In July of 2008 My Family moved from the Memphis area to Jakin Georgia to care for my Mother-in-law, "Me'Maw" & Her older Sister, "Great Ginny". By the 3rd morning Drinking coffee on the Porch I was BORED & felt Stuck in the Middle of NO WHERE! After Praying I awoke the 4th day seeing the View from the Porch in New Light; from Creation's Porch.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Wild Flowers Spring Up
The Pale Three Quarter Moon climbs in the East. White-Winged Doves on the Grape Arbor & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Prayer. Smoke floats low across the Yard from a Burn Pile. Blue Jays Whine like ole swing chain. A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly Tends to the First Azalia Blooms. Two Bright Male Cardinals Chase about the Freshly Groomed Grape Vines. Pink, Purple,Yellow & White Wild Flowers spring Up in the Greening Grass. Grass-hopper Sparrows Bounce about Patches of Clover. Cows moo. Two Cat Birds meeeow in the Dogwood Tree. Gray Squirrels Play beneath the Pecan Tree. Brown-Headed Cow Birds perched on Pecan Limbs & Mocking Birds in the Magnolia Trees Sing to the LORD with Glee.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Deer Dart
Brown Thrashers in the Walnut Tree & Meadow Larks dotting the Back fence like living Music Notes Sing Praises to Our GOD. Purple Splashes Gray Clouds in the Southeast. Stars fade into the Blue Sky. Veeries Give Thanks pecking & scratching for Worms. Pileated Wodpecker laughs in Lil'Pine above. Deer Dart across the road into Uncle Dougs Clearing. Crow caw in the Family Grave Yard. Turtle Doves Perched on the barbed wire & Ground Doves under the Grape Vines Chant Morning Prayer. Cardnals on Grape Branchs & Mocking Birds on Crepe Myrtle Limbs sing the next Hymn. Pink Circes 'round the Horizion. Dafidills & Narsises Bloom in Clumps about the Yard mixing with the Cammies' Aroma.
Monday, January 21, 2013
A Buck Snorts
a warm breeze wraps around me. Male Woodcocks Wings whirl as they sweep the Field & call out as They swoop. Half Moon Reflects, shining in a Tight Rainbow Halo in the center of a Cloudy Light Circle with Two Stars. Crickets in the Flower Bed Strum as Tree Frogs in the Magnolia Trees Sing Praises to the LORD. Saw Whet Owl in the Lil'Pine toot toot toots at the Barking Short-Eared Owl in the Oak Tree. Cows moo in the Distance. More Stars show as Clouds shift. A Buck snorts as He Pulls on Pine spriggs over the barbed wire. Mocking Birds Sing Bed Time Prayers. A Clomp of White Narsises Glow in a Moon Beam.
Sing with Glee to the LORD!
