In July of 2008 My Family moved from the Memphis area to Jakin Georgia to care for my Mother-in-law, "Me'Maw" & Her older Sister, "Great Ginny". By the 3rd morning Drinking coffee on the Porch I was BORED & felt Stuck in the Middle of NO WHERE! After Praying I awoke the 4th day seeing the View from the Porch in New Light; from Creation's Porch.
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Blue Eye of GOD
Still Humid Hot Air Pushes down.Thin Twisty Magnolia Bud Wrappers Twirl into the Grass as Hundreds of Other Magnolias Bloom and some Seed Pod are already Shedding Seeds. Magnolia Fragrance tickles my Nose. Giving Thanks, Tree Swallows dip & dive in Close and Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Bounce about the Magnolia Branches Feasting on Lil'Black Magnolia Bugs. Tractors pulling Planting Plows Hum & Clank up the road. Ground Doves under the Palms & Turtle Doves perched on the barbed wire in the Shade Chant Afternoon Prayers. Red Clay Haze Hangs in the South. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds tend to the Tiger Lilies. A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly Flutters at the Wandering Jews. Cattle Egrets hang Under Joey's Oak Trees with the Cows. Bumble Bees Weigh down Wire Grass Blades. Indigo Buntings in the Red Cammie Bush & Song Sparrows on Peach Limbs Rejoice to the LORD. Blue Dasher Flies flitter on Crepe Myrtle Leaves. A Mockingbird Drinks from the Water pot. Two Red Wasp collect Wood Pulp. The Roosters crow. A Preying Mantis Prays on an Althea Bush Limb. Crows caw. Army Ants march to & From a Vanilla Wafer on the walkway. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Pecan Tree. A Box Turtle Chews on Clover. A Shadow Slides over the Yard as a Red-Tail Hawk Glides High in the Blue Eye of GOD. Red Canaan Lilies Stretch to Heaven.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Red Clay Haze Floats
Two "V" Lines of Geese Flap Northward, Gracefully under the Pale Half Moon. Purple SPLASHES Gray Clouds in the Southeast. Meadowlarks on Plum Branches, Song Sparrows in the Big Pine and Mockingbirds in the Redbud Rejoice to the LORD! Hay Dust & RED Clay Haze Float about carrying the Magnolias' Fragrance. Tree Swallows Sweep the Tree Tops. Deer Dash down the Tractor Trail. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs & Love Doves on the Grape Arbor Chant Morning Prayers. Rabbits sit Still under the Grapevine.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Rabbits Chew
Pink Flares to the East. Mockingbirds on Pecan Branches, Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & Meadowlarks in the Dogwood Tree Rejoices in the New Day that the LORD has Made. Blooming Magnolias fill the Trees; Magnolia Aroma rises to Heaven's Hosts. Giving Thanks Robins under the Lil'pine scratch for Worms. A Tanish Green Lizard zips over the Pine Straw. Nightjars flap towards the Nest. Cows moo. Roosters Crows. Rabbits chew on Grape Leaves. Mourning Doves in the Big Oak, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire and Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Deer step across the Field. Joey's Rooster Crows. The Waning Three Quarter Moon leans to the West. Cardinals in the Holly Bush, Brown Thrashers on the back fence & Song Sparrows on Walnut Limbs Praise GOD!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Kinglets Sing
Double-Winged Dragon Flies flit about the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Still Humid Air Holds the Red Clay Dust from near by Tractors planting. Mourning Doves Join in the Morning Prayer Chant. Deer Graze in the Clearing next to the Family Grave Yard. Crows in Uncle Doug's Pines caw. The Sun Sipps from Honey Suckle & Buttercups.Wood Storks flap toward the Chatahoocee River. Purple Haze rises slowly in the Southeast. A Great Horned Owl WHOOTS Bedtime Prayers. A Tom Turkey gobbles. Roosters Crow. A Few Small Puffy Fluffy Clouds seem to sit still. Ruby-Crowned Kinglets sing a Ditty to the LORD!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Pale Moon Climbs
