In July of 2008 My Family moved from the Memphis area to Jakin Georgia to care for my Mother-in-law, "Me'Maw" & Her older Sister, "Great Ginny". By the 3rd morning Drinking coffee on the Porch I was BORED & felt Stuck in the Middle of NO WHERE! After Praying I awoke the 4th day seeing the View from the Porch in New Light; from Creation's Porch.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Red Clay Rises
Cardinals Build a Nest in the Big Pine. Yellow Sulphur Butterfly flitters at the Red Roses. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird visits each Yellow Iris. Fire Ants tii new Hills along the driveway; Churned Red Clay rises to the Top. Blue Jays Whine like old swing chain. The Sun Rays Drink Dew from Buttercups & Sip from Purple Straws as the Shadows shift. Robins on Redbud Limbs & Swainson's Thrush on the Weeping Willow Tree Glorify Our KING! Bumble Bees weigh down the Baby Breath Limbs tending to the Blooms. A Mocking Bird Splashes in the Water Pot. Lovebugs Couples Stay Airborne. Magnolia Bloom. Crows caw. Ladybugs Fly away Home. The Hand's Rooster Crows. A Toad Hops. Cattle Egret Peck at Cow Patties. Cows moo. A Pair of Merlins Glide along with the Wind Current in the Big Blue Eyes of GOD.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Rain Cleanses me
Mourning Doves in the Walnut Tree & Love Doves on the power line Chant Morning Prayer. Gentle Drops drip from Heaven like GOD's Grace.Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. From the West Shifting dark Gray Poofy Clouds Criss-cross under Farm Row Clouds. Brewer's Blackbirds Squeak like Ol'screen doors. Half Moon Seems STUCK in the Pecan Tree. Green Heron chase the Cattle Egret off and Stay with the Cows. The Sun peek-a-boos sipping on Buttercups & Pink Teacups. Tree Swallows swoop about the Feld. A Rainbow streaks to the Southeast. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drum. Magnolias & Pine Smell so Wonderful. Cuckoos & Brown- Headed Cowbirds Praise the LORD with Glee. The Rain Cleanses me... mmm Fresh & Revived!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Lazy Afternoon
Puffy Gray Clouds form the West Roll under Higher Streamy Gray Clouds shifting to the Southeast. Blue Jays whine & Scrub Jays Screech. Army Ants march into the Hill. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Chant Prayers. A Slender Tanish Green Snake Wraps around the Althea Brush Trunk, Quickly sliding Up, SNAGGING a Tree Frog for a Late Lunch. Cardinals Frolicing on the Grape Vines sing of Love. Lady Bugs Fly away Home. Two Cattle Egrets ride Cows across the Field Leading the Parade as Others follow. A Pileated Woodpecker Laughs. A Blue Dasher skims across the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Song Sparrows in the Oak Trees & Purple Finches on Red Cammie Branches Praise Our CREATOR! Magnolias, White & Red Roses, Yellow Banana Shrub Blooms, Red Pomograntet Flowers and Tiny Wild Flowers of Pink, Yellow, Purple, White & Blue give a Drab lazy afternoon Color..
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Poofy Tiny Gray Clouds
A Cool Spring Breeze Kisses. Meadowlarks on Walnut Branches, Orchard Orioles on Peach Limbs, Brown Thrashers in the Dogwood, and Mockingbirds in Magnolia Trees Praise The MAKER of Today. Full Yellow Moon gets hung in the Pecan Tree in the Back. Deer Graze in the Clover below. Rock Dove on the forward power line, Turtle Doves perched on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Red Rose Stems climb the Rail; Their Lovely Buds Bloom. Robins under Lil'Pine Give Thanks scratching for Worms & Bugs. Pine Warblers Chatter above. Pine Nut Aroma & Magnolia Fragrance mix tickling my nose. Roosters Crows. Purple Paints Poofy Tiny Gray Clouds in the Southeast. Cattle Egret circle the Big Half dead Tree & land. Cows moo. Crows caw.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Black Cows graze