Robins Giving Thanks peck & scratch for Worms under the Lil'Pine. Carolina Wrens above on Pine Branches & Song Sparrows in the Plum Trees PRAISE GOD. Pink FLARES around the Horizional Rim. Deer Graze along the far edge of the Meadow. Crows caw. A Low Blanket of Fog unfolds from the Woods. Mourning Doves in the Big Magnolia Tree & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Purple Crashes into Gray Cloud to the Southeast.oosters crow. The Stas all Fade. Cardinals in the Holly Bush & Brown-Headed Cow Birds Sing with Glee to the LORD!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Blows out the Last Night Light
I let the Lizard I caught in the Kitchen go on the porch... YUP... It Scurried to the screen door & slipped in at the Worn corner. Cardinals in the Holly Bush Give Thanks for the Berries. Pink FLARES to the East, SPLASHING Purple in the Long Thick Ban of dark Gray Clouds mounting along the Southeastern Horizion. A Saw Whet Owl Flaps over the Peach Trees. Doe stretch over the barb wire CHOWING on the Young Cedar Sprigs. Mournng Doves in the Magnolia Tree Line & Ground doves under the Grape Vines Chant Morning. A 'Coon meandering about sits up & Chatters at me before carrying on. Brown Thrashers in the Pecan Tree & Song Sparrows over in the Dogwood Sing Praise to Our GOD! Cows moo. Crows caw. Our FATHER in Heaven blows out the last Night Light.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Eerie Howls Echo
The Waxing Half Moon Continues the slide West. A Mocking Bird Praises Our CREATOR. Stars Twinkle rightly. A Saw Whet Owl toot toot toots Perched in the Big Pine Tree. Another Saw Whet Owl replies, Tooting on a Pecan Branch. The Crisp Air is invigorating. Killdeer swoop up and down the Drveway. Cows moo. Chuck-Will's-Widows Cry. Crickets Strum as they Sing to the LORD! Eerie HOWLS echo out of the Woods. The Carolina Wrens Spoon asleep in Their Nest.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Cows Moo
Winter Wrens Frolic in the Lil'Pine Tree. Chilling Gust whip the Pink Cammie Bush. Pink & Red Cammies Whirl about the Yard. Winds Whistle in the Mistletoe. Crows caw in the Oak Tops. Cold Wind wraps around my Legs. Limbs Rustle. Leaves Swirl. Cows moo as They Graze. Gray Clouds Sift above. A Mocking Bird on a Walnut Branch Sings Joyfully to the LORD!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Fly away Home
Wilting Pink Cammie Blooms twirl to the Dirt. Blue Jays whine like swing chain. Clouds Shift so a Sun Ray sipps from the Butter Cups. A Flock of crowing Crows Flap out of sight to the Northeast. Two Tiny Black Spiders Crawl through the Grass Weaving Lil'Traps to Catch Lunch. Mourning Doves & Turtle Doves along the barb wire Chant Morning Prayer. Cardinals in the Young Cedars & Indigo Buntings perched in the First Oak Tree Praise Our LORD. A Tan and Green Lizard LICKS up Four Itty Bitty Orange Bugs that were in a Grouping of Twelve on a Broad Green Leaf. Rusty Black Birds in Uncle Doug's Pines Sound like rusty hinges. Yellow Sulphur Butterflys tend to Cammies & Wild Flowers. Cows moo. Mocking Birds flash & flare at Each Other. A Wasp sucks upsome Wood Pulp. Yellow Leaves Swirl to the Grass from the Holly Bush as Cardinals Give Thanks for Holly Berries. Lady Bugs fly away Home. Song Sparrows in the Red Cammie Bush & a few Brown Thrashers on the Crepe Myrtles Sing the Next Hymn to Our LORD! A Cooling Breeze Kisses.
Pine Trees Clap
Sees a few Bright Stars playing peek-a-boo as dark Gray Clouds Shift different Directions. Robins in the Peah Trees & Mocking Birds down the Magnolia Line Praise GOD! Deer BREAK Out troting across the Field. The Roosters Beceech for the Sun. Rabbits Feast on Clover in the Front Field. Two Lines of Quacking Teal attempting to ascend are Forced to Land in the Field by Current Gusts. Cows moo. A Sphinx Month is Tossed about at the Hot Pink Cammie Bush. Leaves Swirl 'round. Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Meadow Larks in the Walnut Tree & Brown-Headed Cow Birds on Dogwood Branches Sing the New Song. The Pine Trees Clap Their Hands.
Isaiah 55:12
New Living Translation
You will live in joy and peace.
The mountains and hills will burst into song,
and the trees of the field will clap their hands!