The Bright Orange Ball rolls over the Edge to the West. Mourning Doves on Pecan Limbs, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Poor-Wills in Uncle Doug's Pine Chant Evening Prayers. Pink FLARES & Splashes Purple on to A Few Fluffy Gray Clouds. Chimney Swifts Slip into the Fireplace. Cicadas SIREN LOUDLY. Mockingbirds in the Dogwood and Song Sparrows on Redbud Branches Praise Our LORD. Deer Graze beyond the barn. Cardinals Frolic on the Grapevines. Blue Jays whine like old swing chain in need of WD40. The Pale Three Quarter Moon Climbs High in the East. Evening Bats Swoop in Close to the Magnolia Trees to Feast on Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs flitting about the Blooms. The Fragrance is so OVER POWERING the Wood Pulp Oder from the Paper Mill as it rises to Heavens Hosts. Cattle Egret do not seem to want to leave this evening, pecking behind the Cows. Male Woodcocks' Wings whir & tril; the Ladies coo & cluck in Awe. Coupling Love Bugs are out in force in the Front Field! Frogs Lift up Songs of JOY as Cricket slide Their Bows across Cellos & Violins.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Puffy Clouds Float
Mourning Doves on Pecan Branches & Love Doves on the Hand's fence Chant Prayer. Orange Meadow-Hawk Dragonflies zig-zag over the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Pileated Woodpeckers Laughs in the Walnut tree telling a Joke. Red-Headed Woodpecker GIGGLES in the Big Oak Tree. Gnats buzz around my ears & eyes. Roosters Crow. Cows moo under the Shade Trees. Cattle Egret Hang out with the Cows. Tractors Pulling Plows Clank up the Road. Bumble Bees Crawl in the Magnolias. Black & Blue Lizards Scurry over the Pine Straw. Small Grayish Puffy Clouds Float slowly. White Sulphur Butterfly Flutters a bout the Grapevines. Cardinals in the Holly Bush PRAISE the LORD!
The Grass is Cool & Damp.
The Fragrance of Magnolia Blooms Greets me at the Bed Room Door... mmm. Eerie Hoots of Barred Owls Echo from the Different Georgia Pine Groves & patches of Woods. The Grass is Cool & Damp. Crickets Strum as Frogs sing A Joyful Ditty to the LORD! Barn Owl in the Big Pine Snorts & Hisses. Cows moo. Lil'Brown Bats dip & dive in tight down the Trre Line Feasting on the Tiny Black Magnolia Bugs. Poor-Wills Pray. Train whistle blows at Jakin Cross roads. Stars, Millions and Millions, Sparkle & Shine Brightly. Rails click & cluck. A Coon chatters Salutations, then meanders along. A Robin gets the Worm.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Gnats Buzz
Robins Give Thanks Scratching for Bugs & Worms under the Little Pine Tree. Yellow Finches Frolic and Chater gathering on the Pine Branches above. The Sun Rays Lean Forward to Sip from Buttercups,Pink Teacups & Purple Suckle Straws. Nightjars flap to the Nest. Turtle Doves on barbed wire & Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Morning Prayer with the White-Winged Doves in the Dogwood tree & Ground Doves under the Palms. A Sphinx Moth Tends to the Last few Red Cammies. Mocking Birds on Walnut Branches & The Carolina Wren Couple on the porch swing Worship with JOY! A Long Black Racer slides away from his Skin in a Crepe Myrtle Bush Fork to dry in the driveway. Roosters Crow. Crows caw in the Oak tops. Gnats buzz around my ears and eyes. Meadow Larks in the Pecan Tree A Red-Winged Blackbird on a Post & Song Sparrows in the Peach Trees Praise the LORD. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing. A Brown Thrasher drinks from the Water pot. Buffed Bellied Humming Birds Hover about the Yellow Irises. Purple splashes in the Gray Clouds in the Southeast.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Monarchs Spin & Frolic