Mourning Doves in the Chinaberry Tree & White-Collared Doves on the back fence Chant Morning Prayer. English Dogwood is in Full Bloom. Pileated Woodpecker laughs. Two Green Lizards Scurry off the Back Deck. Cows Graze on Green Clover. Three Red-Winged Blackbirds in the Walnut Tree & Song Sparrows on Grape Branches Praise GOD! Deer step out beyond the barn. Aggie Kitty jumps on the car to be Petted. Aggie Kitty jumps off as we pull out. Grass-Hopper Sparrows flitter up along the Driveway. The Sun peeks through Uncle Doug's Pines sipping Pink Tea Cups & Purple Straws. Mike's Big Bull Greets us as we pass Him. Tractors churn Red Clay on Rushings Far Fields. Crows caw over the Road. Black-Headed Laughing Gulls Glide over Jakin West Store. Pink, Purple & Yellow Wildflowers poke up 'round the dumpsters. Peanut Plants on 84 are gettin' tall. Water-Melon Plants are a spreadin'. Cardinals fly in front the Car. Black Cows graze in the Green Grass. Cotton Snow still Out Front of Clover Leaf Cotton Gin. Roses & Other Bushes bloom with White, Red & Yellow Buds. House Sparrows Gather in Pear Trees FULL of Blossoms. Mockingbirds Sing to the LORD as George & Addie get out at School. Purple & White Clover line the street. Two Tractors Plow up Red Clay Haze. Brewer's Blackbirds creak like screen doors as Beth Gets out at Her Office. Friendship's Time Chimes Ring.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Honey Bees buzz
Turtle Doves on the barbed wire Chant Prayer with the Mourning Doves in the Dogwood Tree & Love Doves on the power line. Deer Stroll across the Dewy Clover leaving trail behind. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines.Tractors chug to the South. Cattle Egrets bank back, landing in the Field as They fan Their Wings. Rabbits Bond across the Front Field. Blue Jays whine like ol'swing chain. Pink & White Clover Blooms Stretch to the Sky. Roosters Crow. Honey Bees buzz about the Tiny Purple Star Flowers. Rufus Turkey gobbles. Banana Shrub Buds & Red Roses winding 'round the rail add more color to the Gray Day. Rufous-Sided Towhee in the Red Cammie Bush & Purple Finches on Crepe Myrtle Bush Limbs Sing Gloriously to Our CREATOR!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Yellow Finches frolic
The Last Two Stars vanish. Meadow Larks on Dogwood Branches, Mockingbirds in Magnolia Trees & Carolina Wrens in the Red Cammie Bush PRAISE GOD! a Thick Blanket of Fog unfolds across the Field. Purple Haze rises to the East. Yellow Finches frolic on the Crepe Myrtle Limbs. Deer Step from behind the Foggy Curtain. Roosters Crow. Mike's Donkey Brays. A Cat Bird mee-ows on a Fence Post. Cows moo. Mourning Doves & White-Winged Doves Chant Morning Prayer.Crows caw Amen.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A Walking Stick waits
Purple, Yellow & Orange Prickly Flower Balls Bloom. White Collar Doves on Magnolia Branches & Inca Doves in the Blooming English Dogwood Chant Morning Prayers with Turtle Doves on the barbed wire. Black & Blue Swallow-Tailed Butterfly flitters to each Pomograntit Bloom. Mocking bird drinks from the Water pot. The Sun Drinks From Butter Cups & Pink Tea Cups. Cardinals Sing Grace under the Holly Bush. Crop dusting Plane Sweeps across Fields in the Distant East. Crows caw. Red Clay Haze rises to the South; tractors hum as they plow. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Pink & White Clover Flowers. Honey Bees Buzz around to Each Purple Straw. More Clouds Mount to the Southwest. Red-Winged Blackbirds on the Fence Posts & Indigo Buntings on the Crepe Myrtles Sing With Joy to the LORD! A Walking Stick waits on the Box Bush for Lunch.
Monday, April 22, 2013
A Skunk Scratches
Meadow Larks & Purple Finches Praise the LORD! The Wind Whirls Rose Petals from the White Cherokee Rose Bush. Robins peck Bug & Worms in the Pine Straw. Deer Cross the Road into Uncle Doug's Clearing to Graze. Crows caw in the Pines. Mockingbirds flash & flare at Brown Thrashers to Close to Their Nest. Mayflies are swept by a Gust. Chimney Swifts stream from the ol'Fireplace Bricks. A Tree Frog Slaps Up a few Tiny Green Bugs. Rooster's crow. Cows moo. A Skunk scratches at the Dirt at the end of the Monkey Grass. Turtle Doves on the barb wire & White-Collared Doves in the Dogwood Chant Prayers with the Mourning Doves.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Cardinals Give Thanks.