Amen & AMEN!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Chattering Grackles Gather in the Tops of Oak Trees. The Still Humid Air seems so Unsettling. Blue Jays whine like ol'swing chain. Mocking Birds flash chasing One Another. A Box Turtle Chews on Clover. Distant Mourning Dove & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayers. Deer tuck back into the Cover of the Woods. Flittering Up & CHATTERING Louder, the Grackles Swarm into the Sky, vanishing to the Northeast. Gray Squirrels play beneath the Side Pecan Tree. A Hairy Woodpecker tapps & White Breasted Nuthatches Laugh Their HONKIN' Laugh on Pecan Limbs. More Gray Clouds stack Below a Gloomy Sky.The Bright Hot Pink, Red & Pale Cammies Each add Color to Today & Smell Wonderful. Indigo Buntings perched on Crepe Myrtle Branches Brown-Headed Cow Birds Sing to the LORD with GLEE! A Yellow Sulphur Butterfly tends to the Dafadills.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Cooper's Hawk Doubles Back
Army Ants March to 'n fro' a Large Fortress down the tractor rut. White-Winged Doves on the Fence & Love Doves cuddling on the power line Chant Prayers with the Ground Doves under the Grape Vines. Itty Bitty Pink & Blue Wild Flowers Stretch Toward the Sun. Rays burn through Clouds BURSTING Golden Beams in all Directions. Visiting Scrub Jays zhreek like Bows sliding across Celos Wrong. Two "V" Lines of Teal Ascend from the Guisinger's Pound to the Northeast.Rabbits Bounce about the Front Field in the Green Clover. A Pair of Mocking Birds flash & flare at a Cooper's Hawk. More Dafidills & Narsises Bloom. A Yellow-Bellied Sap Sucker Drums in an Oak Tree. Squirrels Chatter Grace Below Munching on Brown Acorns. The Cooper's Hawk doubles back. WHAM... foolish Mocking Bird, Feathers EXPLODE. Cooper's Hawk Descends into Uncle Doug's Clearing to have Lunch. Cammie Aroma tickles my nose.
Playing in a Patch of Clover
Stars fade into the Blue Sky over head. Brown Thrashers on Magnolia Branches and Meadow Larks in the Plum Trees Sing GLORY to the KING. Thick dark Gray Clouds are Splashed with Purple as They invade the Southeast. Deer Graze along the Wood's Edge. Mocking Birds flare & flash chasing Each other into the Dogwood Tree. A Luna Moth swings on the porch swing as it sways. Purple Finches Give Thanks in the Grape Vines. Ground Doves under the Vines & Turtle Doves along the barb wire Chant Morning Pray. Tiny White Star Flowers & Butter Cupps Dot the Brown Grass. Grass-Hopper Sparrows Playing in a Patch of Clover & Cardinals in the Holly Bush Sing the New Song. MMM the Cammies smell Wonderful.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Monkey Grass Waves
Tree Frogs Exhalt the LORD! Woodcocks call from the Thick-Its. A Warm Wind Whistles in the Mistletoe. A Cricket SPRINGS into the Air landing in the Althea Bush. Red Hot Pink Cammies twirl to the Dirt. Short-Eared Owl barks. Monkey Grass waves; porch swing sways. The Pair of Carolina Wrens Cuddle in Thier Nest. A Long Slinder Snake slithers across the walkway, slides over the Grass & Slinks up into the Pale Pink Cammie Bush. Tiny Bugs Spin at the porch bulp. Evening Bats cut in close. Stars Sparkle like a Jar of Glitter's Millions of Specks Spilt across the Floor. Yet GOD Placed each Star; HE Knows it by Name. GOD Placed You here and HE Knows the Number of Hairs on Your Head. Get to Know GOD better.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Blooming Dafadills Stretch towards the Sun.
Dewwy Spider Webs Droop across the barb wire Glissening. Turtle Doves Chant Morning Prayer with the Ground Doves & Mourning Doves. The Sun Burns through the Fog sipping on Buttercups Tiny White Cone Flowers. Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums. Dirt Churns as Fire Ants Till a New Hill. A Large Flock of White-Breasted Nuthatches Flitter about the small Oak Tree Laughing & cutting Up. A Green Tree Frog Leaps from the porch on to a Brown Iris Plant. Crows caw over head. Blooming Dafadills Stretch towards the Sun. Cardinals on Grape Braches & Purple Finches on the Crepe Myrtles Praise the LORD. Tractors Hum & Grind to the Northwes, maybe Plowing up Cotton Trash. Green Herron Land in the Field to see if there are Bugs in what the Cows left behind yet. A White Sulphur Butterfly tends to the Pink Cammies. Gray Cat Bird Meeows in the Dogwood Tree. Fox Squirrel Chatters Thanks enjoying a Pecan. I may make a Pecan Pie today... Yum!
