. Tree Sparrows swoop out Front into Swarms of Flies. Cows moo. Winter Wrens Chatter in the Big Magnolia. Yellow Oak Blooms in the Tree Tops & Azailias Glow in the Sun's Kiss. Meadow Larks in the Peach Trees & Song Sparrows in & Under the Pink Cammie Bush PRAISE the LORD!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tree Swallows dip & dive
Male Cardinals flash & flare sizing Each Other up under Ash Tree. Brown-Headed Cow Birds above & Purple Finches on Lil'Pine's Branches PRAISE th LORD. Three tactors pullin' BIG plows Travel down the Road. Crows caw over head. Tiny Pink, Red, Blue & Purple Wild Flowers dot the Grass in Clumps. Love Doves cuddling & Rock Doves share the Power line Chanting Prayer. A Gentle Breeze Caresses me as the Pink Cammie Branches wave. Two "v" Lines of Geese Honk on to the Northeast. Cows moo. The Hands Chickens Cluck & the Rooster Crows. A Yellowish Green slinder Snake curls and winds up the Banana Flower Bush. Wilson Warblers chatter in the Magnolia Trees. Tree swallows dip & dive above. White Sulpher Butterflies Fluter at the Azailias. Mocking Birds in the Young Cedars & Two Red-Winged Black Birds sing the next Hymn.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Cat Bird Meeeows
A Gust Whistles in the Mistletoe in the Pecan Tree. Scrub Jays whine like Lil'Babies. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Love Doves on the power line Chant Prayer with the Mourning Doves. Twigs Rustle; Redbud Branches sway. Purple Finch GIVE THANKS for Magnolia seeds. Mocking Birds flare & flash at Chipmunks too close to the Nest. Wind chimes ring; porch swings swing. Cat Bird meeeows in the English Dogwood. A Flock of Starlings chatters as they flap West. Leaves Whirl 'round the Yard; Cammies twirl into the Dirt. Song Soarrows in the Walnut Tree & Meadow Larks on Peach Tree Praise Our LORD. The sun Peekes Through the Clouds.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
A Garter Snake Slithers
Itsy-Bitsy Light green Neddle Petaled Flowers, Tiny-Winy Pink with Purple Flare Petaled Flowers, Small Purple Straw Flowers, White Day Blooms, Butter Cups, Pink Tea Cups,and White, pink & Lavender Clover Flowers dot the Grass. Red-Headed Woodpecker drums on the Dead Redbud Stumb & A Yellow-shafted Flicker keeps the Beat in the Walnut Tree. Small Black Ants Trail into Brick-Red Hills. Carolina Wrens in Lil'Pine & Purple Finches in the Plum Trees Praise Our LORD. Big Bumble Bees weigh down the Peach Blosom twigs. Inca Doves on Pecan Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayers. Green Lizards play on a porch post. Cardinals Give Thanks below the Big Magnolia Tree. Dogwood Blooms Glitter with a Sun Kiss. Crows caw. Azailias, Peach Blossoms, Redbuds & Honey Suckle Aromas Mix rising to Heaven's Hosts. Mocking Birds Nesting in the Young Cedar & a Red-Winged Black Bird on the rail sing the Next Hymn. Cows moo. A Garter Snake slithers over the drive way into the Grass. A Cooper's Hawk Dips & Spins Gliding with the Current High in GOD's Blue Eye.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Crickets Fiddle
To the North One of the Hand's Cow Is MOOOING and Joey's Bull over in the Pasture just to the South is VIGORIOUSLY MOOOING Replys. Cardinals sing one More Hymn. Pink Fades to the West. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots. Frogs Praise Our LORD. Crickets Fiddle. Poor-Wills Pray. Evening Bats Flutter over the Oak Tops & Mistletoe. Deer Chew Cedar Spriggs. Stars TWINKLE all at Once.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Shimmering in a Sun Kiss