Blue Jays Whine like ol'swing chain. A Bluish Brown Butterfly Flits on a Monkey Grass Blade. Mourning Doves on Magnolia Limbs. Rock Doves on the power line & Inca Doves on the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayer. Honey Bees buzz about Little Blue Wild Flowers. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. The Sun sipps from Butter Cups & Purple Straws. Dewy Spider Webs Sparkle in the Sun Kisses on the barbed wire. Rufous-Sided Towhees on Peach Branches & a Red-Winged Blackbird on a fence post Sing Joyfully to the LORD! Bumble Bees Crawl on White Roses. Cardinals Give Thanks. A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly Tends to the Yellow Irises.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Red Clay Haze Rises
a Prey Mantis waits perched on an Althea Limb. Crows caw. More Gray Clouds Flow in. Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Clumps of White Clover Flowers sticking up out of the Lush Green Shamrocks Patches. Yellow, Pink & White Prickly Barb Bulbs Bloom in the Rabbit Tobacco & in between the Crepe Myrtle Bushes. Tiny White Breasted Nuthatches Gladly Give Thanks as they open Crepe Myrtle Seed Pods; The Leaves Are Filling,and Buds forming. Bumble Bees buzz at the White Cherokee Roses. Blue Jays Whine in the Magnolia Trees. Red Roses poke between the porch Rails. Roosters CROW & CROW. Dew Filled Butter Cups await the Sun. Mourning Doves on Walnut Branches & Love Doves up on the Power line Chant Morning Prayers. I Hear a Crop duster plane to the East and Red Clay Haze Rises over the South. Cattle Egret Land in the Field. Cows moo. Ruffus Turkey Gobbles as His Hens Follow behind at the Wood's Edge. Deer Graze past the barn. Mocking Birds flash & Flare. A Majestic Monarch Butterfly Flutters to Each Pomogranette Bloom. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & Brown-Headed Cowbirds Sing to the LORD with Glee!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Red Rose Vines Climb
Grass-Hopper Sparrows bounce about the Ten Thousand Tiny Yellow Pom-pom Wildflowers lining the driveway. Fire ants till up Red Clay moving to the Surface of the Ground. Purple Martins swoop low just above the Red Rabbit Tobacco & Pink Feather Grass in the Front Field Feasting on Coupling Love Bugs as the Bugs ascend. Pink & White Clover Flowers Stretch above the Shamrocks towards the Sun. Pileated Woodpecker Laughs. Black with Blue & Orange Dots Swallow-Tailed Butterfly Flutters at the Remaining Red Cammie Blooms on the Bush. Mourning Doves in Magnolia Trees & Turtle Doves on the barbed wire coo Morning Prayers. Bumble Bees buzz about the White Cherokee Roses. Crows Caw flying East. Red Rose Vines climb the porch rail as the Dewy Red Petals sparkle as the Shadows shift. Brown-Headed Cowbirds in Plum Trees & Cardinals on Grape Branches PRAISE GOD! Honey Bees crawl on the Tiny Sweet Yellow Holly Blooms. The Female Cooper's Hawk Flaps Up, cutting a few Crazy Eights 'round the Nest in the tall Oak. Yellow Meadow-Hawks Flitter over the Monkey Grass.Yellow Shafted Flicker Continues drumming in the Pecan Tree. Bob Whites whistle a Little Ditty to the LORD!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Mockingbirds Praise Our CREATOR
Mourning Doves on Pecan Branches & Poor Wills in the Woods Chant Mourning Prayer. Lightening flares in the West. Frogs Praise the LORD. Thunder Echoes in the Distance. Cows moo. Mayflies & Grass Moths spin under the porch bulb. An Armadillo aimlessly wanders about the Yard. Flashes seem closer. Lil'Brown Bats flitter away. Thunder Rumbles. Gentle Drops Kiss my Shoulders & Back. Robins & Mockingbirds Praise Our CREATOR. A BOLT ZIZZLES & CRACKS! The Earth QUAKES. RAIN POUNDS! Lightening BLAZES,Radiating all around. Wet Cows are sitting in the Pasture. Toads & Frogs Thank the RAINMAKER. The porch SHAKES as the THUNDER Crashes.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Checking for Peaches