Red Clay Haze is stuck in the Still Hot Humid Air. Mockingbirds in the Young Cedars & Purple Finches on the Crepe Myrtles Worship! Two empty dried Snakes skins hang low in Grapevine forks. Ground Doves in the Arbors, White-Winged Doves on Holly Branches & Turtle Doves on the barbwire chant Prayer. Buzzing Bumble Bees crawl on Magnolia Blooms. Cows moo Under Joey's big Oak Tree's Shade. Several Cattle Egrets keep them Company. Blue-Dasher Flies Flit about. A Buffed-Bellied Hummingbird feeds at the Yellow Irises. Monarchs Spin & Frolic over the Wandering Jew Blooms. A few Fluffy Puffy Clouds pass under the Sun. Crows caw. Grass Flickers Jump, Grasshoppers Flick & Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce in the Yard.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Brown Thrashers Give Thank
Army Ants march To & Fro their Round Fortress. Mourning Doves in the Oak Trees, Ground Doves under the Palms & Rock Doves perched on the power line Chant Morning Prayer. Gnats buzz 'round my eyes & ears. A Blue Jay in on a Branch in the Hot Pink Cammie Bush whines like old swing chain; A few down the Tree Line Answer Him. Mikes Donkey brays. Starlings Chatter Grace as they Peck at Hatching Bugs over by the smokehouse. Wasp have a new nest on the smokehouse tin roof support. Robins & Brown Thrashers Give Thanks for an All They care to eat Breakfast Buffet under the Little Pine Tree. The Sun Drinks from Pink Teacups & Buttercups and sips out of Purple Suckle Straws. Song Sparrows in in the Red Cammie Bush and Meadowlark in the Dog Wood sing wit Joy to the LORD! Tree Swallows cut in close to Magnolia as They dip & dive at the Magnolia Trees; The Magnolia & Gardenias smell so Lovely. Red Canaan Lilies STRETCH to the Sun; Stems grow three inches. Buffed Bellied Hummingbirds tend to the Yellow Irises. Tree Frogs sing the Blessing in the Crepe Myrtle Bushes enjoying a Gnat Breakfast;I think they need Salt!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Turkeys Strut along
A Sphinx Moth Hovers at each Pink Rose. Red Crested Cardinals on Pine Limbs & Meadow Larks on Plum Branches Praise Our CREATOR! Lil'Brown Bats Flutter on to the Nests. Mocking Birds fuss & flare at an Armadillo passing by. Boldly the Buck steps from the Curtain of Fog. Mourning Doves, Ground Doves & Inca Doves Chant Mourning Prayer. Cows moo. Roosters crow. Frogs Zap itty-bitty Red Bugs on Iris Leaves. Purple Haze Rises and the Fog oozes under the barbed wire. Robins & Brown Thrashers Scratch & Peck for Worms. Deer enjoy Tender Grape Leaves. Cattle Egret Flap South just over the Treetops. A Garden Spider Weaves in the Corner. The Wrens Sway on the porch swing Singing A Gospel Ditty with Purple Finches in the Big Magnolia. Lady Bugs fly away Home. Turkeys Strut along the Wood's edge. Gardenias, Magnolias, & Suckle Aromas Mix in my Nose as They rise to Heaven's Host.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Cicadas Scream
Pale Moon hangs over head. Mockingbirds fuss & flash at Booboo the Cat over in the young Cedars. Little Black Magnolia Bugs crawl on the Blooms. Tree Swallows sweep in close to the Magnolia Trees. A Meadow-Hawk flits about the Monkey Grass. Starlings peck at Love Bugs in the Front Field. Cicadas SCREAM & SIREN. Blue Jays whine like old swing chains. Coupling Love Bugs are Struggling to keep Airborne. The Sun Rays are so Hot. Song Sparrows in the Pecan Tree Praise GOD.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Yellow-Billed Cuckoos Sing
Cows moo. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire, Ground Doves under the Grapevines & Mourning Doves in the Pecan Tree Chant Prayers. Common Yellowthroats Chatter in the Top of the Pecan Tree. A few small Pillowy White Clouds Float slowly to the East. A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird hover at the Irises. an Orange Lion Fly buzzes about low over the Driveway by the Big Oak. Red Headed Woodpecker drums on the Trunk. Crows caw flying over head. A Black & Blue Swallowed-Tail Butterfly flutters to each small Wandering Jew Bloom. A Mockingbird splashes in the Water Pot. Tree Swallows dip & dive close into the Magnolia Trees. A Bumblebee Crawls on a Red Rose climbing the porch rail. Buffed-Bellied Hummingbirds work the Pattoonias. Yellow-Billed Cuckoos Sing Praises to the LORD in the Walnut Tree. A Small Rattle Snake Suns across a Log.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Little Brown Bats Flutter