VANISHING into the Foggy Curtian
Robins Bounce in & out of the Thick Fog Giving Thanks as they Scratch for Worms under the Pecan Tree. Pecan Branches Stretch from the Trunk into the Damp Cloud; I can't see the Mistletoe Clumps. Ground Doves & Mourning Doves Chant Morning Prayers. A Toad hops down the steps. Roosters Crow & CROW Beconing the Sun. Pink Cammies fall in the Grass. Crows caw. Two Rabbits Bound around the House VANISHING into the Foggy Curtian. Carolina Wrens in the Red Cammie Bush & Brown Headed Cow Birds in the Lil'Pine Sing with GLEE to Our CREATOR!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Drinks from a Brown Magnoila Leaf
Pink flares around the Horizion's Rim. Purple Finches in the Red Cammie Bush & Meadow Larks in the Dogwood Tree Praise the LORD. A Mocking Bird Drinks from a Brown Magnolia Leaf in th Dirt. The Thick Fog creeps across the barb wire. Turtle Dove along the fence & Ground Doves under the Palms Chant Morning Prayer. Deer Strut Majesticly across Uncle Doug's Clearing through a Patch of Fog. Crows Caw on Pine Limbs. Tree Sparrows Sweep the Magnolia Trees. Gray Squirrels Chatter Grace Munching on Acorns. Cardinal Frolic above in the Oak Tree & Holly Bush. Sun Rays sip From Butter Cups & Purple Straws doting the Grass. Carolina Wrens in the Lil'Pine & Song Sparrows Playing in the Pink Cammie Bush sing the next Hymn. A Song Sparrow Wisks by my ear. SPLAT! Feathers float to the Porch... the Sparrow tumbles into the Pine Straw. What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. Matthew 10:29
Thursday, January 10, 2013
A Rainbow Draws to the North
A Pileated Woodpecker Laghs as it flaps higher in the Third Magnolia Tree. The Sun FIGHTS Gray Clouds off. Mocking Birds flash & flare, chasing Each other. More Narsises & afadills Bloom. Tree Swallows sweep the Tree Tops. Turtle Doves on the barbed wire & White-Collar Doves on the Grape Arbor Chant Prayer. Cows moo. Song Sparrows in the Red Cammie Bush & Purple Finches on Plum & Peach Branches Sing Praises to the LORD. A Soothing Shower falls like Grace. A Rainbow Draws to the North. Crows caw. The Cows and I get Wet. Pink & Yellow Wild Flowers Stretch. Tree Frogs Give Thanks to the RAIN MAKER.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Aroma Fills the Breeze
Over head a Swarm of Starlings Chatter Flying North Streaming into a Long Wavey Line Hundreds of Birds Long! Mourning Doves in the Magnolia Trees coo Morning Prayers with the Love Doves cuddling on the power line. More Pale Pink, Red & Hot Pink Cammies Bloom, as others Wilt on the Ground... mmm The Aroma Fills the Breeze. Leaves Whirl around. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums. Cows moo. Blue Jay whine. A Sphinx Moth tends to the White Narsises. A Song Sparrow SLAMS into the living room window.
Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.