Young calves Chase The Ma'Mas. Robins Give Thanks Pecking & Scratching for Bugs & Worms. A Large Gathering of Winter Wrens chatter, frolicing in Lil'Pine. Two Bull Calves BUTT Heads & Spar. Cardinals in The Big Magnolia Tree & Meadow Larks on Plum Limbs sing Praises to the Lord. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & White-Wing Doves Perched on Peach Branches Chant Prayer with the Mourning Dove. Pale Moon seems Stuck in the Pecan Tree. Roosters Crow. Crows caw. Frosty Peach Blossoms Sparkle as Sun Beams peak from 'round Uncle Doug's Pines. A Male Mocking Bird flares & flashes at a Crow that appears to desire Scrambled Eggs for Breakfast. Thick Steam Rises from the Grazing Geer. An American Anhinga Flaps Gracefully towards the Chatahoochee River. Rusty Tin Smoke House Roof is White as Snow with Frost & Shimmering in a Sun Kiss.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Wilted Piles of Brown
Bright Pink Circles the Horizional Rim; Frost Glimmers with a Hint of Pink. Robins in the Big Pine & Cardinals in the Holy Bush GLORIFY Our CREATOR! Purple pushes the Indigo Dawn, forcing the dark to flee. Hoary Bats Flitter in a Wavey String Towards the Nest. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Two Bright Stars GLOW as the Moon slowly climbs. Cows Moo. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots Bed Time Blessigs. A Gust SHAKES the Cammie Bushes; Pink, Red & Hot Pink Cammies Twirl into Wilted Piles of Brown. Roosters Crow. Deer move Soth along the Wood's Edge. Wood Storks Flap Gracefully to the Chatahoochee River.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Doves Chant Never Ending Prayers
The Sun Beams Kiss the Flowers, Pink & Red Cammies, Redbuds, Purple Azailias, White Roses & Morning Bells, White Suckle & Clover, Pink Peach Blosoms, Butter Cups & Blue Bels. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs, Turtle Doves on the Grape Arbor & Love Doves Cuddling on the Paradise fence Chant Never Ending Prayers. Gray Fluffy Clouds shift against White Streamy Clouds. Roosters Crow. A Stray Small Puffy dark Cloud Showers as it Passes. Crows cawover head. Cows moo in the Brief Sprinkle. Blue Jays whine in the Magnolia Trees. A Rainbow Streaks along the Southwest following the Cloud. Brown Headed Cow Birds on the Rail & Song Sparrows in the Dogwood PRAISE the LORD!
Monday, March 4, 2013
The Crickets Fiddle
Half Moon has climbed just about to the Peak above. The Hand's Rooster crows; Joey's Rooster Crows. Frost crunches under my slippers. Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots in an Oak tree. Twinkling Stars Dim as Bright Purple Pushes against the dark. Robins in Lil'Pine & Meadow Larks, perhaps on Dogwood Limbs, Sing Praises to Our LORD. The Field Glows pink. Mourning Doves in Magnolia Trees & Ground Doves under the alms Chant Morning Prayer. Steam Rises from the Deer nibbling on the Young Cedar. The Nesting Mocking Birds FUSS; the Deer FREAK dashing away towards the Woods. Cammie Aroma Fills the Crisp Air. Cardinals in the Holly Bush sing a Ol'Gospel Song as the Crickets Fiddle.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Tempurature Drops
Red & Pale Pink Cammies Thrive Today as Many OPEN This Beautiful Chilly Day. Cardinals on Grape Vines Sing Praises to Our LORD. Clear Blue Sky & Beaming Sun Trick You into Thinking it is warm. Cows moo & don't seem to mind. Female Mocking Bird has stayed on the Eggs all Day & The Male has Kept Gaurd. Shadows shif; the tempurature Drops a few more notches.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Gray Quilt Patch Clouds
The Bright Purple Azailias aroma is so sweet. Blue Jays Whine like ol'swing chain. Winter Wrens Flutter in the Mistletoe high in the Oak Tops. Chipmonks Frolic in the Leaves far below. Doves Chant Prayers. The Pale Half Moon slides into the Clouds on the Western Horizion. Crows Caw. White Day Blooms Stretch open as the Sun peeks through the Gray Quilt Patch Clouds to Kiss Flowers. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & a Red-Winged Black Bird on the porch rail Praise GOD!
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