Pink Flares in the East, wrapping all the way around the Horizons. Song Sparrows & Red-Winged Blackbirds Glorify Our KING! A Buck Struts out into the Field. Mourning Doves down the tree Line , Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Several Does Follow the Buck. Roosters crow. Little Brown Bats Flutter, streaming on to the Nest in a wavy line. The Carolina Wren Couple Flitter to the porch swing & Join in the Praise Music with Cardinals on the Grape Vines. A Low Thin Sheet of Fog catches the Cows & Deer at Their Knees. Robins Give Thanks scratching & pecking at Bugs & Worms under the Lil'Pine. The Magnolias & Gardenias smell so Wonderful. Crows caw. Tiny Pink Roses stick up above the rail.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Dandy Lion Seeds Wisk Away
American Redstarts land Chattering in the Pecan Tree Top. Mocking Birds flash & flare at Brown Thrashers Pecking Bugs below the Young Cedar Trees. Crop duster sprays Nearby. Bob-Whites Whistle. Crows caw. Red Clay Haze Floats up to the East; a Farmer must be Planting. Song Sparrows in the Walnut Tree & Cardinals on the Fence PRAISE Our LORD! Starlings Give Thanks in the Front Field feasting on Coupling Love Bugs. Blooming Gardenias and Magnolias Smell wonderful. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Pink & Yellow Wildflowers. Dandy Lion Seeds Whisk away in a Breeze. Tree Swallows Sweep the Tree Line. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Spider Webs Glissen
Indigo Buntings on Peach Branches & Song Sparrows up in the tall Chinaberry Tree Rejoice to the LORD! A Low Thin Sheet of Fog floats in the Field. Yellow Finches Frolic & Flit in the Crepe Myrtles. The Sun Rays Drink from Buttercups & sip from Pink Suckle Strawsas the Sun rises above Uncle Doug's Pines. Crows caw on the Branches. Deer graze below in the Clearing next to the Family Grave Yard. A Pileated Woodpecker Laughs in the Tall Dogwood Tree. A Long Black Coach Whip Slithers down next to the driveway leaving a Trail in the Dewy Grass. Ruby Throated Humming Birds Tend to the Yellow Irises & Little White Jonquils. Spider Webs Glissen on the Grape Arbor & barbed wire. Turtle dove perched on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Grapevines Chant Morning Prayer. A Stray Hoary Bat Flitters towards the Woods. A High Flying Swarm of Warblers (of some sort) chatter as they Vanish on in the Northeast. Pink Clover & White and Yellow Day Blooms open to the Sun Kisses. Cardinals on Holly Limbs & Red-Wing Blackbirds weighing down the Weeping Willow Sing the New Song!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Humid Air Pushes
Scrub Jays SCREECH like Fingernails on a Chalkboard. Honey bees tend to Purple,Orange & White Wild Flowers. Blue Jays whine like old swing Chains. A Low Vale of Fog waves over the Field. Tree Swallows Swoop over the Fog. Cows moo. Cattle Egrets' Heads bob up and down out of sight. Deer Graze in Uncle Doug's Clearing. Brewer's Blackbirds open Screen doors in His Pines. Humid Air Pushes down. Crows caw. Sun Rays burn through the Clouds to sip from Pink Suckle Straws & drink of Buttercups. Roosters Crow. Mikes Donkey brays. White-Eyed Vireos on Peach Limbs, Purple Finches on the Weeping Willow & Song Sparrows in the Dogwood Praise GOD!
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Sun Rolls Off
Tractors still Hum in the Southwest. The Carolina Wrens settle in for the Night. A Red Clay Cloud Hangs above the Trees. A Pileated Woodpecker Laughs & LAUGHS in the Chinaberry Tree. Deer Graze beyond the Barn in the Clearing. Chimney Swifts dive into the Fire place. A Lizard dashes up a Tree. Woodcocks' Wings trill as they Swoop low to show off to the Girls. The Sun Rolls off the edge. Gnat swarms move over the driveway. Mockingbirds in the Walnut Tree sing One more Song of Praise. A Toad hops over the Monkey Grass. Wood Storks fly to the Nest. Evening Bats Sweep the Oak Tree Tops. Poor-Wills Pray with Mourning Doves. Tree Frogs sing Joyfully to Our CREATOR. The Crickets Fiddle.