Matthew 10:29
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Yellow-Shafted Flicker Drums
I hear Song Sparrows as They Frolic in the Dogwood Tree along with Red-Wing Black Birds on Grape Braches Praising Our CREATOR Joyfully! Ground Doves under the Grape Vines & Turtle Doves perched on the barb wire join in Prayer Concert with The Rock Doveson the power line. A Sphinx Moth hovers at the Hot Pink Cammie Bush Tending to Business. Grey Squirrels chatter Thanks over Pecans. Mocking Birds DIVE From Pecan Limbs flashing & Flaring till the Squirrels scurry away. A White BEAMING Sun Ray prierces through a Gray Cloud shooting high. From the North a Streaming Hoard of Squaking Starlings Flys over Head dipping low into the Far Field. Cows moo just over the fence as They graze. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker drums. The Pale Waining Half Moon peek-a-boo in a Cloud break. Winter Wrens in the Lil'Pine & Meadow Larks on the Peach Trees Sing the next Hymn.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Sing With Us!
I see Patches of Green with tiny Purple Buds BLOOMING, stretching towards the Sun. Tufted Titmice on Crepe Myrtle Limbs & Purple Finches bouncing around the Red Cammies Praise Our CREATOR. The BIG Black Bulls turns His Head and Stares at me as the Cows continue Grazing Clover Clomps in the Brown Field. Crows caw over Head. The Lazy Half Mon crosses in to the West High above the Crows. A Mocking Bird drinks from the Water pot; Another flashes, flares & squaks chasing the other away, so He can drink. A Fox Squirrel Chomps on a Pecan. Mourning Doves above on Pecan Branches & roo-cooing Rock Doves on the Power line Chant Morning Prayer. Deer Stroll across Uncle Doug's Clearing next to the Family Grave Yard. Comman Yellow-Throats Splashing in the tractor rut & Cardinals in the the Holly Bush Sing the New SONG! I add my Joyful Noise; Sing with Us!
Psalm 96:1-3
1 Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Greener Grass from This Side
I see Steamy Fog hang over the Dewwy Field. Blue Jays whine Like ol'swing chain. Crow caw in the Oak tree. Squirrels Chatter Thanks under the Tree munching Acorns. A Yellow-Shafted Flicker Drums on an Elm Branch. Mocking Birds flash & Flare. Pale Waining Half Moon peaks high over head. Brown Thrashers scrath dirt under the Lil'Pine. Carolina Wrens on Pine Limbs & Meadow Larks in the Pecan Tree Praise Our CREATOR. A Sphinx Moth Tends to the Hot Pink Cammies. Cardinals in the Holly Bush Sing Grace. Love Dove roo-coo and cuddle on the power line. Sun Rays sip from Tiny White Cone Flowers & Buter Cups. A Pileated Woodpecker laughs. A Barn Owl flaps towards the Barn. Cows push against the barb wire to get some Greener Grass from this side.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Damp Chilly Air.
I see Three Turtle Doves on the barebed wire Chanting Prayer. A Wet Fox Sqiurrel Leaps into an Oak Tree. Crows in Uncle Dougs Pines caw. A Pileated Woodpecker in the 2nd Magnolia Tree Laughs. Gentle Rain Drops Kiss. Mocking Birds in the Big Pine & Meadow Larks on Crepe Myrtle Branches Praise the LORD. A Gust Stirs the Damp Chilly Air. Brown Thrashers Give Thanks pecking for Bugs & Worms. Chattering Grackles swarm up out of the Tree Topps Streaming Eastward out of sight. A Daddy Long Leg Crawls over my foot.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A Roadside Dinner Spot
I see Sun Rays Break from behind Gray Clouds in the West. Purple Finches on Plum Branches & Cardinals in the Holly Bush Praise the LORD. Red Clay Churns as Fire Ants till New Ground. White-Winged Doves perched on the power line & Turtle Doves along the barbed wire Chant Prayer. Tiny Yellow & Pink Flowers dot the Grass. A Mocking Bird on the Water pot and two Red-winged Black Birds in the Walnut Tree sing the next Hymn. Pecans plop in the Grass. Three Turkey Vultures Circle South along the Road looking for a Roadside Dinner Spot. The Cammie Aroma smells so Wonderful.
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