The Hand's Rooster Crows! Thick dark Gray Clouds roll up from the Southwest. Robins on Pine Branches & a Flock of Ruby-Crowned Kinglets up high in the Pecan Tree PRAISE GOD! Lightening Flashes far to the Southeast. Joey's Rooster CROWS! A Bolt Streaks in the Southeast. Bugs spin under the porch bulb.Mocking Birds & Purple Finches sing the Next Hymn to the LORD. Deer stroll along the side of the House checking for Peaches. Ground Doves & Mourning Doves Chant Mourning Prayer. The Roosters C R O W. Lil'Brown Bats sweep the Magnolia Trees. Purple Pours into the Sky in the east. Cows Moo!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Mockingbirds & Cardinals sing the New Song
the Hands Rooster Crows. Pecan worm Blooms droop. Robins in the Lil'Pine, Purple Finches in the Elm. Meadow Larks on Dogwood Branches & Blue Indigos on the Plum Trees Praise GOD! Deer Bolt across the Field. Mourning Doves & Ground Doves Chant Prayer. Purple Splashes Clouds in the Southeast; Pink Wraps the Horizon. Joey's Rooster Crows. Little Brown Bats make a few more Sweeps 'round the Magnolia Trees. Gray Clouds Roll up from the Gulf. Poor-Wills say Bedtime Prayers. Stars fade. Rabbits dart about the Front Field. Cows moo. Mockingbirds & Cardinals sing the New Song.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Frog Leaps
A Pink Ring wraps 'round the Horizon. Robins on Pecan Branches, Cardinals perched on the barbed wire & Meadow Larks on Peach Limbs Sing Glory to the KING! Purple Smears Gray Puffy Clouds rolling up from the Southwest. Mourning Doves on the Walnut Branches & Ground Doves out by the Grape Vines Chant Prayers with the Poor-Wills. Stars fade. Beneath Lil'Pine Mocking Birds flash & flare at Browns Thrashers Pecking Bugs & Worms, Hoary Bats Steam in a wavy Row on towards the Nests, while Lil'Browns make a few more sweeps in the Tree Tops. Athea Leaves stretch Open WIDE. Roosters Crow, Cows moo. Great Horned Owl WHOOTS Bedtime Prayer. Deer Break from the Woods, darting over the fence to graze at Uncle Doug's. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & Red-Winged Blackbirds on the rail Sing the New Song. A Frog Leaps onto a Lily Leaf.
Monday, April 8, 2013
White Rose Petals Twirl
A Flock of Juncos Flitter into the Top of the Pecan Tree for the Night. The Weird Green Wormy Pecan Things should be releasing Pollen soon. Two Cattle Egret Ride Cows. The Big Orange Ball rolls off the Western Edge. Mockingbirds on Walnut Branches & Song Sparrows in the Red Cammie Bush Sing HOLY HOLY HOLY to Our LORD. Deer Graze beyond the barn. Woodcock Wings Whir as they swoop over the Cows. Mourning Doves & Poor-Wills Pray. Evening Bats Sweep the Tree Tops. Cattle Egrets take off Home. A few of the Magnolia Buds start to swell... mmm The Aroma is so Sweet. Purple Finches on Creep Myrtle sing the next Hymn. Little Holly Buds Bloom; Banana Flowers close. Carolina Wrens Flutter up into Their Nest. White Rose Petals twirl into the Pine Straw.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Box Turtle Moseys
Mourning Doves down the Tree Line, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer. Thousands Upon Thousands, Yellow, Blue, Pink, White & Purple Wildflowers, in an Amazing Pattern Stitched into the Green Carpet of Grass. Blue Jays Whine like ol'swing chain in need of WD40. Crows caw in Uncle Dougs Pines. Honey Bees flying Low tend to Their assigned flower Type. Pileated Woodpecker laughs. Cows moo. Cardinals on Magnolia Branches & Indigo Buntings in the Peach trees Praise the LORD. Bumble bees Crawl on White Cherokee Roses. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Bounce about the Yard. Box Turtle moseys towards the Pasture. Cattle Egret walk like Egyptians following the Cows. Female Cooper's Hawk Works on Her Nest in the top of the Tall Oak Tree. A Monarch Butterfly Flutters tending to the New Red Cammies. Tree Swallows Sweep the Trees. A Red Wasp Climbs on an Althea Limb. Mocking Birds in the Pecan Tree & Song Sparrows on Grape Branches Sing the Next Hymn.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Feasting on Bugs
A Dewy Spider Web sparkles in a Sun Beam as Shadows Shift. Mourning Doves in the Walnut Tree, Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Love Doves atop the Grape Arbor Chant Morning Prayer. A Thousand new Small Yellow POM-POM shaped Wildflowers Shimmer as the Sun Kisses. Scrub Jays Screech like Fingernails on a chalkboard. Squirrels Give Thanks, still finding Pecans to enjoy. A Wood Stork Gracefully Flaps toward the Chatahoochee River. Red Clay Cloud Floats in the Northeast as The tractor HUM, Plowing in Rushing's Fields. Nesting Mocking Birds flash & Flare at a Brown Thrasher Pecking Bugs under the Little Oak Tree. Cows moo. A Large Swarm of Yellow-Breasted Chats(Migrating North, I'll bet) Feasting on Bugs in the Front Field & Frolicing in the Oak Trees Sing Grace PRAISING Our GOD!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Short Eared Owl Barks