Possum Hisses
Joey's Rooster Crows. The Low Blanket of Fog Oozes under the barbed wire into the Flower Bed. Song Sparrows & Robins Praise GOD. Purple Haze floats in the East. The Hands Rooster Crows. Cows moo. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Chant Morning Prayer. The Roosters CROW. A Possum Hisses at me as it climbs the Little Pine. Brewer's Blackbirds wheeze above. Stars fade. Pink circles the Horizon. Mockingbirds & Orchard Orioles Sing the New Song.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Poor-Wills Pray
The Hand's Rooster crows. Frogs Praise the LORD with Joy as the Crickets Fiddle. Two Gipsy Moths spin under the porch bulb. A few Dewy Magnolia Sparkle in the dim Light. MMM the Fragrance tickles my nose as it Rises to Heaven's Host. Saw Whet Owl toot, toot, toots. Stars Twinkle in half the Sky; Clouds Close in from the Southwest. Poor-Wills Pray.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Magnolias Glow
Robins in the Little Pine Tree, Magnolia Warblers in the Big Pine & Mockingbirds at Their Nest Praise the LORD with Joy. Pink Pushes the dark away. Mourning Doves Pray with Great Horned Owls. Purple Haze rises in the Southeast as the Fog meets the Top of the Tree Line. A Nightjar swoops in front of the porch nabbing a June Bug in It's beak. Many Stars are still Sparkling. Roosters Crow. The Dewy Grass is cold. Meadowlarks on Dogwood Branches. Song Sparrows in the Redbud Tree & a Red-Winged Blackbird Sing the New Song. Magnolias glow with Pink.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A Quilt of Fog Unfolds
From Behind the Eastern Tree Line Sun Rays Kiss the Tall Oak Tree Tops in the Hand's Yard & next to our driveway. Song Sparrows on Oak Limbs, Carolina Wrens on Crepe Myrtle Bushes & Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush PRAISE the LORD! A Clump of Mistletoe Glows stretching out of Yellow Oak Blooms. Yellow Magnolia Leaves and Thin Creamy Bloom Wrappers twirl from the Magnolia Trees. Tree swallows Sweep Above. Purple & White Pattoonias Reach to the Sky under the barbed wire. Turtle Doves perched above the Flowers, Inca Doves in the Magnolia Trees & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. A Quilt of Fog Unfolds from the Woods. Cattle Egret Heads bob up & down in the Fog. Cows moo. Roosters Crow. The Sun POPS up above the Trees.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Coots Cackle
Cattle Egrets Land in the Field. A Sluggish Bumble Bee Buzzes at the Baby's Breath. Rabbits Nibble Tender New Grape Leaves. Ground Doves Under the Grape Vines & White Wing Doves on Grape Branches Chant Mourning Prayers with the Turtle Doves on the barbed wire. Magnolia Bloom Warpers Swirl to the Grass. Coots Cackle & Croak Flapping towards the Chatahoochee. Crop duster Plane whines in the Near Distance. Crows caw. Fire Ants till a new Hill. Red Headed Woodpecker drums on the Pecan Tree. Squirrels chatter Grace enjoying a Pecan. Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Meadowlarks on Peach Limbs PRAISE GOD!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Branches Bow
Wind Whips round from the Southwest. Meadowlarks on Pecan Branches & Song Sparrows in the Pink Cammie Bush Praise Our LORD! The Hand's Rooster Crows. Gray Puffy Clouds Float under the Sun. Woodcocks in the Thickets & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer with Inca Doves in the Dogwood Tree. Leaves & Petals Twirl about. Cattle Egrets Heads bob up & Down as They Follow behind the Cows. Deer Graze beyond the Barn. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums on the Walnut Tree. A Gust Bends Limbs. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Cows moo. Cat Bird mee'ows on the Red Bud Tree. Mocking Birds flash & Fuss at Booboo Kitty. Cardinals Give Thanks under the Grape Vines. Porch swing sways. Yellowthroats Chatter in The Lil'Pine Tree. Branches Bow. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce in the Clover shaking the Shamrocks Pink and White Flowers. Toads Hop over the Pine Grass. Purple Finches on Crepe Myrtle Bushes & Brown-Headed Cow Birds on Post Sing the Next Hymn with Glee!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Red Clay Churns
Yellow Cammie Bush Leaves fall. Red-Winged Blackbirds on Walnut Limbs & Song Sparrows Frolicing in the Big Pine Sing Praises to the LORD. Crows caw flying over head. The last Wilting Pink Cammie Spins to the Grass. A Brown Thrasher drinks from a Brown Magnolia Leaf. Mourning Doves & Turtle Doves are joined by Love Doves chanting Prayer. Red Clay churns as Fire Ants till a New Hill at the base of a Crepe Myrtle Trunk. Barn Owl dips low into the Tractor Shed. Wood Strokes Flap Towards the Chatahoochee River. Deer gather at the Grape Arbors.Roosters Crows. the Carolina Wrens Flitter out of the Nest to the rocking chair arm Singing the Next Worship Song with the Rufous-Sided Towhee on the Redbud Limbs. Sphinx Moth Hovers at the Pomegranate Blooms. Cattle Egrets land in the Field. Bob Whites whistle. Two Blue Dashers leap-frog on the Monkey Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Buttercups. Spinning high, gliding on the Wind Current Three Turkey Vultures Search for a Roadside Breakfast Spot.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Wandering Cows Moo
A Cool Spring Breeze Twirls English Dogwood Petals against the Pump House & into the Grass. Mourning Doves in the Elm & White Wing Doves on Pecan Limbs Chant Morning Prayer. A Tree Frog lapps up a Fly from an Iris Leaf. Ruby Throated Hummingbird Hovers at the Yellow Irises. A White Sulphur Butterfly tends to the white Pattoonias under the barbwire & a Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Flutters to each Purple Pattoonia. Blue Jays whine like old swing chain. Tractors clank down the Road. Two Long "V" Lines of Teal flap on to the Northeast. High Streamy Clouds slide against the Low Puffy Gray clouds rolling East. Mockingbirds flare & FUSS at a Crow. Wandering Cows moo. Cattle Egrets Follow Heads bobbing up & down. More Red Red Cammies Bloom. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush and Meadowlarks on Peach Branches Praise GOD! Deer tuck back under the covers. Broad wing Hawk shimmies & shakes riding the Wind.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
White Rose Petals Twirl
Mourning Doves & Inca Doves Chant Morning Prayer. A Skunk Family play follow-the-Mommy. Robins Give Thanks pecking Worms under Little Pine. Cows moo. Meadowlarks in the Dogwood & Brown-Headed Cow Birds Sing to the LORD with Glee. Hoary Bats flutter on to the Nest. Woodstorks Flap towards the Chatahoochee River. White Rose Petals twirl into the Grass. Saw Whet Owl toot, toot, Toots Bedtime Prayers. Gray Clouds shift & swirl. Mockingbirds flare & flash chasings Crows away. Toads & Frogs sing of Love. Woodpeckers drum.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Leaves Rustle
Mockingbirds in the Oaks & Brown Thrashers on Walnut Branches Glorify the LORD. Leaves Rustle. Mourning Doves in Magnolia Trees Chant Evening Prayer. The Wormy Green Pecan Blooms twirl Down. A Merlin is Perched atop the Mistletoe in the Pecan Tree. Cows moo. Bob-Whites whistle. Pomegranate Blooms fill the Bush. A White Sulphur Butterfly flutter to each. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Cammie Leaves are Turning Yellow and many swirl into the Grass. Roosters crow. Only a few Red Cammies remain. Purple Finches in the Pink Cammie Bush and Song Sparrows on Peach Limbs Sing Praises. The Small Peaches are growing & turning Peach. Tiny Grapes form on the Branches. Cardinals Give Thanks Under the Vines Pecking Raisins & Bugs. Thick dark Gray Clouds Shift in under the High Gray Clouds from the Northwest. Ground Doves woo under the Pines joining the Prayer Chant. Toads Hop about. A Great Horned Owl Whoots. A Soft Gentle Sprinkle Kisses. The Carolina Wrens sing Bedtime Prayers. Tree Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER.
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