Frogs & Toads Give Thanks to the RAIN MAKER. Crickets Fiddle. Cows moo. Roosters Crows. The Hum of Big Rig Trucks on Hwy 84 echoes. Pine Branches sag with Fresh Rainwater. Monkey Grass SLOSHES over my feet. Train Whistle blows at Jakin Cross road. Moths spin under the porch bulb. A Short Eared Owl barks. The Morning Air is so Fresh & Clean after a Spring Shower; The Roses' Aroma so Wonderful.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Garden Spider enjoys a Bug Roll-Up
Wet Cows moo. A Gentle Shower sprinkles like GOD's Amazing Grace. Crows caw flapping North East. Toads & Frogs Give Thanks to the RAIN MAKER. Brown Thrashers Gobble Red Wiggle Worms that have come up to the Surface because of Water saturation. The Roses & Banana Flowers Smell so sweet in the Rain. Carolina Wrens perch on the Back on the Wood porch swing. A Garden Spider enjoys a Bug Roll-Up in Her Web on the Metal swing's Chains. Mocking Birds Splash in the tractor Rut Puddle.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
An Ant Carries a M&M
Three Wasp fashion Wasp Nest Holders under the porch over Hank. A Hairy Woodpecker Taps on a Pecan Branch. Orange Monarch Butterflies Flutter About the Red Bud Blooms. Purple Martins Sweep in close to the Magnolia Trees. An Ant carries a M&M Mini into the Bowl shaped Hill. Cardinals on Grape Branches & Purple Finches on the Banana Flower Bush Rejoice to the Lord. High, a Coopers Hawk Floating Westward With the Wind. Above Him there's 4 Vultures so High I can not tell which Hid. White Clover Flowers & Butter Cups Spring Up throughout the Yard. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & Rock Doves on the Pole Chant Prayers.
Be Glad & Rejoice!
Brewer's Black Birds Chatter & Squeak like Screen Doors Gathering in the Top of the Big Oak. Pink Pushes Indigo forcing dark to Flee. Robins Scratch & Peck for Bugs & Worms. Purple Haze Banks against the Trees on the East side of the Road beyond the Family Grave Yard. Crows caw in Uncle Doug's Pines. Deer Graze Below. Mourning Doves & Love Doves on the power line Chant Morning Prayer. Saw Whet Owl Flaps on Home. Half Moon Has Just about Peaked; One very BRIGHT Star Twinkles Under the Moon. the Fog Pours under the barbed wire into the Treeline. Turkeys Gobble & Cluck. Cows moo. Roosters Crows. all the Flowers smell so Good this Wonderful Spring day the LORD has Made. Be Glad & Rejoice!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Red-Headed Woodpeckers Climb
Ground Doves under the Palms & Love Doves up on the power line Chant Evening Prayers. A Red Wasp crawls on the Althia Bush. Yellow-Shafted Flicker Drums on the Huge Oak. Cows moo. Crows caw. Small Magnolia Buds look like Little Bongo Horns & Smell so WONDERFUL! Blue Jays whine like ol'swing chain. A Box Turtle scoots SLOWLY over the Grass. Cat Bird meeows on a Pecan Tree. Shadows shift and White Day Blooms & Banana Flowers Close. Mocking Birds flash & Flare at Each other. Two Red Headed Woodpeckers Climb up a Magnolia Tree to Tap. Bumble Bees are still Working on Dogwood blooms. Green Heron fly out of the Field. A Grass Snake Slides up the Grape Vine. Cardinals in the Young Cedar Trees & Rufous-Sided Towhees in the Pink Cammie Bush Praise the LORD. Deer Graze beyond the Barn.
A Rooster Crows.
Thick Fluffy Gray Clouds pass under the Half Moon, which is Climbing down from the Top of the Pecan Tree Silhouette. Rails Click & Cluckin the Field. Cows moo. Meadow Larks on Pecan Branches & Robins in the Lil'Pine Praise GOD with JOY. Purple oozes into the far East at the Horizon. In the Distance a Rooster crows.Joey's Rooster Crows with a Reply and The Hand's Rooster Answers with a LOUD Long CROOOOW. Saw Whet Owl toot toot Toots Prayer with the Mourning Doves & Poor- Wills
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